The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambition Ship Men's Crossing Report Chapter 413

Altolia knows an mucomy virus to effectively kill the rabbit, but in 1943, the British did not have this biotechnology.

Australia has regarded Australia as the "New England" base camp, naturally unable to tolerate $ 100 billion rabbit in Australia, the situation in Australia has emerged as a desert.

Part of the knowledge from the Altolia of Lin Han, she knows that in China, the rabbit disaster is good, the fish is there, this kind of thing has never happened in China.

In front of the Chinese people with "big food" empire, as long as it is delicious, even God is also ate.

So, for the rabbit disaster in Australia, Altolia put forward a suggestion to Tanglin Street 10: Tome tens of thousand hunters to China, establish a rabbit industry in Australia, using "Chinese tongue" this natural enemy, to eliminate Australia terror Rabbit disaster.

After a month of discussion, Australia and the United Kingdom agreed to this recommendation.

The British chooses to "import" rabbit hunter to China rather than the Japanese, mainly the British is frightened by the Japanese who are refused to walk in 1940. In order to cope with the threat of northern China, the British in responding to the threat of northern China and excluding the beauty of the beauty. As a result, the million Japanese people will not go, until it is a disaster. This crisis will be relieved to lead the Japanese to the Toxing direction.

Now Japan has a strong navy, and China has not, let the Chinese hunter solve the rabbit crisis, this British is very relieved.

At the beginning of 1944, Altolia passed the relationship with Lin Han, and made recommendations to New China asked to "rent" 20,000 hunters to New China to help Australia's rabbit disaster in Australia. The British did not send 20,000 people to deal with the rabbit. It is really a long war with the war of rabbits. It is too high for the labor costs and logistics costs of tens of thousands of people. If this is not possible to make a long-term industry, if there is any income, the final result is the war of the former and rabbits, because it is completely unilaterally investment, eventually failing due to the high cost is too high.

When I first received this telegram, the Chinese side thought that the British was joking. In the same way with Lin Han, she understood what the so-called "rabbit disaster" was going on, and the people in New China agreed with the British request.

In February 1944, the leaders of the county party committee of all over China, suddenly received an order, requiring them to find "hunting experience" hunters gathered, concentrated in the provincial cities around the world.

For only one month, the new China is easily assembled for 20,000 hunters with rich hunting experience. During this time, these "Rabbit Hunters" have also held many "Zhu Ge", and with "rabbit hunters" from Australia to exchange each other's hunting experience.

In April 1944, in the thousands of Australians, the first batch of 20,000 "rabbit hunters" from China started from Shanghai, and passed the guests provided by the British to Australia. As you start with them, there are many "rabbit hunters" in this time, specially designed and manufactured, large-scale industrial production of all kinds of finated warents.

In May, the rabbit hunter from China landed in Australia.

The latter fierce rabbit wars launched in Australia.

Based on the and the Chinese agreement, the Chinese ex out, and the relevant transportation tools, some guns, and the allocation facilities such as radio communication equipment. In addition, the British also established rabbit rabbit skin processing production lines in several encircled rabbits. According to the agreement, the rabbit is captured everywhere, and all the benefits, the rabbit rabbit skin is sold to China with nearly white.

In the first month, 20,000 Chinese hunters have died more than 60,000 rabbits in Australia - this number seems to be strong, but the total number of rabbits more than $ 10 billion in Australia at this time, six million rabbits It is just a nine cattle.

In the second month, the number of rabbits that was destroyed with "The Rabbit Skills" has risen to seven million. Then, this number of hunting numbers have been continuously rising. Compared with the national military or civilian manual hunting, "hound rabbits" from China is extremely low, and only the labor costs of domestic labor are only required. After canceling other expenses of hunting, counted the benefits of selling rabbit rabbit skin, although small losses, they can be tolerated.

Over the time, the Australian encirclement rabbit failed, a big reason is that the cost of labor cost is high, the rabbit that is expected, can only be thrown away from the garbage. But now there is a huge rabbit meat consumption market in China, and the "garbage" has become useful.

After August 1944, the city's coastal city, the local residents' vegetable basket suddenly had a lot of recipes: Australian rabbit meat. A batch of caverns made with rabbit skin are also listed in the north.

The Australian after taste the sweetness, demanding more "rabbit hunters" to the new China. In the next day, China also adds a number of professional training rabbit hunters into Australia.

By the beginning of 1945, rabbit hunters from China destroyed more than 100 million rabbits in Australia - but compared to the number of $ 10 billions, still is a drop in the bucket. However, an exciting news is that in New Zealand, which is relatively small, under the focus of 50,000 Chinese rabbit hunters, local rabbit disasters have been greatly inhibited.

What is most exciting by the Australian and New Zealand people that they captured the rabbit can only be thrown away, but through the transactions of New China, they found this disaster to become "income". Although the newly built "rabbit" industry chain is still in the need for government subsidies, it is still acceptable than the huge losses caused by rabbit disasters, as well as the huge costs paid by the rabbit.

Chinese rabbit hunters and Chinese stomachs are eliminated in the rabbit at very high speed. But the rabbit is the most powerful, or its horror fertility.

Therefore, the Chinese hunter can do, it is to concentrate on the key encirclement, a piece of grassland to remove local rabbits, compress their living space, focus on the rabbits. The Australian rabbit disaster is not easy to handle, but relatively small New Zealand island, it is possible to solve it.

The most headache problem is that the rabbit is active, and it is difficult to empty a rabbit in a region. After a few months, the rabbit of other places run over, or the residual rabbit starts to be born again ...

"This is an endless war."

Wang Qiu, a famous arrested rabbit master from China, said. As one of the team leaders from the Chinese Rabbit Hunter, Wang Qiu led the team to eliminate more than 20 million rabbits in three years. In Australia, Wang Qiu himself created a record of the three hundred days of the rabbit, so he got the outer number of the rabbit killer and the king of the rabbit, but Wang Qiu himself from Beijing is extremely disliked. . Australians learned from Wang Qikou that in the forefum dummy, I have elapsed a violent emperor called the rapids. He has created three hundred amazing records of the rabbit, for this hunter emperor, was tortured by the rabbit Australian people who die is dead.

(Note: "Clear Classics": "I have used the bird gun to bow, I have used the bird gun to bow, the bear is twelve, the leopard is twenty-five, and the elk is fourteen, the wolf Ninety-six, the wild boar is 133, the venus of the whistle is hundreds, and the rest of the surroundings will not be able to win the beast. The world can't be and the number of this day. ")

In the face of the rabbit a few births, if you can't reduce their quantity to the extremely low level, up to half a year or even two or three months, the rabbit destroyed in front will come back. One tens of billions of rabbits, even the Chinese eliminated half of them in three months, which is five billion, and the rabbit lived in three months, and immediately gave you back.

In the end, the temporary end of this rabbit disaster is still a virus war.

The war of Chinese rabbit hunters and Oceania rabbits has lasteded in 1949, and the British finally found a more efficiently killing the rabbit's means.

The Australians have used a murder of the Australian rabbit than the history of the Australian rabbit, and quickly eliminated the local percent ninety o'clock in the way in the history of the Australian rabbit. rabbit. The reason why dragging to now, mainly the object of biologists, they are worried that artificial spread viruses will cause non-expected adverse reactions.

Before Australians launched a virus war, rabbit hunters from China used various means, and the Ocean Province destroyed more than 50 billion rabbits, and more than 22,000 rabbit hunters were working all over the place - due to Rabbit's terrible fertility, the biggest achievements of Chinese people are only completed on the upper surface to complete the temporary removal of rabbit disasters in New Zealand, as for the rabbit disaster in Australia, but also inhibit.

The rabbit is so difficult to deal with, one is that the scale is too big, the second is that the Chinese rabbit hunter is still not enough, three, if you can persist in the past, catch the Chinese hunter is likely to put Australian rabbit It has been endangered with endangered animals, but Australians have some heartache, and they are too much Chinese. After determining the virus war, give up this "environmental protection" practice.

In this war in this and rabbit, the Chinese people have got a large amount of cheap meat and fur, while some of the military sent a gunman in the rabbit hunter, and also exercised through hunter. Rabbit meat from Australia, greatly improving the food of China's coastal cities, increasing consumption of meat. In the past few years, China has cultivated a large number of "hunters" in a large number of profound foreign languages.

British and Australians are also beneficiaries. The rabbit hunter from China, in addition to helping them inhibit the rabbit of rabbit, the British and Australian all kinds of Chinese-style cuisine have been chopped, and there is a "red burning rabbit in the local area" "This famous dish, even once changed the Australian eating habits. In front of the rabbit meat processing means from all kinds of geographicals of the big food, there is no resistance for the ministers of the Dark Empire.

In 1949, the last batch of rabbit hunters from China was withdrawn from Australia. In order to commemorate this major historical incident, the British who had just moved the royal family to Sydney, landed Chinese rabbit hunters, the day of Australia, that is, April 15th Hunter Day. "

In this process, the more unfortunate thing is that when Chinese hunters landed in Australia, hundreds of Chinese venue dogs helped to hunt rabbits.

In Australia's several years of work, these Chinese venue dogs were fed by the local rich rabbit meat, those who returned to China, and basically could not adapt to domestic rough diet.

In addition, this batch of rabbit hunters from China has hundreds of people with local Australian girls, and there is a foreign love. It has long been expected to have this kind of Lin Han, the President of Li Yunshi passed the gas, and after allowing, these foreign countries have left the Chinese rabbit hunter, and some of them left Australia.

In the Wellington, New Zealand, I also specially designed a statue for the famous Chinese Rabbit Hunter Wang Qiu - he went 50,000 rabbits in five years in Australi, and invented a variety of high-efficiency large area. The means of rounding the rabbit is the most famous rabbit hunter.

When Wang Qiu went to the rabbit in New Zealand, the people around him were called their old kings, and the Australians missed this as their own name. Plus the difference in things, when the local literature records this incident, they mistakenly record the famous rabbit hunter's name as "Lao Lao Wang".

40 years later, Wang Qiu, which has been draped, and returned to this place with her grandson. When he took a bunny in his right hand, he saw his English name on the stone carving base called "Lao Lao Wang" when he called "lao lao wang". But the locals have been accustomed to this called, although Wang Qiu himself made an objection, but finally did not change.

One thing about this rabbit war, the most interesting thing is that when Wang Qiu became dissatisfied with "old king" for himself, his granddaughter said on the side: "Grandpa you are old, Is it not good to be old? When you are more than yourself, your name is better than you have ... "

Chapter 488

Located in the Semibarakask test site in Kazakhstan, this is a nuclear test site in Sino-Sude, Sude, in 1943.

In the three, just a few years of new China, the technology is very weak, and only "soy sauce" in this nuclear study, Sude's scientists are the main force.

However, China's advantage is that they have forests of Lin Han. In terms of nuclear weapons research, they can provide a "strategic meaning" intelligence in scientific research, and less detailed detours in nuclear bomb development. Although Hannah and Lin Han are generally traversers, but she is in front of Stalin in front of Stalin, I don't know the existence of future history. Hannah is in terms of nuclear problems in terms of the safety of Germany, and the China may not have nuclear weapons as soon as possible to increase pressure to the Soviet Union.

The German problem is that the country has a small and lack of hidden, and the test site of the nuclear test can be carried out. Although the one-year war is over, Germany has recovered some of the colonies lost after a war, but in the colonial, the nuclear test is not as convenient to the nuclear test in their own control area.

After three consultations, the Germans agreed that the first nuclear test was carried out in the Soviet Union and broke the nuclear bomb manufactured by the Soviet Union. The second nuclear bomb will detonated in China's Robury test site in China. In this process, three of these two nuclear tests are shared.

On July 20, 1945, the Semibarakinsk test site in Kazakhstan, which was originally a Gobi desert in the past. But after two years of construction, this Gobi stands in the depths of more than a hundred meters high, which is an iron tower that is about to place the world's first atomic bomb.

On the wilderness of the side, various testings are placed in different distances around the tower. Cow, sheep, horses, donkey, pig, dog, chicken, duck and monkey, orangutan, quietly eating in the iron cage.

In addition to these unlucky animals, all kinds of weapons such as aircraft, cannons, tanks are also distributed around them. In addition, the surrounding special rugged work, civil buildings, and steel strapping bunkers with reinforced concrete. These buildings are specially built in the past two years. The purpose of its construction is to test the crackdown effect of the nuclear explosion that is about to occur here. In addition, we are still in different locations, and various exploration instruments, photography facilities are installed, and all scientific data are prepared.

In order to this nuclear test, Sudue has a big capital, and the Soviet is placed here. In addition to the old T26, BT7, KV, T34, and even the latest IS tank series is here. Can see the trace.

Germany also puts the No. 2 tanks, No. 3 tanks in their own home, and Martier II tanks in French Battle, are placed here.

As early date, the nuclear experts in Sude had already assembled this atomic bomb. At 6 o'clock in the morning of July 20, a more robust underground nuclear impact of specialized construction nearby, with the Soviet Union, the time is up to 60 seconds countdown.

I have long wear a portable glasses in the Three Kingdoms scientific and technological personnel who are prepared nearby. Cameras arranged in each place in all areas of shooting records have long been turned.

At 6:00, it is half a second. When the time countd on zero, the nuclear test of the two countries of Sudou took hands, and pulled the same detonator button. (Note: The first nuclear bomb is detonated by the person in charge of the two countries of Sudi to be political needs)

A bright huge fireball, splamed on the 100-meter iron frame, rolled up the soot on the ground, the heat wave rolled on the fire. Flames wrapped in smoke. The red gas group is produced along with the molten soil, which is toned to the air. It rose to more than 400 meters of high altitude. The dark red concentrated flames gradually formed a huge mushroom blazing fire.

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