The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambel Ship Men's Crossing Report Chapter 415

Although both parties have fallen in the process of communication, this communication is great in the maturity of jet fighter technology between English and Germany. Altolia and Hannah are not afraid of the US Army, the only fear, but the US aviation soldiers, especially their horrible preparatory pilot training capabilities.

The number of photos, the two of Yingde added difficulties with the US blood to fight, only by quality. In the upcoming Pacific War, Altolia and Hanna pressed the chip to the new jet fighter.

When the War of Europe, the British took enough German Air Force's suffering, and the aviation technology of Germany was also very eye-catching, and Germany also had a long-term accumulated "heritage" in the United Kingdom. The two sides will thrive each other and have a high-rise from the middle and hi-Tong help to pull the skin, soon hook together.

Both sides take out each other's aviation engine technology and aerodynamic research to communicate, even if the airborne weapon is shared. In the field of aviation artillery, Yingde also has director, Germans immersed for many years in Digo Technologies and Gotlin Machines, and the British is in the advantages of materials. The same design cannon can make it easier.

Under Yingde, the two countries have developed a new generation of 30 millimitary aviation guns.

The main weapon of the double-haired fighter meteor fighter is 4 x 20mm hispano mk.v cannon, but the British also specially developed two 30 mm machine guns, and the 30 gun equipped on ME262, it is two Products in the Air China industry.

This meteor fighter equipped with a 30mm arm is being prepared for Americans. The time and poor time of the United Kingdom and the United States may be in 1946, when the main bomber of US Luhang will be the B29 bomber-resistant B29 that is polarized and even the B36 bomber. Traditional 20mm machine guns are hard to smash this bomber.

In addition, scientists in the two countries also cooperated to develop a new generation of VT air-to-air rockets, tariffs for the United States.

In this year, the two sides have been complementary in the aviation field, and they are all beneficial, and they are very satisfied with each other.

After getting the German technology, the British upgraded the old meteor fighters into a F4 type. When the US nuclear test, Altolia was watching the new aircraft's test fly in the Air Force base of Glasgow.

After getting this information, Altolia immediately rushed back to London in the first time, and the Prime Minister Aide. After the birth of Altolia, with her help, the UK quickly stopped the situation in which the national strength was constantly decoy. Not only that, but the diplomacy is also very successful, in Europe and Germany, there is also a change in the Asian situation. Today's British people are very satisfied with the Aidley government, and Edli successfully completed the prime minister.

Altolia rushed back to London after receiving the telegram from London. At this time, Tangning Street is concerned about the horrible "dieting weapons" developed by the Americans, and it also regrets for the proposal to increase investment in nuclear weapons in front of Altolia.

"The guy of Germany, the guy who born earlier than me, she should realize the power of this weapon earlier. Americans are studying German talents, the US atomic bombs come out, Germans should be earlier It's coming out. There are many Germans in our hands that you want to have traded with them. "

How does the German nuclear plan progress, Altolia is not very clear. But she understands that their father and Hanna are a traveler, and they are, Germany will only get nuclear bombs earlier than the United States.

Altolia knows Lin Han's position on the British on this issue. Lin Han understands that the development of the Antimalbuck is a late day. In this case, it is better to take out the nuclear technology of the hand to sell it to the British.

On the issue of the atomic bomb, it is facing the huge pressure of the Soviet Union, and the heart is also very needed in a nuclear country to act as their allies. Although China's nuclear industry has received strong support in Germany, it is necessary to truly master and detonate their own independently manufactured atomic bombs, it takes longer. And the United Kingdom, only give them technology, soon, you can make your own nuclear bomb.

When the first Amsterdam negotiated, Altolia's greatest gains was to achieve understanding and alliances with Hanna. With regard to the atomic bomb, Hanna said that it can be used to trade, the problem is only her offer.

In this year, Although Altolia has been busy in India's things and the construction of new letters, they have not relaxed in this matter.

After a few days in the same way, she called the five intelligence officers who cooperated with her, Rosenie, asked him:

"Mr. Roth, Mr. Ros, I want you to prepare for the gift, are you ready?"

I heard the gift that she said, Roschier's face, then nodded: "It's ready, there are twelve, I don't know if you will not be satisfied."

Altolia Road: "I am not satisfied is not important. It is important that the guy is satisfied."

Roschone didn't understand: "He is a god, will he look around this low-level valley?"

"God has the gods, also humanity. If there is really no valley, I am also, the German's place, or China's one, we will not take advantage of our motherland. We are conscious The aggregate, constitutes our character, is all the emotions of our nation, and the valley is also one of them, and it is the most important part. "


Rose Needle nodded.

Roschild, engaged in unamburit, and he likes to cooperate with Altolia. Not only because she is the British guardian, but is the actor of Rosierd's appetite in the British guardian.

The next day, Rosierd took Altolia to a specialist school and visited the "gift" he carefully selected.

"According to you, long legs, high, long hair, body has no odor."

"In order to ensure that they have good body, we have special instruments to control their diet and related physical exercise."

After reading the "gift" who was preparing to send, Altolia said very satisfied. After half a month, the twelve gifts were brought to the Netherlands.

When the British, Germany, Su, and China were successful in the US nuclear test, in Washington, the capital of the US, President Dewey is also excited to have a "Tu God" weapon for the United States. So far, the US military also has two other atomic bombs.

The President Dewey excitedly: "With this thing, the Navy does not have to carry out hard islands and landing!"

Nimitz shook his head reminded the President: "We are all nearest to Japan in Aura, where the Japanese land is too far, the active land base bomber cannot carry nuclear bomb to Japan. Not only that, not only the same, from Aura The nearest Japanese island is too far! To throw this thing into the Japanese, we must capture the Qiandao Islands! Then build a new aviation base. "

The United States attacked Japan from the North, two, one is the relatively bad climate in the North Pacific. Second, it is close to the Kamchatka Peninsula, and the attitude of the Soviet Union is a big problem. So far, the Soviet Union is still unknown to the attitude of the Japanese Wars that happened around. They have received various benefits from Americans from the Americans, but the right hand is still supplying Japanese war materials, especially the most precious oil.

A portion of the island is affiliated to the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union can agree to these islands temporarily rent to the US Navy, then the Americans can rely, establish land-based aviation base, then seafood, step on the island of Qiandao Islands The chain attacks in the south to attack Japan.

But this is just a wonderful fantasy. Upon receipt of Ashilian Islands in 1944, Americans did not deliver a lot of benefits to the Soviets. But in this point, Shanglin is very awake, no matter how beautiful the big cake drawn from the Americans, he is not willing to be unhappy.

Therefore, Americans want to take a northern route, but they are honestly crossing the warships through the distance of approaching 3,000 kilometers, and the Yuehai attacks Japan's northern island chain, and its goals are very famous "Northern Four Island" in the later generation - That is, the island, the tooth dance island, and Yogan.

10th volume of old continent VS new mainland

Chapter 490, five-party talks

Amsterdam, Netherlands, the Netherlands, seaside city-to-North Sea, has become the focus of the world in the past four years.

The meeting is always selected in the Netherlands, there are many reasons.

First, the Netherlands is sandwiched between the UK and Germany, not far from the Soviet Union, and the geographical location is "suitable". Today's Europe, most countries are not to hold the Soviet thighs, just hold German thighs, or hold British thighs. Only a few countries such as Netherlands, Switzerland also maintain a supernatural neutral status.

The second is that the Dutch is in the sea, and the intersteration of the two countries of Yingde is very convenient to come to the big god. Compared with the other neutral Switzerland is not suitable.

Three is the "compensation" of the British to the Dutch. In 1942, the British Joint Japan plus a non-invollarable China, and three of them were divided into Indonesia. After losing the last colony, the Dutch's day is Wang Xiaodi New Year, a year is not as good as one year.

The British held the meeting in the Netherlands, and also made the Dutch "earn some outsight" as compensation. Each International Conference was held in the Netherlands, and the foreign reporters were swarmed, and these ex-people who were squeezed can also bring some economic income to the Netherlands.

A family of Lin Han people chaos history, let Europe's like Netherlands, Spain's "old name" rogue state, early falling in advance, can only rely on the tragic life of people's "venue".

However, in the Netherlands Amsterdam's "five giants", no one has an idea in the heart of the Netherlands. They gathered here, discussing topics about World Island, especially the Peace of the North Pacific.

The content of the topic has three.

First, how to interfere is the US war that is about to enter the "Holidism", this is the topic of five who can't escape. Even in China, the weaker China's weakest capacity, due to the direct borders of North Korea and China under Japan, and Japan also occupies China's Taiwan Bend. If you don't talk about the bending problem, the Chinese side is likely to stand to the United States because of this problem - in order to draw China, the US will have a bunch of fires in the new China.

Second, how to put the US will return the topic of the Americas after the war.

Third, the topic of establishing an international order after the war.

Because each topic is very important, it is the highest head of the four countries. Due to worried about the destruction of the outside, the four countries led Amsterdam, and the four countries also sent a special security personnel to the arrangement. The cost of this is also made to make the host Dutch.

In the three topics, the first second question is closely linked, as long as the US Navy is defeated, the United States can only retract to the Americas. The third European new order is not anxious, you can talk slowly.

The focus of the five countries is the topic of the Pacific War, but the two protagonists, Americans and Japanese, who are invited to participate in Japanese people. As for the Americans, the US also wants to send people to participate, but the four countries who have been held will refuse, but the reasons are actually: this meeting, the name is Eurasian talks, the United States is American countries.

And the official newspaper in Europe, when reported this incident, the header headline has been in accordance with the official request: Eurasian is Eurasian.

Five families with no peace, from the beginning, the Americans refused to do. The President Dewey saw this report after seeing this report, there was a thousand grass mud horses ran.

Five families are in Amsterdam, most of the content is deliberately confidential, open to the outside world, and five things I want to use it to apply to the United States, force the United States's tentacles to take out Eurasia.

The reason why the German enthusiastically, one is that he wants to completely pay the account, and he is eager to clear the US threat.

In Hannah, the battle and World War II, Germany have almost touched the goddess of the goddess twice, but they all defeated because of the United States. Eurasian is the Ou Asian Eurasian, this slogan is to thoroughly, the Americans insert the European Political Bureau.

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