The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambitions, Men's Crossing, Chapter 405

Rosierd stunned, and then nodded to understand.

Since the beginning of the sacred impact, the five countries with "God" have not yet been temporarily unlicensed, and the British, Germany, and Japan will not wait to push the country to the front desk. With the "incense belief" to enjoy the national, only China's performance is blocked, and it is very strange. After the beginning of the sacred shock, the Journal of the British is that "China's will crystallization" has been stuck in foreign countries for a long time, and it is more difficult to play the role of "Safaros" in Germany. It is not willing to go back to China.

This is easy for people to produce all kinds of associations. Since the "super human" "super human" such as Lin Han, Dahe Fuzi has organized a large number of experts, specializing in these existence. Studying their ability, thinking, personalized preferences, etc., Lin Han is naturally a subject of research by the British.

From the Lindan's stomach, I certainly know why, but because of the "father" has an agreement, she keeps the British in this matter, and also conserved him about Li Huimei. Secret.

Altolia asked: "Mr. Rothschild, do you know where the key to decide the future fate of the British Empire?"

"India, Australia, Canada?"

Roschielde, I thought about it, and his brain thought of several answers, but it was denied by yourself.

"It's the uterus, the womb's uterus!"

Altolia answered him.

Altolia then sighed:

"The biggest weakness of the Empire of the British Empire is that the population of our main nation is too small."

Rosierd expressed her understanding.

"I have something to solve the various means of solving the dilemma of the British Empire, in fact, it is just the rule of the standard, the real key is not here, but other places."

Chapter 480 Gandhi's tears

"It's still a lot of land that belongs to the empire, we have come and correct past mistakes!"

Altolia picked up the globe in the room, pulled it up, let him transfer to the side of Australia and New Guinea, staring there.

"This single bed is too small, but squeezed too much big man. How to fight, the winner will not have a good end. In this case, we don't jump out, go anywhere. ? "

Altolia said, her hand is gently in Australia, New Guinea, Maduo Islands and New Zealand, and then she continues to turn the globe, and finally parked in Canada.

To make the day, the Empire avoids the disease like the history. In addition to the woman who is willing to have more than a child, you need to do more than two hundred years ago: moving, leaving the European crowded single Man bed.

At how to turn the British Empire from European countries or "Ocean States", His father Lin Han is thinking now, but how does it not raze, and put India "cut" for the future. It is more broken to prepare.

Lin Han is very clear about the next 21st century, to be a strong country, first, you must be a "population" big country. China, the United States is in line with this condition, and there is no disintegration, there is no Soviet Union, and the British Federation without collapse is also barely complied with this condition - of course, the Soviet Union and the United States have never disintegled.

India is the second largest population big country in the future, and also has the hope of becoming a strong country.

The future of India, is big and not strong. There are many reasons, but the important reason is that they lack a red political parties called Li Desheng leader, sweep the various disadvantages that India have accumulated in two thousand years. The lotus of the old age will be severely dragged. The pace of the world strong country.

If you can truly save India, you only launched the most thorough revolution from the bottom by the "real" print-leading India.

However, Lin Han did not want to see India's red revolution to succeed, even if it was a "successful possibility", he didn't want to leave a Indian.

Because such India will become China's largest enemy in South Asia.

He wants to see a quartently five cracked, continue to retain the "seed name" system, even if this India is in the hands of the United Kingdom, there is no relationship between the British colonial in the hands of the British.

Lin Han believes that India will finally go out independently from the British control, this is inevitable, even Altolia thinks that this is unable to stop, the remaining time is only a length of time.

In Lin Han, the UK's rule in India, like history, overnight, "avalanche", ending the entire British Indian region is independent, this situation is absolutely not allowed. Because the consequences of this are likely to appear in the South Asia, it will appear in history "that big".

Although in this plane, Lin Han can pass the influence of India, but this is just "possibly", no one knows what will happen. Because of such a big place, suddenly all out of the British mastery, the area is too wide, the operation process is too difficult to master control, Lin Han is not willing to put all the uncertain factors.

It is best to be easy to grasp, that is, the British India is peeled off from the UK. For example, today is the Burmese area, tomorrow is Bangladesh, and the day after tomorrow is the Punjab area of ​​the northwest Kashmir, and then it is a few states in India.

These a piece of area that is detached from the British, everything is "independent" country, even if Gandhi and Nehr can reapoleum, they have no way to re-spelling them back to the "complete" India in history - currently The Sino-North People's Republic is the first goal of Lin Han to envisage initially realize.

This piece of slowly stripped process is like a bamboo tube to open a small hole, which is most convenient for him to do a foot. If it is a whole history, it is out of the whole place. It is like a moment in the bamboo tube, it is difficult to control.

At this point, Altolia and Lin Han's ideas are not contradictory. In order to achieve the purpose of the two, both sides need the Tatani guerrillas in West Bengal, and maintain a large influence.

In this matter, the British and the Lanfang Republic are in this incident, they will not be able to join hands. Lin Han is very clear, his own dark heart thinking is absolutely impossible to get new China's recognition, so he fully skipped in the new China, directly through his own power and the Latany guerrillas.

Lin Han didn't matter in Lan Fang, but the current governor of the entire Lanfang Republic is almost all his students, and his horse is looking forward. After the sacred shock, Lin Han's "identity" exposed, the Chinese overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia were the existence of the savior, and worshipers and believers were countless.

From the former Lin Han order to remove the treems in Lanfang, the chapel is also resistant. Now there is no need for him to order, the people have spontaneously put Kong Laofu, and the Yumai, the Indian monk, and then replace the Xuanwu Emperor.

Time entered March, Gandhi and Nihru came to the "light retrieval area" in the northeast of West Bengal, and see the situation after the local war is restored.

More than a month ago, there was a shocking full-Indian massacre, and then two people were here, surprised to find a lot of residual childers, all wearing a "honor, Nañas" often wear, show The "Holy Ritch" of your identity.

Gandhi and Nihru are also a "celebrities" in India. From the previous time, it is always easy to get the "onlookers" and welcome of many people, but here, ordinary people ignore them, regard them as air, The reason is that the people here have now found a "savior" that is better than Gandhi.

Over the past, the Latanan guerrilla area and the base area are now fully constructed in Kolkata, and "Shengguo" control, with these armed forces, and the missionaries who come to the British.

This area was "Saw" by the guerrilla and , regardless of the high-model, low-breed, and the population is heavy. After the British army received this place, had previous lessons, and the local people were in extreme uneasiness.

At the same time that Montbutton announced that the British missionaries, the British missionaries, publicly taught this manner, and they told local poor, as long as they join the British national education, the British will guarantee the absolute safety of their lives and property, so they are worried about being worried local After the clerk of the people, the people will be embarrassed.

Gandhi and Nihru have been transferred in the local area, and then returned to Kolkata with fear of full.

"Siny British."

This is all the feelings of the two people.

At this time, Golria, the Governor's house has also turned over the day.

A large pile of high-root surnames, the glogging, the "honor not Lama people" in front of the Governor's house and the other pool.

The high surnames, mostly from the Latuni guerrillas in the West Bengal guerrilla area and the base area, all the "lost landlord" family relatives.

During the annual event of the Latuni guerrilla, swept the local middle, a large number of Borneomen and the brake Demine were killed. In its radical land-reform policy, the landlord, which has more land, is Kill, the Trich is more burned, and then the relevant information of the local officially sealed stimetial documents and other related materials will be burned.

After the British recovered these "lost land", the union of the unreasonable land will directly declare the "state-owned", and then allocated to the "honor of the Tania" cultivated. All the families of "Honor" and "Santa Luo" and "Shou Luo Shi" have been divided into one of their own fields. The original station in the guerrilla area, as long as the British national education has become an accredited "honor not Chainian", there is also land distribution (just less quantity).

The British Colonial Authority announced that these families who were allocated to the land, some people were served in the army, and they were "military identity", and their fields were completely tax-free, and only the second year Two-fold tax, 30% tax. If the soldiers fight during the military service, and the family enjoys the tax-free offer - punishment measures. If the soldiers are in the war, they will be retracted.

The fields of "Honor" "" Honor ", which need to pay 30% each year, there will be no tax.

These fields are "public land" belonging to the royal family of the Kingdom of the Dharma, and the field tax says it is "emperor rent". It does not need to be handed over to the local Sub-leaders.

In this period, the India, 30% of the fields are very low "good governance". Ordinary farmers have a year to work, there is more than 40% to give the landlord, counting other taxes, and finally staying in the hand can have four achievements.

Through this land policy, the British firmly tied the honor of the columns and the British colonists.

Leaning on the local earth change, the British is easy to stabilize the situation here, so soon, it has received the full support of the local most underlying slum. When Gandhi and Nihru's trip, it was because they saw that the local ground change and reassigned the land, they were retired back.

The earth change is the Policy of Latani. After the British drove his policy, this naturally caused the disadvantages of the local interests that were seriously damaged, but what is this?

After the red sickle of the Latany guerrillas, the local live surname is not much. They are not the "mainstream" here, although they go to the street protest, but they don't get the floor support. There is no difference in the eyes of the British and flies.

The British's "Huangtian" policy has completely changed the colonial means of Xenglantra before. Skating the local Turki Lord through "No Lord Huangtian", directly taxing directly to the bottom. While all interests eat dry, the loss is heavy, and the loss is the local Turki Lord.

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