The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambitions, Men's Crossing, Chapter 406

Their protests of the British don't care at all. In West Bengal, the current British does not need to be as before, depending on these Sub-striking, to maintain ruling and vampire tax. Through "Huangtian" and the Honor, the Natanian policy, plus religious power guidance, and encourage local class opposition, the British history has achieved "Imperial Empress Downtown" in India.

In the face of the protest of the local upper layer, the British who knows "Printing" is known to printed, immediately encourage the sustain of the supravenl, the sustain of the lower level of India and the "high surname" confrontation, indicating absolute support for colonial policies.

Before the Governor's government, thousands of "honors" and hundreds of well-known Tanians, and hundreds of well-known camps are divided into two camps, which are divided into two camps. Vision. If it is not an inner British army to pull out a twenty-meter isolation belt, the two sides may fight early.

"India is divided!"

Looking at this scene, in Gandhi's eyes, it is full of tears.

He understood that the British brought to the hand of Tatani, completed the "land reform" in the Northeast of West Bengal, thereby threading the underlying Indians pulled out to their side, and impaired only local upper layers.

In the future, these will be the lower level of the British "illegal land reform" benefits will be the biggest supporters of the British colonial policy here. And Gandhi himself, by his class, is the upper class of India, the British as long as this, after shouting, the Brahmen high-grade surname will confiscate and robbing you from these "Honor Nai Thania" The slogan of the land allows these to get the underground layer to stand firmly on their side.

Gandhi also understands that the benefits and progress of the land change to the country in India. But the earth change itself is the revolution of the sky, and the leather has always been the life of the last "master". Gandhi's national party, or most of the political parties in India, they can exist, can survive, can be developed, inseparable from these "grandfather" support, in this question they can't avoid, only what they can do. Against the earth change, then stand to the opposite side of the bottom of the Indian.

"This kind of thing will continue."

Nihru fearly said, in this month, West Bengal's residual part of the Tatani guerrillas has flowed into the news of the northwest of West Bengal. However, the British showed the state of "thinking without seeing" again.

Nihru's heart faintly produced a picture that made it was incomparable.

The global guerrillas continue to appear from India and then continuously grow through the radical policies.

The British deliberately sat unease.

Strong Prints and Turkish Lords in all over the world violent conflict, resulting in complete opposing and hatred of ethnic groups and classes.

After the Indian kill India, "Teng" has a large number of "free" land.

The British stands out "" "to clean up the residue, and then distribute a large number of land that belong to the high surname to low surnames, and obtain the underlying people, continue to increase the class opposition of India.

Repeated cycle.

Gandhi and Nehru know that India's high-rated surnames are "a few people" in Indians. Any country, the underlying person accounts for most. If the reasons cannot be supported by the underlying person, this exercise is the woodless wood, passive water.

The colonists "support the land reform" and "strange" in the history of human colonial are staged in India.

Artolia has achieved initial success in the "trial" of West Bengal. Although it is damaged due to damage, there will be some small-scale turmoil in the local area, such as protest, or even a lord.

But these, the British doesn't care, they have a complete self-confidence to calm this, the successful experience of the "reform" of West Banglan, soon "promotion" in India.

In the future, the sinful placed system will continue to exist in India, and the decayed Divine Lord will still exist.

But what they exist, just when the "MT" of hatred, helping the British colonists get the "quote" of the underlying support.

Unless Gandhi has courage, turn his country to Bolshevik like China or the Soviet Union, completely rooted in the bottom, real "proletarian revolution", otherwise it is a unpublished problem.

Gandhi he understood this, so he cried.

As for the all-in-one, Altolia, who completed the missionary work in the Northeast of West Mengli, left Asia in April, returned to the UK.

For the Eleuca, Ertati prepared, equipped with the seven thousand tons of the seven thousand tons of the main gun, after a year and a half, it is now close to the end of the end, absorbs a lot in India. She needs to go back to do the final end.

Lin Han's "daughter", the more late birth, the weaker over. Altolia wants the "magic change" of this giant ship, it needs to be integrated with Lin Han to do 100% perfect.

It is expected that the end of 1945, after five years of continuous efforts, it is not the "broken" of Americans who sell, the British Royal Navy will receive six battleships and twelve air carriers at the end of the year. In terms of overall fighting, there have been more than a year of war, in addition, four aircraft carriers are built in the dock, they will serve in 1946.

And the German Navy, the German Navy, due to Hitler (Xiahan Na), the "contraction" policy of the sea, its naval main ship, only four battles, eight aircraft carriers - four of them are 1943 After the year, Altolia and Hanna have been found in the Netherlands, they will be built in 1945 after consultation with the UK.

For the total tonnage, the German Navy's scale not only complies with the second Yingde Navy Treaty, but even complies with "too good".

The British Di-Di-scale development of the Navy, and its purpose, the imaginary enemy is not matters, and the horrible country in the Atlantic Ocean - the United States.

It is expected that by the end of 1945, the US Navy in high-speed expansion will have five Yawa-level battleships, four Mongolian standard battleships, at least 32 Essex-level aircraft carriers, twelve independent light aircraft carriers, Two hundred navigation aircraft carrier, the number of horrible, more desperate.

Chapter 481 Japan in a big earthquake

How to prove to "the ancients" to "the ancients"?

The best means is that it is a god stick, predicting some "natural disasters" that cannot be "created", such as earthquake.

For the gods of the ghosts, if they can accurately predict the occurrence of the earthquake, it is too easy to collect believers.

This is especially true for countries with the most frequent occurrences of earthquakes on the earth in Japan.

Historically, Japan has four years in the four years before and after the end of the World War II, the total earthquake of intensity is more than four times. Among them, the highest magnitude, the most destruction is the most affected, which is a 7.9 magnitude 7.9 earthquake in the Nihai Peninsula in the Central Japan, in the middle of the Japanese, in the middle of the Japanese, the earthquake is dangerous. Most regions such as counties, Nagano County and Wakayama Prefecture, and triggered a tsunami of 9 meters, sweeping the coastal areas of Japan. The United States "New York Times" far from the other side of the Pacific Ocean said in the second day: "This earthquake, let the Earth shake a whole 6 hours."

This earthquake occurred at 1:36 pm on December 7, 1944. 9 months later, Japan announced unconditional surrendering. At that time, Japan's root fighter production line was severely damaged in the earthquake, and hundreds of fighters in manufacturing were scrapped.

Japan's strongest piston fighter is therefore abortion, the fighter fighter cannot be confronted with the strongest last generation of Haihang, has been confronted with many Second World War II for the event.

But this is, this regret will not happen.

By 7, 1944, the entire Japanese local native is still too å. Since the nearly two years ago, the US fleet was fry once, and he did not fall over.

In Japan, shortly after the birth of "Dahe Fuzi" was born, he got a warning that the Nagoya region will have a super earthquake in the future, and in the future, Japan is in the industrial building factory and the layout, it is intentionally avoided as much as possible. Nagoya.

And in 1944, Li Huamei, the avatar and well, in the early years, in the early years, the exact time of the Japanese government earthquake will happen.

In November that year, the Japanese government issued a future earthquake alert to the citizens of Nagoya, and all vessels in the ovary coast, all evacuated in advance to avoid the earthquakes will be generated after the earthquake.

In the later generation, earthquakes and the most headaches of governments, no one dares to take responsibility for "false positives" earthquake. China's Haicheng Earthquake is skewers, because of the leadership biliary panels at the time, becoming the first successful prediction earthquake in human history and reducing positive cases of losses.

The Japanese, Dahe Fuzi, is a "god" that is recognized in the world. When she issued an early warning of the earthquake "God", all the Japanese people have no doubts, and according to the forecast A series of response means. More than ten years ago, the trend of the Guandong earthquake was still hurt in the natural wound in the Japanese, and no one dared to drop lightly.

At 12 o'clock on December 7, the whole Japan was quiet at this time, and all people were betting all in Nagoya. At this time, the residents in the city have been retreating to a safe place in advance yesterday. In order to avoid the earthquake caused by the earthquake, the residents of the seaside also evacuate.

If the local police and firefighters are like the enemy, in addition to maintaining public security to prevent someone to steal the stealing, they are holding the possibility of open fire sources in the city.

Within the crucial city of Nagoya City and the surrounding city, the streets are empty, and all cars have been removed in advance. The factory is even earlier, and the machine will be moved first, and the housing is carried out. Some obviously the dangerous house, how to strengthen the building that can resist the earthquake, then be taken off the roof, alleviate the burden of the wall to enhance its "earthquake resistance". Looking from high places to the city, many of the renovation of the roof can be found in Nagoya City.

The houses that were taken away from the roof, the construction materials that were removed were stacked on the air, which also contributes to the cost of saving materials in the shock.

Residents in the city, fully listened to the warning of big and well, and the property of the family's value has been transferred. Now that the city has left, in addition to maintaining the military policeman, it is from all over the world, and I want to "a" seismic "reporter. The hundreds of cameras installed in the city of Nagoya City, at this time, they are waiting for the preliminary prediction of big and well-being, "At 1:36 pm, the three county county Ji Yi Peninsula has 7.9 large Earthquake occurred.

Before the earthquake, the Chinese and British countries have donated a batch of tent of disaster relief supplies to Japan in advance to "humanitarian". China is now a weird relationship with Japan, can donate at this time, Lin Han is also in the dark.

Lin Han supports Japan to donate seismic materials, not because he likes Japan, but knows what kind of face of the Japanese financial valve. In his development of the Japanese plan, it is getting closer to the day of detonation points. The early foresee of the earthquake is from overseas donation materials, the method of processing of the Japanese, which will be an important breakthrough in Japan's domestic contradiction. It is based on this reason, so China has shipped a batch of disaster relief to Japan in advance.

To 1:36 pm, first, the ground of the Jihai Peninsula in the three county is violently treated, and then the vibration is spread to the four-sided eight-part, and the Nagoya is not exceptionally impact.

Soon, the local large-scale house collapsed in a dramatic vibration, and preparation beforehand, gathered in various national reporters, while holding the camera, while shooting with exciting mood, the first precise predicted earthquake in human history The scene is coming.

Because of the early psychological preparation, only a few people exclaimed in the process of shaking on the ground.

After the earthquake, it was a very nine-meter large tsunami, which was high as the seawatown, hit the embankment and housing in the sea. Similarly, due to early preparation, the relevant vessel has long been removed, the facilities on the pier have also been transferred, and the losses suffered by the Japanese in the earthquake and tsunami are not large, just just a pile of not enough houses. In addition to houses and building losses, life and material loss are not large. The number of injured reports on the same day is the policeman patrolled on the street sprained the feet in the vibration, and there is also a stone that was taken down on the mountain.

After the sudden earthquame, the Japanese started the work of self-rescue after the disaster in the first time in the first time of the Navy Marine Corps, which was prepared. The reason why the Marine Corps is implemented, the reason, the reason, the Nemin, listened to Li Huimei, and borrowed the opportunity to buy a person's heart for his "pro" Marine Corps.

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