The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambitions, Men's Crossing, Chapter 404

In the whole January, the Hugeli River, which is located, flowing through Kolkata, the whole river is blood red. This month, the downstream residents can see a large number of floats from the upstream every day.

When the Minuma in the Northeast of West Bengal is constantly coming, the Indian Governor Monttadon is holding her red wine glasses to celebrate each other.

After taking the Cup and Montton, Altolia said with the Governor: "We have a lot of empty land now."

This large-scale union, is the Indian man, the governor and the gods are very clean, and there is no unnecessary blood.

At a series of slaughters in the northeast of West Bengal, Altolia is very clear. All of this has already expected that it is the most important thing in her plan, and the most evil ring, this ring is now completed.

Chapter 479 Alto Alto

In the whole January, the Hugeli River, which is located, flowing through Kolkata, the whole river is blood red. This month, the downstream residents can see a large number of floats from the upstream every day.

When the Solocity of the Magos in the northeast of West Banglan is constantly coming, the Indian Governor Mongolton, Mongolton, is happy with her, and she will celebrate the red wine.

After taking the Cup and Montton, Altolia said with the Governor: "We have a lot of empty land now."

This large-scale union, is the Indian man, the governor and the gods are very clean, and there is no unnecessary blood.

At a series of slaughters in the northeast of West Bengal, Altolia is very clear. All of this has already expected that it is the most important thing in her plan, and the most evil ring, this ring is now completed.

Altolia's plan, the most critical part, she needs a large amount of land to allocate the soldiers' family members in the new troops to exchange their loyalty support.

India's land has long had its own owners, and there is no excess land at all.

How to do?

That is only to "dead people" to land.

Latani has created a large number of unrempathetic places for the "high surname" and the landlord.

The return of the hometown of the hometown has created a lot of non-Land with the massacre of poor and the people.

People are dead, and they will naturally come out.

In the last few days of January 1945, the top five days of the month, the UK Answer in Kolkata was almost overwhelmed by the "tears and nose" of Indian local high-rise in West Bengal, almost cried and squatted. The Lord of the Barton's hoeard, gathered in this, the only requirement is: eliminating the circulation in the north, and is continuously expanding the Ji La Tower guerrilla.

In order to persuade the British from sending troops, they took the initiative to give up "independent autonomy", requiring to return to the glory of "British royal".

All India and even the whole world are now seen, the Latan guerrilla is a British deliberately settled with its own, but what is this? With the leaders of a dry print single force headed by Gandhi, Nihru, also have a sense of hate iron, but what is it?

On February 5, Mundton, India finally promised the Tartan guerrilla team from the Northern and annihilated.

First dispatch is the twenty-frame Lancaster bomber and thirty mosquito combat bomber, they violently bombed the Camp of the Latani troops, bombed through "precision", killed the Soviet consultant There were hundreds of Induct guerrillas in the Indian Republic of Yibei, and I gave the Latunan guerrilla to hit the Ratani, and helped the Tower to eliminate the "enemy" of his threat to him.

On February 6, the three teachers who have already been prepared, including the British military and two "Du Min Du" and "State Luo", about 50,000 people, carrying sixty tanks and more than 100 doors Artillery, through the north of the railway. Take the Bahabr.

At the same time, the British army in the north is also dispatched in the south, and the east of Menglika, and also dispatched nearly 20,000 people. The three directions of the three-way army are dispatched, with a total of 100,000 power, tanks, hundreds of planes, and the artillery used by the aircraft are more than two hundred.

At the same time, 100,000 to the army is also dispatched. This is the biggest military action of the British Army after the end of the war.

For the British, this "left hand hits the right hand" to fight, there is no suspense.

On February 6, the British "swearing troops", I won the Ratani guerrillas to take the initiative to give up Bahabr.

The British army in the other two directions is also "flat" in a smooth way. In the process of pushing, although the resistance of the guerrillas, these resistance is like a stone in the huge waves, and there is basically no radical wind and waves, soon disappeared.

On February 13, all the way fierce, the three-way British army in the Tartan guerrillas in the Central District of the Tatani guerrillas. The British announced to all India that they have successfully destroyed the main force of the "Lati". Killing the Latani army has more than six thousand people, captive tens of thousands of people (most of the local militia armed).

But the actual truth is not the case.

As early as the British dispatched, Latani had already won the secret notice of the British army.

In the face of the British army from the south, north, and East three directions, Latani has about 3,000 people belonging to their own core force, directly giving up the basis of the basis, and then dispersed "breakout". The rest of them is a miscellaneous non-strength of the fight against "guerrilla fighting" locally.

According to the British instructions, under the cooperation of the British, Latani played a golden shell and gave up the team of tens of thousands of people. Before the British army was dispatched, the Soviet consultant and the Soviet consultant who were treated by him as "eye" were revealed to the British, and the British came out of the team. "Hats" his person. Then he took his own core, along the Director of the UK, and dispelled to the mountainous area of ​​West Banglan and the handover of Chalkend.

The Lati is a "fast" armed, combat proactive and operational will not be the Red Army. One of the core personnel, the remaining 10,000 people were immediately replaced.

The directive that Latany gives the department before retreat is to save strength, disperse hidden, to develop in the future. According to his instructions, his guerrillas are scattered in the scale and fight in the mountains.

There is no big problem in this kind of tactical theory. In history, the Red Army's enemy has also developed and finally grown in the development of the country.

But the premise of this guerrilla, must have an efficient and powerful grassroots party organization, but this is the most important basic condition, but the Tatani guerrillas do not have. His guerrilla is "fast food", although the title of "Printing" is hung on the head, but the real "Printed" in the team is not a few, the team itself is "long" in the process of growth. . Plus the basis for the basis of the foundation, the foundation is too shallow, and the highest head is the enemy's undercover, the inheritance is in selling information. It is impossible to complete the enemy's survival, guerrillas, and develop this difficult job.

The troops left in Latani were anniry and wrought under the British Army. Shandebele collapsed in the mountains, turned into bandits, more people directly taking off the army to go home into civilians hiding.

Half a month ago, he was full of Ratani guerrillas in the Bahabur region. There is a footprint on the beach in the Bahabur region. A big wave is coming, and it is immediately unspeakable.

By February 15, Montton's aggamino announced in Karria to India, and the British army of the Third, the British army of the Three-earth, has basically annoyed the main force of the Tatani guerrillas, and the head of the head Latuni is missing. The British army is chasing cloud cloud.

On February 20, the Governor Montton announced the "Special Order" from Bank of Buckingham Han Palace in Kolkata, which announced a great "Huairou" policy after joining the ordinary civilians join the "Lati".

When Montton's governor announced that the Emperor Amneston was announced to all India, Chen Taiping was in the local Christian cathedral, and Altolia met with the local Christian cathedral.

There is a lancing in the print guerrillas, which is not a secret for the British who is in a large amount of undercover in the print guerrilla. This group of people sent by Lin Han successfully entered the Latani guerrilla, and went smoothly from the British army to refill it, and also leaving the "active cooperation" of the British.

"No permanent friends, only permanent interests."

When standing in front of the British "Guardian" in front of this "Legend" in front of this "Legend", Chen Taiping strongly felt this.

Now is 1945, when the War of Liberation ten years ago, Chen Taiping, which was still a bloody youth, attended the Red Army, attended the War of the United Kingdom in Shanghai.

When the "One Year War" four years ago, he also joined the new China and participated in the jungle war from Myanmar to Tibet.

However, last year, in his surface, he added a private group. It is actually in secret cooperation with the British, and the pit is the exchange of allies in the socialist camp.

"What mine, you must conquer first in front of nationalism."

Recalling that the year of this year, Chen Taiping also felt that his life, the worldview was completely subverted once. There are sixty people who came to India with him, six people sacrificed in the war, and the rest were brought out by him, and most people are now returning to China. But in these sixty people, only the truth of this task and the other two.

Chen Taiping is now discussed with Altolia, which is continuing to "support" the Tatani guerrillas in India. The Lati guerrilla has been eliminated in the name of the Tatani, but in fact, the core staff is intact, and now hiding in the remote mountainous area in India.

According to the British opinion, they will continue to raise red flags in other states. In this process, the British will continue to Multimengli model, with the help of making more "noord of union" good dendritic "honorable Natania".

Supporting the Print Materials. If the above is found to have a fingerprint with the British government, it is very embarrassing. So in this matter, Altolia asked Lin Han to help, with the identity of Lanfang business, act as "white gloves" they replaced with them. Because this is not the same, it is impossible to talk to the British government agencies, and the church as the forward base of Western forces culture invasion, naturally become the location of the two parties.

On the issue of India and Print, Lin Han's opinion is very "reactionary", and it is very different from New China. So this is entirely jumped from Beiping.

When Chen Taiping and Altolia exchanged, the British colonial government's related personnel were also in the next year, and both parties collaborate on this issue.

After talking, Chen Taiping tried to Altolia, and the Rosierd and Altolia tried to talk.

At the beginning, he also sighs for this quirky relationship between China and Britain.

Altolia corrects him:

"It is not between Chinese and English, but there is a difference between Lanfang and Japan. That Chinese Chen, he represented the Chinese god that was standing behind him, not China, there is difference."

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