The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Men's Crossing Report, Chapter 287

Now, Churchill's reputation in the UK is already like his predecessor Zhang Bollen's general damn street. The President of Ghana is a little sighing for the "old friend of the American people", and begging the headacked in Europe, and in the UK and The new situation in the United States will face after the three countries of Sude. In August, Ghana President and the Book, I have made every means to destroy the peace talks between Yes, but at this time, the British domestic anti-war mood is MSI, and the peace talks from Germany is not part, want to destroy This time is not difficult to talk.

This peace talk is not just the two of Yingde, including Su, Germany, middle, and even a french who have just been smashed by the British, as well as the Spanish and Saidth of Spain and next to the negotiation table. The location of the negotiations is selected in the capital of the Netherlands of Europe, Amsterdam.

By August 1940, the day did not defend the empire, in South Asia, a total of the following sites were lost.

On the three places of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, which were basically occupied by the Soviet Union. When the Red Army, the Red Army in India, in the south of India, the Chinese People's Liberation Army also sent a thousand army and tens of thousands of migrant workers to combat the operation. In August, the "Since ancient times" has received the "Since ancient times", Akseo - Aksechin ( Aksai chin Basin, Turkic, meaning "China's White Rock Beach").

Asahiqin region is basically a semi-unmanned area, and the PLA occupies more powerful efforts. The main tasks of tens of thousands of masters are responsible for logging, building Xinjiang's road, strengthen China and contact here.

(Note: Asy, Asa is the road to Xinjiang Tibet, the strategic value is very high. In the Qing Dynasty, the Outletion is established. In 1846, the British Anti-Dynasty - Kashmir, claimed to Ladakick (original It is the region of China's Tibet local government jurisdiction. Part of Kashmir) should be based on the Government of the Government. In the case of the consent of the Government, the United Kingdom occupied the Ladaka region. Later, in the border of the calibration Ladakh and Tibet In order to find a shortcut to the Xinjiang hinterland in Xinjiang, the British aggressor, Johnson, who sent Indian Strong Space, was sent to the southern Xinjiang area. From Ladakh to Aksin, I finally arrived in Xinjiang, and drawn through the "survey". A line, this is the Johnson line. This line will prize the nearly 30,000 square kilometers of the land including Akheqin to the British India, which makes Aksech into part of Yingkashmir, but the British government I didn't know the Qing government at that time. In the late 1950s, China built a new Tibet road in Akzin region, causing dissatisfaction in India. India is based on Johnson lines, and it is found that the territorial requirements of Akzin, China Indian section border Dispute thus production)

In Myanmar, the People's Liberation Army occupied the large part of Kacho, Shan State, these and "since ancient times," the land, now, has now returned to China. In addition, it is universal, Mandala Province, Kie 3, and "There is no relationship between" since ancient times ", local residential districts are not in the Han Rong culture circle, the People's Liberation Army does not directly sell troops, but control these three provinces The local warlord power, under the secret support of the People's Liberation Army, have also announced the "independence of autonomous" and out of the British rule "Jianguo". The British colonial army in Myanmar can only use the advantages of "distance", firmly hold several provinces in the sea. However, these provinces have sent military heads from the place of the British, and after seeing the beautiful prospects of "their owners" after the autonomous autonomous countries, they also moved a different kind of mind. It is only subject to the suppression of the British colonial army, which is only old and old, and the British has rushing here.

In addition, India is close to Tibet and Burmese, a piece of more than 10,000 square kilometers from the Burmese region, and has also fallen into the hands of the People's Liberation Army in the past few months. After the Liberation Army occupied the land, he encouraged them to build a country independently of the principle of "national autonomy".

The nation of the states of the Northeast India, including Arunachal, Tibet, because of their appearance and the Chinese, and later in other parts of India often face a variety of racial discrimination, due to the Northeast India's girls, skin tones. Shallow, and it is very different from other Indians, so that they have become the specialty of India: the target of the bows. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the people in the Northeast Bang, India have always wanted to be independent from India, and India did not invest any funds to these areas, which were seriously trained behind. Even in the 21st century, many of the Northeast Bang of India often discuss the topic of China's transfer from India.

China is in the south peninsula area and the Northeast of India, so there is no greater progress, the main problem is to replenish the problem and the local harsh wet tropical climatic conditions. The Liberation Army is the biggest enemy here, is not a British colonial army that is limited in front, but the local mosquito, dysentery and other rare tropical diseases. Because of the non-combat sales caused by the disease, even ten times losses on the battlefield.

When Le Lanye, Slin was unable to encourage China's all-in-law of Northeast India, but the President of Li Yunshi did not have a big journey on his. The PLA returned the British Colonial Army in the Arunachal area. After entering this place, he supported the preparation of the Independent United States in Independence.

When Amsterdam negotiated, the proposition of the two countries in China is that these areas of being occupied by their occupation, "independence" from the UK, free to build a country. The slogan of the Sino-Soviet War, the slogan of the two countries in China is the "just war" against the imperialist colonial policy, and the land of the occupied countries in China is just the loss of "since ancient times". Those who are really can't be hung by "since ancient times", it is not in the Chinese civilization system, and they will be independent of the country.

As the price, San Sue is willing to make a British backorsement, recognizing the British's status of the Britain's residence region - Soviet Unreasoned Understanding the UK, is added to Germany, if the UK completely lost India, then the national power will inevitably I can't give a threat to the Germany of Western Europe. And Germany doesn't want to understand the UK, but I don't want to be cheaper.

Germany's requirements for the UK are very simple, just asks the British to return to its colonial Germany and Cameroon in West Africa, as for the colonies of East Africa.

Before the French was pulled to the negotiating table, it was in the place of peace in Annan, after all, China will income in the Yue North area. The Vietnamese People's Republic of Vietnamese is established in the south of the north latitude, which is also a "confession" of the French.

The Spanish was pulled into the negotiating table, it was for Gibraltar, at this point, whether Germany or the Soviet Union, even unlucky French, unanimously asked the British to give up Gibraltar fortress, will not arlyzen from here, while willing Gibraltar Returning Spain. Gibraltar is fortified, and the benefits of the Mediterranean countries are self-evident. When discussing this problem, it was invited to act as a "listener" show that there was a Italian who was helping the flag of the flag. At that time, he also stood up "to raise the limbs" to support this requirement.

These, all the bottom lines of the three countries, Su, Germany, of course, when Amsterdam negotiated, the requirements of the three-party defeat countries will "more overwhelmed". For example, the Soviet Union requires the Suez Canal to neutralize, internationalization, and Germany also proposed some of the gains to returning to the Southwestern Africa and East Africa.

According to the bottom line of the Three Kingdoms, the British can maintain most of the India, and Myanmar can also be part. Compared to the "British Washington Agreement", the British murderous robbery, although the three countries of China, although they cut a few pieces of meat in the UK, they were not like the former.

The negotiations began from August 21, and the Americans also added in August 23.

Americans come in naturally for the sake of merryakies, the reason is to take half a year ago and "British Washington Agreement" signed by Churchill, Americans, the most worryable question is that once the four countries (referring to China Sudi) stopped, Teng The British of the British has a large door that may re-close the colonial trade.

In fact, the British has this meaning, and Germany and the Soviet Union are also in the back.

The "British and American Washington Agreement" is the United States for the UK's big robbery, Germany and the Soviet Union are advised to "back book" for the British's residual part of the Indian peninsula in the UK. It is to encourage British to keep their own interests. Pick up the relationship between the United States.

After the "British" Churchill closed, Germany took out the "British Washington Agreement", one, explained that the British civilians explained the sinister heart behind it, more and more British civilians, It is understood that this agreement with defending countries is harm to British. When there is a threat in Germany, the British can "two harm to be light" ignore this, but when the two sides began to fight, the content of this agreement is very glare.

The negotiations have been continued until September from August 21. During the negotiation period, the German Navy slowed down the sea blockade of the UK, allowing materials to transport food and life to the British Sanyi Island, but the arms and ore are still striking. The British government who didn't want to play again, and agreed to check the German Navy to check the freighter into the UK at sea.

However, it is not a smooth sailing during the negotiation period. Because Americans are in the middle of the ghost, and the British want to keep more things, there is also a repeated process. On September 3, in the Gibraltar region, German Air Force dispatched several bombs with a total of 150 HE117 bombers, and a full gas to the Gibraltar, a full 150 seven tons of "Xiahrak", one of them Balling the concrete layer, detonating a large stretch ammunition library.

The German Air Force continuously dispatched, in the three days of Gibraltar, it was placed nearly five hundred small skies, relying on this "small probability" hit, and has destroyed a number of guns. At the same time, the German Navy once again increased the blockade effort to inflow the British San Island. In order to cooperate with the actions of Germans, Su, China and China are also "dynamic" in their respective fronts.

In the French, Darren hate the capital of the French fleet, and also fell as the stone to the Mediterranean Fleet to block the Mediterranean Waterway. Today, India is in a hurry, British wants to increase their troops in India, the recent route is to take the "chase" behavior of the Mediterranean, French Navy residual fleet, so that the British is more passive before the negotiation table.

It has been tossed by this war to die, and at this time, the French before, and only thinks of ending this "dam" war. Although there is a strong inserted American American in the process, the three countries in China know that the United States is the truly terrible enemy and is very vigilant. Although the United States is disgusting, negotiations continue to go.

On October 5, the four countries in Yingsel finally signed the "Amsterdam Agreement" in Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

According to the content of the agreement, China and the Soviet Union have been wanted, Afghanistan and Pakistan have successfully "independently founded the country", Northeast India was cut out from the British Federation, and the three provinces in Myanmar also left the British. .

In Germany, he recovered the lost land of Cameroon. The unexpected harvest is that they also have returned Nigeria. The original Germans are required to ask Relder West Africa, but the British considers the sensitive place in South Africa is on the side. Finally, in Nigeria.

Spain is a lucky in this war, and they recovered the Gibraltar fortress that lost a hundred years. Branbarvan is a "back book" in the four countries of Sudais, which announced permanent non-arms, and the British residual residual shot facilities were removed.

In this war, the British is the most unhappy, in a sense, their losses even more than the French - at least French in this battlefield, in addition to losing Ontaria, there is basically no other loss. And the British humiliates lost a large land.

The "Amsterdam Agreement" signing that day, the title of the Thames header is:

"We were robbed! Robbery our people, not only the three robbers in China, and there is a so-called 'allies'" in the United States. "

The war in Europe has been over a year.

But contradictions are not eliminated, but more excited.

The British of the Navy is full of the wounds of the body, began to rebuild the hard work of the Royal Navy. Compared to the original historical plane in 1945, the UK, the current British is heavy, but there is no point in the history of 1945 in history. The war only lasted for only one year. The British called no money to rent a bill, and there were not many borrowings to the United States. When you begin negotiation in August, many orders in the United States have been suspended.

San Sudan countries are busy with the dividend that is obtained in the digestive war.

After the Americans fails, how to let the British continue to perform the "British and American Washington Agreement". For Americans, the biggest misfortune is the end of the war, and the large number of commercial orders opened in the United States are almost aborted. Although the UK has paid a default loss, the interest loss caused by the United States is not small.

At the news of Sudoying Four countries, when the news of Amsterdam began to stop negotiation, the stock market in Wall Street was draded on the same day. After the peace agreement signed, a bunch of military stocks associated with it is more vented to ten percentage points.

Whether it is Ghana New Deal or a historical part of Roosevelt, essentially through the way the country's mad banknote currency is relieved. It is not the two new polres to save the United States, but Germany launches World War II to save the US economy.

But in this plane, the war was only in less than a year, and "early" is over, in the war, although the United States has countless from the European countries, this blood is not enough.

However, China Suride has the United States, all of which is the beneficiary of this war, just the advantage of each other.

The United States does not have to say.

Germany has the most, the most doing the most, and the benefits that are relatively good are not the most.

The Soviet Union and China have a very little force, but they have reached the purpose of great expansion power.

In the process, there is a country ingeniously walking into the Central Sude and the United Kingdom, "unexpected" to a piece of cake.

This country is Japan.

In order to balance the power of Southeast Asia, the British actively introduced the Japanese into the Malay Peninsula in May 1940. After this, Japan has passed a variety of channels and excuses, and continuously taking towards the Malay Peninsula. When I stopped in August, Japan's strength on Malay Peninsula has reached more than 80,000 people, and he became the largest military forces here.

The British who is attracted by the other places, and the soldiers here are only less than 20,000 colonial troops, which can only control a small area around Singapore. The so-called god is easy to send, after the end of October, the Japanese reluctantly walked in Malay Peninsula.

At this time, the British who have not even as similar, it is unable to expel the Japanese forces. As for the initiative to invite Americans to enter the Malay Peninsula to expel the Japanese, this is impossible for the British. In the eyes of the British, Japan is just a "thief" that will only "speculate". The American beast is really "big god". Have a lesson of Yinghujir, the politicians of British Sanyao will not make this mistake.

When the British is still a headache for the Japanese in the Malay Peninsula, November 1940, the news of the US presidential election finally had a eyebrow.

It is imperative to violate the American tradition, refer to the third presidential election, Ji Juan, only a hundred percent votes, and finally lost to the Republican candidate in the presidential election, from Indiana's entrepreneur Willki .

The defeat of the cactus is not unexpected.

Between 1939 and 1940, the biggest mistake in this historical turning point is the end of the snake rat.

Before May, he exposed his position in the past 1940, sent a fleet to escort the British merchants, and sinned a large number of isolated people, so that when participating in the presidential campaign, opposition to his voters public screaming " "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

And the original history of Roosevelt, at least at this point, there is no difficulty. In history, Roosevelt participated in the third presidential campaign, and also faced similar problems, but because Roosevelt did not have too exposed "biased" behavior in the 1940 ruling period, plus the "acting" of this person, or defrauded A large number of voters.

The cactus Ghana has no good situation. The British Navy is really disappeared too early. At that time, he did not set up a position of the British, and the British will exit the war earlier. At this point, he did not choose. In addition, this person's diplomatic means and the governance technique is too rude and not enough. It is too easy to let the voters wear his essence. If you lose a lot of isolated votes, you are not surprising.

Ghana's president's real mistake is that it has been done, but it did not do fifteen. After the French Battle, the British is more difficult. In July to August, when the British was the most difficult day, he did not have courage to gamble on his own political life, and sent a US Navy to escort the whole process. If he really did it, the British can support more months until the end of the US presidential election, and he can at least keep the "participants" and "good warfare" in the United States.

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