The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambel Ship Men's Crossing Remember 288

As a result, he retired at this critical moment.

The UK exits the war in the UK, and the three Suds were forced to sum, causing the general dissatisfaction of "elite classes" in the United States. In the content of the Amsterdam Agreement, Sudou recognizes the interests of the British in the Hindu peninsula, which takes the initiative to "back book" here, which gives the British a big bottom gas. These US elites can imagine that after the end of the war, in order to restore national strength, the British will definitely use various means to fight the "Washington Agreement", and finally turn this paper protocol into a paper empty text. Although the British is currently impossible to recover the Caribbean islands sold to Americans, they still have a way to make Americans feel "nausea".

The best evidence is that after the "Amsterdam Agreement" signing, the British suspended the technical output of the United States in the first time, many Americans coveted three-foot technology technology, the British cut off the communication in the first time. Or raise the price.

And these have become an accountable point that the cactus is affordable.

The President of Ghana, which was arbitrarily abandoned at the same time, and the third year of remembering failed, naturally, it would not be absent.

When the New Year's bell rings, the European War is over, but the US mobilized war machine because of the European-War, and there is no stop to start.

President Wen Del Wilky, who is born in the Republican, continues the army policy of Ghana after going upstairs.

The US Navy plans to continue to expand the army, and those who have stopped from the British withdrawal, continue to appear, but the customer has become a US Army.

The new President Wilgi, who has just launched, said to all US nationals during the Congress:

"The United States is now very dangerous! In the old Europe, from Berlin to Moscow to Beijing, an extremely dangerous red axis has been formed. They are collining together, seriously threatening the living interests of the free capitalist world."

"Adolf Hitler, this once thought is the most anti-communistic man in Germany, and now I finally torn the hypocrisy of its 'anti-Times', revealing him the true face. This German man is a hidden Bolshvik, recently In Belgium and the French occupation area, this has already proved this! "

President Wilky's speech on the US nationals refers to Germany now in the occupied area of ​​Western Europe, the Germans are based on bayonets and splitters, and "socialist reform" in Belgium and France occupied.

In Belgium, the Germans imitated the Chinese revolution, and forcibly distribute the landlord to poor farmers, in the city, they confiscated the factory. Then support the local Communist Party, established a so-called "Soviet government", and received these factories in the name of the country. This German claims to be a "national socialist" transformation against Belgium, and the German claims that once the Socialist transformation of Belgium is completed, they will evacuate from Belgium as soon as possible.

In the French occupation area, the German resumed the French Communist Party's legitimate political status, which not only released all the French members in the control area, but also forced the Viching government to release the national French members. Under the amenities of the German garrison, the law is gradually controlling the position of the relevant national key departments in the occupied area. For the fact that the France is, Germany is that they are not just coming to revenge, and they come over to liberate the French people. The German government has reached an agreement with the Fa Convention to develop a plan schedule for the full withdrawal. In the prison camp in Germany, the former and forefather soldiers who are willing to join the law have been released in advance.

Today, in France, the French Communist Party is organizing their own armed forces, waiting until Germany to withdraw military, the French will officially take over all German control zones.

For the entire capitalist world, the German practice of browning red is better than the Royal Navy, and the France to defeat France in a month will vibrate.

In 1929, Lin Han was expressing the European European, and the idea of ​​achieving the entire world island, which turned a reality step by step.

Chapter 335 is killing the United States

On the day of 1941 New Year's Day, the British Liverpool Hong Kong is surging, the rice character fluttering, here is the celebration ceremony of the "Welsh" battleship under the Water Service, his sister ship, more than him. George also moored nearby.

Since the "Amsterdam Agreement" is signed, the two battles will be completed after the need for political propaganda, they are intended to arrange the Christmas in the late 1940 year to announce the service to join the Royal Navy in the "Revival".

The joining of the two ships, finally ended the royal naval lack of high-speed battleships. Dr. Dr. Wales and George, although it is a sister, but the two ships of the artillery are completely different. George's five-year-old is the 14-inch main gun of the three four-door 12, and the prince of Wales is installed in the sixteen Britain of Jiumen, which is based on the "British and American Washington Agreement." "Join, by the United States, and the main cannon of Yawa-level battleship in Jian is the same style.

According to the plan, all three George five-class battleship in the construction will use this sixteen "artillery. As for the first ship George, the turret has been made first, in order to save costs, only the original 14-inch gun can be installed.

For the royal naval naval for suffering, the past year, it is a catastrophic year. The main fleet is completely destroyed, and it is difficult to maintain the tragic land of the sixth status of the world. Even now, it is finally rising to the world's fifth.

In the "Amsterdam Agreement", the Amsterdam Agreement, the arms of the British Navy, did not make any restrictions.

Despite the difficulty of the war, in Europe and Asia, in the case of huge threats, the current SALENT Government, or the root of the roots are prepared to be completed, while the remaining two of the brilliance aircraft carrier Sediment: unyielding and victory, will also be completed. In addition, the construction plan of the three Eagle II aircraft carriers, Congress is also in discussion.

In the 1940 war in the past 1940, the British government has suffered from the land to the ocean. After the war, he had a serious war external debt.

Although the war is over, the external threat has not been lowered because of a paper stop agreement, but it is like the sword of Damakllis hanging on the head, but it is not breathed throughout the British San Island.

Let the British have a threat to gas in the end of the war, not the threat of the enemy German Navy, but from the entire Western Europe in the agitation.

In December 1940, the occupation of Western Europe, suddenly began to "socialist transformation" in the Belgium and French occupation area, this is a bright dramatic change, the whole capitalist world, and even the president of Ocean. Fear.

A aggressive, the germacy of Germany is not terrible, so Germany is stronger, and finally because of the enemy in the world, it will eventually go to the end.

The real terrible, is the German Germany, and the "export revolution" Germany, especially after joining the "class struggle", the "evil" of the capitalist world of capital, such Germany is more ten times more than the former.

For Europe, from the time of taking the Bank of War, the European nationalist thinking is the beginning of the waken. Since then, delusions will start the line to rise by agreed by aggression, occupying a country, and finally reach the cost of "assimilation". Even in Europe's most "successful" dual empire, the Austro-Hungari Empire, eventually fell to fall into the fall.

For the current Germany, although they occupy Belgium, most of the France, and Northern Europe's Denmark and Norway, if they want to swallow the four countries, they will only be faster, and ultimately, it is not enough to be enemy, self Take the desired end. Although the British defeated, Germany will always reveal the flaws, giving the United Kingdom, the opportunity to come to the British, and the France when taking the Bank of War.

According to the theory of "class struggle", when taking the Bank War, if you don't want to be called the emperor, it is a "revolutionary leader" since the "revolutionary leader", although it is the enemy of the European, but it is only The entire European royal family is an enemy, in Europe's folk and intellectual parties, but the revolutionaries and heroes are unconfilled. Before I was taking the Mint, I even my admirers wrote "Hero Symphony" for him. It is said that the Emperor's taking the Bank, the foreign war is connected, but it is a revolutionary of the anti-tyrant of most people in Europe, and the identity "great light is". It is said that after the emperor, he lost the "just" radius and faded, which has planted the seeds that were subsequently extracted by European countries.

Now Germany, now Hitler, he is doing things in Belgium and France, just like the Tong Dynasty in the French Revolution. "Socialist Reconstruction" is being engaged in Belgium and France, which is extremely smart to put his aggression on a "revolution".

In this transformation process, the maximum profitter is the middle and lower civilian civilians in France and Belgium. These people account for the vast majority of civilians, because of the "invasion" in Germany, it has become the largest beneficiary of "aggression". Although they are in nationalism and nationalist thinking, they also have a resentment for the German, but they get the benefits in "aggression", and hostility has been greatly weakened.

In this process, the largest victim is the original bourgeois and landlords, and the peace agreement is signed. The domestic capitalists and landlords have fallen a lot, mostly near the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Now Western Europe, facing Hitler who has exposed "Bolshevik's true face", even in Germany, the whole layer of Western Europe is full.

Once Germany, it is really like the propaganda, withdrawing the army according to the scheduled timetable, after abandoning the identity of the "aggressor", the two countries will reduce the hostility of Germany to the lowest. The newly established Communist Party is the first new government, which will automatically become a natural allies in Germany. More terrible is that this "Communist Government" that truly represents the bottom people's interests, their regime stability and military morale power, far is not the kind of support that supports the government.

The traditional "aggression method", after the country's death, support the old forces in the upper upper level, then establish the governance of the government, and then implement the extrusive press meter for the top to bottom: aggressive army The blood of the government, the government sucks the blood of the middle and lower people, and the primary grade level is clearly squeezed.

Such an aggression plundering method, the biggest problem, is that the anti-army has been supported by the underlying people in the heart.

This set of Hitler played in Western Europe, gave himself a "Weiguang Zheng" coat, the war behavior of Western Europe, is no longer able to say that it is aggression, but "revolutionary output". He doesn't expect to be in this process, and the civilians in the law will be grateful, but they can minimize their resistance. In this process, unlucky is ratio, and the law has a production class, and the capitalist is the most heavy, and the large number of middle and lower layers of the population is the biggest beneficiary. Even if there is a resistance to resistance, it will only be small to do because of the loss of the masses. When this set of Anti-Czechoslovakia, this set of sickn knives were tried, and the effect was very good.

After the French campaign ended, Germany has earned a vote by plundering a strategic material in the warehouse in the French, and has already earned a vote, and the profit has already exceeded the military expenditure of the war. As for future war bonuses, it can be performed by establishing a more concealted technique such as Germany-dominated "EU Organization". In the words of Lin Han, the old-fashioned colonialism has not been adapted to European thought awakening, which is used to solve the problem with the idea of ​​new colonialism.

"A ghost, in Europe, now, now he is no longer, but officially coming to the head of the old mainland!"

In a pub near the port of Liverpool, the British is most frightened, in a private room in the third floor, two battleships that are parked in the port of Hong Kong, looking far at the ceremony of the water service.

These two people are now in the UK, they have a hard number of external numbers:

They are the front prime minister in the UK, Zhang Bolun and Churchill. The former is violently alcohol in the private room, and the latter also smokes the snowlit smoke. Because the war is defeated, it is more abandoned and cursed by the people of the country. The spirit of the two has already collapsed. These two British most frustrated people, because they are in the same disease, and the group will be tempered together.

The person who said above is the front prime minister Churchill.

Zhang Bolun was inseparable: "Adolf, this hidden Bolshvik, he took a good time again."

Churchill rose: "The French Empire, is a good means!"

Although the next step, the relationship between the two before, through those relationships, they are very clear that now is happening in northern France. The French Communist Party relies on the support of German bayonets and civilians, which is gradually receiving the power of northern France, and gradually establishing their own regime. In this process, there is also the Soviet shadow.

Zhang Bollen said cold: "He is not afraid that people of Vichy France take the opportunity?"

Churchill is cold and said: "Betang's group, if there is this courage, will not surrender so early. Again, compare France into two, before France, Germans, Germans before France Don't worry about the pressure of the West. "

Zhang Bolun sighed: "Room in Germany, now their patience of Hitler, is it fast to limit?"

Churchill said: "The fifth place revealed some intelligence, there is a secret connection with us this month, you want to seek support, but to tell the truth, I don't look at the gratis barbarism."

After the end of October, Germany quickly "changed face", the big step "left turns" left left, and the high level of Germany has triggered a small panic. However, today's reputation in Germany is in the day of the day. He only used the time for several years, and he became the European hegemony of the people who were bullied by people. It took only one year. Time, the defeat of the world's British Fa, and in the process, the military soldiers in Germany will not be enough for 20,000 people.

Such a great achievement, in the birth of this nation in Germany, there is no leader at all, and even the BC and William generation, which has established a small Deese Empire, and today's "big virtues" empire, it is also eclipsed.

"Hitler, like the sun ..."

Gudan, the German armored war, to evaluate the Hitler (this is historical real) at this time, so far, Siter has been in the heart of the German people, is like a saints of the saints. At present, Germany's rooms have become more and more obvious in seeing Germany's expiration, although they have alert, they want to oppose Hitler, but Churchill is not optimistic at all.

Today's Hitler, his reputation in Germany is too high, these people really rebellion, as long as he sent it, I am afraid that these Room's guards will be anti-water, and they may only have the meaning of success. One.

However, from the intelligence from Germany, Hitler is a very cautious person. His amenity is entirely the elite selected by the "Party Sanjun" of the head of state, and in order to prevent being assassinated, Hitler has been in Europe in these months, and even the plane is not multiplied by the train. And from Germany, it is now responsible for the army of the capital of Germany, has all been replaced by the Party Sanjun.

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