The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Men's Crossing Report, Chapter 286

On the first day, they cast a sixteen seven tons of heavy flights over the Gibraltar fortress, and some lost the gods directly into the sea, but the eleven of the island left a shocking eleven giant deep hole.

The next day they were as scheduled, and the same number of flights were once again cast. This time they rose, and the number of aviations fell to the island increased to 13.

Then, the Germany's HE177 will come over, there are not many, and each time is sixteen. Although the precision is extremely precise, it looks at the giant Shenkeng in the island than a day than a day, and the fear of the defenders in the heart of the fortress is known. Because from these bomb's penetration, once they are smashed in their front, what to stuff can not resist.

In Germany, the German broadcast talks about the air strikes that are happening from the Gibraltar, and they advocate the power of this supermarket, and claim that the ten tons of heavy power is more powerful. get ready.

On the 20th, the British contacted the Germans asked to negotiate this day, flew to the number of HE177 over Gibraltar, increased to thirty-two - because the sixteen HE177 just produced was added to the Gibraltar on this day. action.

"Gibraltar fortress is very strong, but our third empire has time. From today, HE177 will cast a forty-eight seven tons of heavy 'Hercules, the Air Force will be three in the morning, in the morning, in the evening. The wave is unfolding the air strike action, and each time it bouces a sixteen. "

"According to the plan, after the end of September, the total number of HE177 arranged in Gibraltar will increase to seventy-two. It is 144 pieces every day. When the big Hraws will appear. Gibraltar is sturdy, but it is One day. Time is to stand on the third empire, we have time, we can slowly wait for the "hit target 'this small probability event."

The German announcer said to start throwing ten tons of heavy Big Kracks in October, but in fact, the current engine development scheme in Germany, this setting is impossible to achieve 1941, and throw 144 daily after October. "Xiao Hulax" is also bragging, but at this time, the British government and Garan Raoda's defenders, watching the giant deep pit on the island, and the heart is not hugging any hope. Although Gibraltar is very strong, the biggest weakness is too close to land.

The Okr incident is the first straw that crushed the British War War, and the "Xiao Hulax" thrown by the HE177 bomber was the second straw, but truly let the British collapsed, but from South Asia. India's battle.

Also in August, the Soviet Red Army took a few months of "steady", and won the Kashmir, captured the entire Pakistani, and finally realized the Trien Edition for hundreds of years. Dream: Put the bear The claws will be washed in the Yinyu. In the face of the huge Soviet Red Army, the British government of Europe and the Germans "Complete" is only space for time, and the frontline army is subtrative, and it has been collapsed to India. It is only a reasons for Germany that hinders the Soviet Red Army.

Stalin is a military home for a stable key.

Germany will defeat France in one month, completely abdicate. In the meeting, Lin Han and Slin, Lin Han, "rough", told Stalin, "History" Germany defeated France in "Three Months", and Stalin also believes that Lin Han is blowing "less news" But the fact that he said more.

Even now the Sude League is now, this alliance is still very fragile, and Stalin is guarding the hearts of Germany to prevent UK. Although the Soviet Union has made satisfactory progress in the direction of Torch and Pakistan, Slin's attention is always in Europe.

In such cases, Stalin is crazy, and it will not be radical to spread the shop too much, occupying Pakistan. After obtaining the Yugang of the Indian Ocean, Stalin has been very satisfied, decided to steadily and steadily digest the previous income, So, at this time, in conforming to Germany, "peace talks" to the UK.

At the same time, in the eastern part of India, after the preparation for more than half a year, the People's Liberation Army has also repaired the road in the Indian border, and he has been stored for more than half a year, and millions of liberation army poured into India. Liberation "Northeast India, then actively stop advanced because of the reasons for replenishment. Similar to the Soviet Union, the People's Liberation Army is also facing the front of the front of the front, the strategic objectives developed in the prevention of the PLA, but also to liberate the Northeast India, and will reinforce the connection of China's land in Tibet China. The links between China and Tibet have been greatly strengthened after obtaining the Burma Northern Burma.

Similar to the Soviet Union, the strategic goal of the People's Liberation Army this battle is only to liberate Northeast India, "independence" from the UK's control.

The local anti-war mood is high, the Gibraltar crisis, India faces collapse, under the three-tube, even if there is a US cousin, the British government has finally supported.

Chapter 333 does not have an enemy forever

In the history of 1945, after the Ying Chungel was rushed to the stage, he was in the back of the Struggle Party Kieidi. In the following months, Germany defeated, Japan also quickly stepped in Germany.

At this time, although the Soviet Union got some Eastern Europe, it was a big injury. Although the UK did not lose, but also fiscal close to bankruptcy, only the United States, a decorated United States, with its strong military power, and more scared death The navy, becomes a world hegemony.

At this time, the emperor is still unwilling to exit the world's stage, still want to struggle. Churchill's iron-screen speech will cause the world's polarization, to cause US Su to fight, let the British Empire will breathe a breath, but the heads of the United States and Soviet are not a fool.

From 1945 to the battle, the United States basically is busy, completely dismantling the British bob, and establishing the only way in the capitalist world.

In 1945, in the ten miles of miles, the United States and the United States relationship is very wonderful.

From the perspective of the British, traditional continental policies have led to Hitler to control the continental fear, which leads to a series of chaos decisions, so that the Churchill of the Churchill is bare. In order to let the United States become allies, Churchill sells all the best in the British Empire: 1) Almost all Naval Bases in the Caribbean 2) All the Drawings of all cutters in the UK, including radar, atomic bomb theoretical verification, etc. 3) British local and All colonists are fully open to the United States.

In the real history, the British thinking is that the Allies landed from the Mediterranean. Italian and Balkans, sitting in the big and bearded in Poland, and finally the Allies won two together, so that the unique strong country in the continent is In addition, there is a radius of saving Eastern Europe and Balko people from the Russian iron horses, and the United States is characterized by the United States, and the idea is very good.

But the world will never run according to people's optimal ideas.

After the Torch Action of North Africa, Roosevelt took the British in Casablanca, giving the Dalin, and showed that we were all the attitude of allies in Germany, and the actual acquisition of the United States, the United States, the United States, the Mediterranean Strategy for the United Kingdom. It does not support posture without opposition. Forced the British, I have to play an Anji landing war in my own, and it is almost pushed down the sea.

After the Yalta meeting, the new style of the US pumpse is already fixed, and the three giants only have Churchill to laugh. Bretton Forest Keynes is almost in the trade leadership of the Americans, Americans are not moving. Two news passed to London, and the British P people didn't understand, but it was seen that the British Elite of the Miao Tad was torn, and this is also an important reason why Churchill's domestic elections was rushed to the stage in the United Kingdom.

After the war, the unscrupulous stir stick British immediately played, one side of the side of the Roose to the Soviet Union - later became the source of the famous Migg 15 engine. On the one hand, in the United Nations, I talk about the iron curtain, play the cold war against Meisu confrontation, is the British split?

No, the British's wishful abacus is to use a powerful Soviet Union to scare the United States. Who is it from me, who is arguing? To this end, the work party is even unfaithful. Unfortunately, Paris will be too disgusting at a while, Americans are not willing to be a second back, and a strong Soviet Union is actually needed in the United States (otherwise how to collect Europe's protection).

In addition, the British people talk about how difficult the country's economy is, the meaning of the words is to pay for the account, dependent a butt owner owed by the Leale bill. The United States said that it can be delayed, on the one hand, contact the Soviet Union and Gandhi, on the one hand, stepping up the Bretton Forest into the United Nations system, 47 years of dust settlement, Bretton Forest enters the United Nations framework, a month after the Miku double back book India India , Canada signed the North American defense integration agreement, the British Empire is completely history.

In history, the final struggle of the British, the Suez Canal War, the old Europe's last rebellion, the British and France wins in the battlefield, the battlefield was sanctioned by the US Soviet Union, French broke the boat, and the United Kingdom US Soviet, how can the bob have this courage? I would rather be a dog. Mei Su is fully assured, and then it is true that it is the cold war game time that is a bayonet of the two countries of Mei Su. The UK has struggled for many years. It will not resist the rape of the US Emperor. Just open the two legs. I don't want to take the younger brother.

When this is a real history, Hannah, Lin Han or the leaders of the CCP, in this historical, the three countries jointly deal with the United Kingdom, what is the extent of war to fight, It is worth considering.

"India is too big, can't eat a fat man, should be eminently like a peeling eggshell, and will be liberated at a point."

This is an agreement to meet the Sudu three giants when the Leningrad talks.

But private, Sino-German is another view.

"The day does not fall to the Empire to collapse too early, collapse too early, will only be cheaper."

After this is the view of the Leningrad Conference, Lin Han expressed his views on Hanna, which later got the recognition of the Chairman of the CCP leader Li Yishi.

As the original historical plane, the world became the two pole world dominated by the United States, which is the two of the two countries who don't want to see. The Germany of this plane, even if the traveler is due to the third pole, it becomes the third pole of the two, but it is inevitably the most vulnerability in the triode due to the natural sport of its population and the perspective of the country. There is too little population in Germany, the resources cannot be self-sufficient, the three major defects of the land are too small, and it is unable to make up the travers.

According to Lin Han: "Light against a German, it is unable to become a stable third pole."

Hannah also agreed with his views in silence. Although China has potential to become the third pole, China's industrialization and modernization requires a long accumulation cycle, and it takes four or fifty years. In the 1940s, China is not likely to play this role.

Lin Han's opinion is: "Pull in the UK that is destined to collapse, when they fell into the abyss, pull them together. In history, the two of the US Soviet is unrecognized in the dismissal of the Empire. This era, once the Yingde is warned, the big piece is still under the UK, how do Americans see? Although the British is forced to open the colonial market, this is controlled in the market in others, which What is more comfortable than you personally? "

In Lin Han's view, when Yingde began with talk, the most urgent people were not German, but Americans. "British and Washington Agreement", Americans got a pile of things, but some things, such as the colonial market, the other end of the British man.

Many times, the factor of strength is not the decisive factor in war, what can be obtained through the war, who benefits the biggest, is the factor that determines the eruption of war.

"Once Yingde and Talk, for the benefits of the colonial, the contradiction between the United States is so fast. After all, the 'Peace' of Yingde is too fast, the British lost something in Germany, but in the US, this so-called ' The allies', there are too many things that throw away. We only need to click this, which will become the root cause of the contradiction in the United States. "

"In order to keep the colonial interests, the British will struggle. When they need allies, we can help them, let this sunset empire, crash slower."

The same as Germany is the same as China, the biggest weakness is that overseas troops are very bad, China is near Asia, and India, Southeast Asia has land connections, which can be divided into this melon "British beef" A piece of a cup. Because Germany is basically soy sauce on the side of the sorrow. The Soviet Union is affected by the land distance and can be rushed to the Indian Ocean.

Only the United States, with its strong navy and remote delivery ability, will be the biggest beneficiary of this big meal, especially in the UK Navy, the United States is more powerful.

On August 20, when Germany replied to the UK's negotiations, Lin Han persuaded that Hannah as low as possible to the United Kingdom, so that the British felt that they did not lose in Germany, the loss of the past war is complete in Churchill. Bright and stupid. At the same time, Lin Han also ordered the German public opinion machine to start, public opinion in the world, advocating the US threat theory, and continuing to speculate in the United States is the biggest surcharge of the British War. The subject.

The view of Yinchan, as Yingde sat into the negotiatory table, the most urgent Americans are most worried about the most sensitive location: Southeast Asia. Here, China, the United States, Japan's three countries are interlaced, and with the British and China Suds Three countries began to talk about peace talks, the British can also pick a part of the power back to Southeast Asia. Under the "British League", the United States has an outbreak Households have headache.

Lin Han strongly suspicion, in these days, Americans are likely to have a lot of power in Southeast Asia. Because it is, it is the stimulation of the major events that enters the Malay Peninsula in the French Battle, and the US Navy will take the two new Water Northern Carlona battle ship along with the Saratoa motor carrier, all through the Panama Canal In the Pacific, its strategic intentions have been self-evident. During the UK, the immortal Ghana did not send the Navy again, in addition to the factors of the President, another reason is the rapid expansion of Japan's strength in Southeast Asia, and the US Navy, which has not yet entered the full state, lost .

When the Big and the battleship publicly appeared in the port of Singapore, it was extremely powerful to the disgling of Americans.

So, under such a big premise, the secret negotiation between Yingde was first.

Chapter 334 Peace, European

"The British" of the scorpion! "

In the morning, in the morning of August 20, after the news of Yingde has begun to negotiate, the cactus was attended. After the France's defeat, the UK was squeezed under the three countries in China, and it was no longer possible to carry the war again. He has already expected that he has not thought of so fast.

"Only three months!"

The cactus thinks hate in his heart, and if the UK can support more than three months, wait until the United States is over. As long as he adds to the company, he will tear the face to let the United States participate in the war, and the military and workers behind the United States will be willing to support the President's War Policy.

However, the British is too useless, but it will be smart. It is because they have intelligently introduce the Japanese into Southeast Asia, and forced Americans who have been banned for their own ban, they are forced to transfer the Navy's main battleship to the west coast from the East Coast, and to suppress the unbelievous Japanese who want to move. Therefore, there is a gap in the Atlantic direction. When the German Navy is high-profile at the end of July, the US Navy's strength in the Atlantic is inactive.

"Churchill, you are playing hot!"

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