The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambel Ship Men's Crossing Remembrance Chapter 281

The royal navy is crash! The big fleet in the Western Scqua Bay, with the fiasco of the three Norwegian sea battles, have already become a sigh of yesterday. The new George five-class battleship is still on the bank, even if the British imperial shipyard is working hard to work hard, it will come to the end of the year. And even serve in service, this kind of war is not necessarily the opponent of the two devil war ships with the "cost optimal" as the first priority factor.

The attack on the French fleet is the first factor. Therefore, the commander of Kun Ningan only took the fastest two high-speed aircraft carriers as the main ship, and the "antique" from the United States was thrown in China.

Since the speed is too slow, the opponent, the four battles from the United States are embarrassed. They can't run away, and each four antiques can only be hidden in the port. Every time the Sand-level battleship is hidden, they act as "existing fleet" in the port. After purchasing from the Americans, the only role is that when the Sand-level battleship did not attack, this vote can be dispatched by the escort, and the two sleeves are not afraid. Not long ago, a ship of forty freighters from the United States, because of the existence of "antiques" Russian stamping battleship, with an escorting aircraft carrier of the ship, the two of the two The sleeves are not dare to close.

"This death war, there is also the politics!"

On the flagship "Glorious", Can Ningan hate what curse, his fleet is to cross the Gibraltar Strait into the Mediterranean. The destination of him is located in the port of Navy special port, Milles-km, located in West Yord, North Africa, North Africa.

After the French signing the anti-war agreement, the political power in France was taken into three: to the Germans, the French France, which is headed by Betang; "Free France", which is continuing to resist in the UK, and its members lead the five flowers. For example, the famous gun gun is David; in addition, the military government established by the Narlang's colonial colonial in the northern illegal country.

In the history of this plane, since the Royal Navy is too early, subject to the German Navy's pressure, French people have focused their major ships in China. When French signed and about, only one Dunpellian battle cruise ship was prisoned by "happiness" British - this unlucky child is just in the implementation of the Atlantic City escort task to return to the UK, and the result was British Take the opportunity to seize. Another French Battle Posh number against the British escaped the British seizure action to flee back to France.

After the Defathered War, the French main fleet is mainly distributed in three ports.

The highest "Kurbay" level battleship, "Kurbe" and "Paris" are still waiting in the local Turning Port. All the "Ocean" battleships and three Brittaci-level battlespaces all stayed in the port of Mills-Book, and the last battle cruise ship of France is also in Millsbi. As for the two new shipping ships in the French army: Close the completed Leisi Return and only a turret is installed, the Barbar Battles, this two battles are now staying in the port of Dakar in Senegal, West Africa.

The first attack on the first attack in Kan Ning An is the five French mainstays in the port of Millsbique. The mobile phone fleet available in the UK Navy is really too small. It is necessary to attack the goal of the three different locations. It can only give priority to the relative recent, the protection is relatively weak, but the target is the most Millesbique.

For the task of implementing such sneak attack, Can Ningan is very disgusted, but it has to be implemented seriously.

When the fleet is crossing the Gibraltar Strait, Kan Ningan's mind is constantly flashing from the content of Germany to British Broadcasting in these days.

Today, Germany's broadcast broadcast, in addition to the Churchill called "Military Union Capitalist's Google", more ridiculed Churgee is the largest "" "" "in the UK.

"Let us analyze, the British and Germany's war continued to go, what the British will get, as well as the British pay more."

"The war continued until now, it is almost ten months. Big British Empire's national treasury, very early, only to run mouse. So far, we look at how many things in the UK in order to die in Germany. "

"All British islands in the entire Caribbean area 99 rent! Open all British colonial market! The benefits of the entire Asia are forced to share with the United States! The first time the world is in Paris and the British The government is united in the French, and there are thousands of people to play the Americans. The purpose is to keep the interests of their colonial markets, but now, these interests have been sold in Churchill, who is unknone, I don't know the pain. This is not Under his command, the Royal Navy's all-in-law is full of great achievements. May Mr. Churchill thought that after the war, he also had the opportunity to be like Paris and the Americans, but now there is no navy. British, how can they? "

"The Americans started from the factory, selling soldiers, I got everything they saw a dream for a hundred years ago. There is an old saying in China, and I am selling a lot of money. The United States is the most successful in the UK Spy Chutegill, in his play, the British Empire is now doing this kind of stupid thing to sell himself to the money. Obviously, a chance to end the war is in front of you, but Churchill's largest 'US Spy, Bright, but not to reject our German people to make peace recommendations, regardless of everything, will continue the day of the day, the day does not fight the dust! "

"American spy, Mr. Chip Churchill served as the British prime minister in less than a year, the day does not fall to the empire, there is more than they have lost it in the past 100 years."

For the Germans in the radio, the ridicitization of Churchill is ridiculous, the Navy is born, and it is not too serious to take the hatred of the war. But there is a little Chan Ningan very much, that is, these words will have a lot of impact on the British people.

During the review, Can Ningan exposed to more underlying civilians and soldiers in China. In exchange with their exchanges, Can Ningan found that the market is getting more and more tense, Britain The people of the people are gradually improving to the mood of the war.

The people need a painful victory to send a long time to accumulate depressed, and also need victory to encourage them to continue the confidence.

But these requirements, the British Three Army in the French War and the Norwegian Haibu defeated.

"At the beginning of the war, there is often a very clear reason. After hitting it, the accumulated blood bonds will make the hatred of the two. In the war, I want to accumulate enough hatred is more proneous. "

Churchil sent a German city, which is intended to have more hatred. The Germans saw this, for this kind of positive, so far, Sitler still played "Ninja Turtle Turtle", to bear non-retaining bombing Britain. He just announced that the British pilot who was defeated by Kiri, Kirsk, was announced by the guucks of civilians, and announced that any British pilot prisoner of the German city will be arrested.

The Germans want to end the war state with the UK, and their "sincerity" also felt that Chan Ningan. As a military home, Can Ningan's strategic mind is not bad. He knows that the British government has always been forced to continue the cause of the war, nothing more than the British can't tolerate a powerful unified Europe, which is the instinct of the elderly in the world in the world.

The Sun Times combined with Spanish Dutch against the French.

Take the Break-Run Times and all Europe against the French.

After the end of the War of Bank, the Frenchman opposed the "European Gendarmerie" Russians.

In the first battle, the United Actual Russia oppose the European Army Strong Germany.

Any country who wants to unify, integrating the European continent is the natural enemy of the day, but in this era, the British government deliberately ignores a largest variable and is rising in the new mainland.

At a certain corner of the heart, Can Ningan actually agrees with the Germans: War will only lose the home of the British Empire. But he is just a soldier rather than politicians, he has no choice - it is like a large scale of Germany, he can't make a decision of the fleet to challenge the German Navy, but can only engage in this critical time. Urban instructions from Tangning Street, quietly shipped into the Mediterranean sea in the middle of then, preparing to attack the fleet of the past.

"It's a madness! The British Empire is going to finish, so before the holiday, we want to pull another world-envoy French and finish together?"

When I thought here, Can Ning sighed a breath. He looked through the porthole and looked at the roadmaking on the distance from the Stand of Brito. He was very uncomfortable. There is still a lot of Spanish Navy who suffers heavy in civil war. At all, they cannot dispatch the ship only in the Mediterranean sea, and they avoid the crisis that his fleet was discovered in advance. But in the Mediterranean, the warships are not only a Spanish, and the French and even Italians may find his fleet.

The pharyngology of the Mediterranean Sea is still in the hands of the British army. Compared with the French fleet, Spain's safety is also a big problem for British headaches. Spanish civil war was just over, after the end of the August, after three years of washing, today's Spanish is full.

After the end of the French Battle, a large number of Germans are gather in France and Spanish borders, and now Germany is working diplomatic negotiations on Francish regimes.

The content of the negotiation is related to Gibraltar.

Germany places the "Borrowing" requirements to the Francish regime, requiring a land base in Spain to facilitate Gibraltar. Germany said that after winning Gibraltar, the Germans will return it to Spain.

The pressure of the Franco regime is great.

The Spanish civil war has just been over less than a year, and the whole country is up and down. When the Republican war is defeated, a large number of Republicans have fled abroad, and most of them were received by the Soviet Union, and some of them fled to Germany. The Soviet and Germans organized these fled Spaniaries. Once Germany and Spain are playing, these people will become their "road party".

In the face of Germany, France, Francis' political pressure is great. Although the Francis political power is generally tip, it has the ability to resist the invasion of Germany.

Once Spain also falls into the German hand, Mediterranean shipping is blocked, resulting in a series of chain reactions: The UK's control for India will become lower. Once Germany invades Spain, drive away the Francish regime, the country established on this land is likely to be a red Bolshevik country.

"When you open a fire to the French, you will only push the French to the side of the German."

Can Ningan himself is strong against the action of attacking the French Navy, but his opinions cannot be seen by the lords of Tangning Street. And attacking the French Navy, also got a support recognition of Americans. At this point, Kan Ning is really like "" "" "

Can Ningan has been to the United States, knowing about the American horrible industrial strength, and also understands that Americans support the sinister heart behind the British Navy action. Once the British Navy is doing the French Navy, even if the British ends this war with the victor's identity, the relationship between the British and France will also be difficult to adjust because of this matter.

After a battle, the British and French can play the United States to kick out Paris and will let the world operate according to the will of the two countries. However, after this war, the British Empire, which is seriously weakened, once and the French relationship, the two sides can't join hands, The "sound" after the war will be smaller.

"These shameless politicians!"

Can Ning, cursed those who curse Tang Ning Street, and they may love the UK, but they love themselves. Many people in those people can still sit stable, it is because the United States is still behind them to give them blood transfusion, but these "support" is at the expense of the interests of the Breakfat Empire.

The fleet uses the black night cover, quietly through the Gibraltar Strait, approaches Millsby.

In a month in France to surrendenect, the British spy has completely collected intelligence of the French fleet and port protection facilities in this belt, and the answer is not optimistic.

In Millsbi, the French set up a complete anti-fish thunder, arranged with air defense radar and anti-air guns, and all of this initially, to prevent it to the east. Italian. When the war was on 1939, the Italians got a navigation aircraft carrier from the Germans. Although it is just a speed of about 234, there is only 30 escort aircraft carriers, but after all, this is a aircraft carrier, and it is not more attack Os. The big megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload And the Mediterranean wind is calm, sea condition, the aircraft carrier can increase the ship's quantity through the deck, which is a great threat to the French Battleship to restrict North Africa.

After the "Oslo Miracle", the Harbor's defense facilities were also strengthened due to the launch of the Italian samples to attack the French Navy. The most ironic is that the Radar facilities in the air defense radar whistle arranged in Millsbike are provided before the British.

Since the complete lightning protection network is set, the British mistress is very difficult to use the black night, and the only means to attack the warship through the air, the only means is to dive the bombing, but unfortunately, the current British sea space two armies are missing. Dock bomber. This sneak attack French fleet, Canning Anne can be used, still is a swordfish attack machine that is old to teeth, and the tube and nose fight bombers just equipped with the Navy.

The tube siphyl battle bomber was originally designed for the navy, the original plan was the equipment navy in April. However, Western Europe's air warfare, this performance is not a little more than the hurricane fighter, it is not possible to fight with the German Navy's HE112, and it has not been equipped with a brutal war to announce "outdated". But the biggest advantage of this plane is that the engine horsepower is high - up to 1300 horsepower, the average is far (about 1300 kilometers), and finally used by waste.

Since the current British Navy is seriously lacking professional dive bomber, the sword fish attack machine has made a sputum in the French battle, and the French navy, "Out of time", the tube fighter is pulled out, slightly After modification, it is temporarily used as a task to perform the sea attack.

After reducing the fuel and rear seat gun, after removing some machine guns, the tube nose fighter can mount a 700-kilometer branch from the aircraft carrier, and the French navy, temporary passenger string to perform the nose of the bombing mission Yan fighter has become the protagonist.

The time of attack launched is at four o'clock in the morning. It is now in the end of July. It is very early, and it is expected that the attack chance will arrive at the target at about 5:22. At that time, the visibility of the innocent is, just suitable for the start of the bomb. For this action, the British domestic uses a month, emergency production of a group of dedicated carrier bombs - in fact this bomb is converted into the 406mm of the ship.

When the British fleet entered the Mediterranean, a German submarine, a German submarine, who had already lurked in the nearby German submarine.

After the fleet, after the strait, the German submarine turned out of the water, and did not immediately report, but after another hour, he sent a telegram to Berlin.

There are only three words in the text.

"Ox bite chicken".

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