The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Men's Crossing Remember Chapter 280

Churchill is not afraid of a Germany that walks fascist and racism, but it is extremely afraid of increasingly red, more and more socialist and Bolshvi. Germany. After the French battle, the German internal anti-Hitler's military officers in Germany and the UK secretly linked, but recently in this connection, there is a statue of anti-gray compulsiveness, the reason is also what they began to "get more and more red" for Germany. .

"The damn Hitler!"

At the critical time point of the British Navy, the German Navy suddenly entered the Atlantic Ocean high-profile, which also made Churchill's headache.

The British Empire cannot withstand the risk of the French Navy to join the German Navy. Soon, Darlang received a whole sixty plane from the Germans. This situation made the British feel uneasy, this is also overwhelming Chunges, which makes it determined to solve the final straw of the French Navy.

Although Dallang did not believe that the British would attack his fleet, the corresponding prevention work did not stop. The British intelligence department came to the news, and now the French fleet stationed in the port of North Africa is doing everything possible to strengthen the defending power of the port. From the news from the France, the newly established Vish French government, under the permission of the Germans, recently, is carried out to the North Africa. The longer the time is dragged, the smaller the possibility of the French fleet with the means of sneak attack.

At the crucial moment of Germany attacks in the Atlantic Ocean, the Royal Navy ran to the fleet of the African attacking allies, which in the political and negative impacts of politics and diplomatic impacts were great to make a decision.

In the afternoon, Churchill asked the person in the navy, whether there is confident to defeat this German fleet into the Atlantic to break, whether the answer is.

Although the number of the aircraft carriers of both parties is two to two, if necessary, it can be supported by the navigation carrier, but the British Navy's defects and insufficient are too much. The first thing is the old old, the speed is serious, and the speed advantage of the high-speed aircraft carrier cannot be played by it.

In addition, there is a problem that the British battleship is the best of the German battleship of the German battleship. Before solving this difficulties, the general ship is called "Hydro-time" is the night of the night, and the German attack "catching" game, it is simply no different from suicide.

The British Navy in the rebuilt is now heavy.

The aircraft carrier is just a lot of unfinished products on the sedan, and the sailors in the ship use newcomers. Whether people, the ship has not been adjusted to the best and most fit, is now not a time to fight the German Navy.

The navy is very straightforward, telling Churchill, now in this case, they don't have a little more to grasp the World Army in the Atlantic.

The only point in Churchill is that Americans can put guns on the British, but they have encountered the "unfamily event" of the US presidential election. In the votes of the cactus, the cactus also did not have this kind of power on this festival.

Atlantic ship security issues, French fleet issues, these two destiny issues are in front of the table, and they must be solved immediately on the tip of the nose and cannot be delayed.

"Don't you don't fall in the Empire, can you still bow down to the sinister German beard?"

When I was in the evening, Churchill was saddened by this problem in my heart.

In the original history, the British can always support the peace talk after the Battle of France, that is because the Royal Navy is still, there is a bottom gas, see the hope of the future victory.

But this is different, the glory of the Empire, the Royal Navy has been hit by the opponent nearly completely, forced to rebuild, and the Germans are still in step by step. Although there are also support for Americans and domestic capitalists, the British people's endurance of war is also coming to the limit.

Churchill believes that as long as the sea shipping is re-cut, the domestic living materials supply is more difficult, and the string in the people in the people will not be far away.

Once this string is broken, it is the beginning of Churchill, and the beginning of Yingde "and Talk", and he Churchill will become a shame of the history of the altar.

Chapter 325 of the soldiers divided into two ways

On July 25, the German attack fleet entered into the large Western Ocean was upstream of about 700 kilometers in northern Ireland. At noon on the same day, they and the two sleeves of the Atlantic Ocean will return to the Atlantic Ocean.

The return of the two sleeves, with four British freighters, this is the trophy of these more than 20 days of hunting, in addition, five British freighters are hit by the German warship gun.

The Marine War of Hanna received these captured freighters, and then they returned to Germany with Faro, Icelandic waterway under the escort of Four destroyers. After the French Battle, the German Navy has increased its blockade to the British sea. In July, in July, the British lost the tonnage of cargo ships in the Atlantic Ocean has exceeded 60,000 tons, of which about one-third of the ship was captured by the German naval captive, the oil, grain, refined Strategic materials such as non-ferrous metals, aluminum ingots have become a german's trophy. Since the British Navy can't block the North Atlantic northern Airways, there are also some American cargo ships, quietly enter the German control area to smuggling materials through the North Atlantic route - in order to avoid the hassle, and the "protest" of the British, these The US freighter is usually unloaded in the Netherlands, and then transported by "neutral" Netherlands to Germany. The reason why this is the main reason is that the official "anti-German tendency" in the United States is increasingly affected. For the Netherlands between Yes, to help German transshipment materials, profit from it is also a good thing.

The so-called kill's business is done, the business of the loss is no longer done. Although it can get more profits to British shipping, this route is risky. Compared with the "neutral" Netherlands shipping is much safe. Even if you encounter the British Navy's inspection, you are also easy to pass on the banner of transporting materials to the British. Besides, the British Navy's loss is heavy, and there is very poor existence in the Atlantic, especially the influence of their high latitudes in the Northern University of Atlantic is almost zero.

Two pocket warships in July, after more than 20 days of activities, oil and replenishment have been over. After the Hannah main fleet, they directly accepted the feed work at sea.

At this time, Hannah has six supply ships and two escorts in addition to bringing a bunch of main ships. Due to the contrast of the Atlantic Adoy, the strength of the German Navy has been reversed, the German Navy has dare to replenish the Atlantic in the Atlantic, and do not worry about the attack of the sudden emergence of the British fleet.

In the bridge of the flagship of the Sandho Hostell, the Hannah face wearing a silver mask, looking at the two sleeves of the two sleeves that are being received, showing a focus on the face, which seems to be perceived. Reedr, respectfully stared at her, and did not dare to make a sound. There were more than ten German military officers. Everyone saw the eyes of Hannah, they were full of worship and awe.

Today, Hannah is no longer obscured when acting on the German Navy's ship, but is open to "God Ming", and acts as a "god". Today, she has completely controlled the idea of ​​this fleet officers and soldiers, she went down, all soldiers in the fleet did not hesitate to die for her.

For a long time, it is already a little asked by the Navy Marshal I'm asked in a small way: "Is the adult arrived?"

Hanna replied: "There are probably 150 kilometers of voyages, and the radio worker will report to him, let the pilot offset the plane to the southeast direction fifteen degrees, and the aircraft is a bit yet."

After twenty minutes, the radar soldiers on the ship sent a telegram. It is said that there is a large goal in the northwest, and the Redre is issued by the Hannah, and the air defense troops will not have to panic. This is the plane of themselves. So as not to misunderstand. At the same time, two HE112 fighters were taken from the Qi Baili aircraft carrier, and the invested fleet radar soldiers should go to escort.

After more than ten minutes, a two-engine Boeing aircraft appeared over the fleet, and the left and right sides had a HE112 escorted on the side.

This Boeing passenger aircraft is a private passenger passenger passenger, which Boeing produced, the cab is a double seat, four occupants, which are water aircraft, and two huge floating cylinders hang in the plane.

This water plane finally landed on the ocean near the Sarn Hostel, and a nearby destroyer immediately approached, put down the traffic sole, and took a passenger from the boat. Subsequently, the destroyer was placed down, and the water passenger plane was filled with fuel, and it took off from the water to the North "Neutral" Iceland, where I trified a few days later will return to the United States.

Passengers from the water planes, their appearance is the famous German football god "Zov Klinsman", and his true identity is Lin Han.

July 20th, the German fleet was hit from Oslo. Lin Han, who was hiding in Hiroshima, Japan, also received a telegram from Germany through secret channels.

From the Singapore's return to the big sum, it is no longer in Wu Hai's dry dock, but stopped in the local garde terminal to accept the final modification adjustment.

In July, the beginning of July, after leaving China, after the Shanao Hiroshima, he first and Li Huamei, Katoha, three people jointly conducted the final "Magic Reform".

The main thing is to enhance the pressure strength of the big and small ship cannon, so that it can withstand "heavy bomb" with a larger pressure launch, but also the most thorough "integration" for large and tarants. engineering.

After the trip to Singapore, the existence of the super battleship ship has been famous. Although it has not yet issued a bomb, no sashimi, it is more than 40,000 tons of the figures and 460 mm of the guns, but it is all recognized by more than 64,000 tons of the body. The strongest battleship.

Big and, Musashi two months after "status of stretch", Li Hua, who sent big and number, and Katoha, these days absorb countless beliefs, the ability of the two further enhanced. When the two meet the bodies, they already have the abilities of Lin Han or Hannai.

At that time, Lin Han had completed the final magic reform of Dahe No.T, when I received a telegram, Lin Han was holding his two daughters in a secret cabin on the big and big.

According to the Japanese plan, on August 1, Dahe No. will open to Tokyo Bay officially unveiled in Japan, the Japanese national national will hold a grand service ceremony. At that time, it will be the "Dahe Fuzi" Japan's Guardian, officially debut with the identity of "God".

Lin Han people wanted to stay in Japan after the end of August 1, but he was called by a telegram of Hannah. In the telegram, Hanna told Lin Han. If the German Navy can complete the British Navy again, the British must be more difficult to support the British. The Navy in the hands of Churchil three times will make the British people to reach the limit of the nuri's resistance. At that time, Churchill's stubborn anti-morality will have to be humiliated by people.

Lin Han likes to crush history, just want to see a different historical violinist, he wants to know a little: Once the war between the Yingde is over in advance, the Americans lose the excuses involved in the European War, the world history will How will I get?

This is a very interesting thing.

After receiving the telegraph of Hannah, Lin Han bid farewell to Li Huimei and Katoha, then taken from Japan, flying to the United States with Zofl Clinsman. Then he flew from the West Coast from the West Coast to the East Coast in the United States, he was transferred to the Atlantic Ocean, and finally in the sea and Hannah. The reason why the Asian route is not taken is mainly in this middle, and there is a distance in the air through the Soviet control area.

When Lin Han returned to China, in order to keep confidential, it was intended to notify China in advance until it was bright in Xinjiang. Because Lin Han is very clear, in the Chinese Communist Party, the people in the affordous, there are a lot of people, and the days know that there will be someone to disclose his whereabouts to Stalin. Even if this possibility is small, he doesn't want to take this risk. If the Asian route returns to Germany, people in China have come into contact with the safety of safety, and he is rather watched away from the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic.

Lin Han's identity in the eyes of the German military is the "other side" of "plus 100 columns". After mounting the Sarn Horstet, he deliberately in the flagship of the ship, he was integrated with Hannah, and became the status of "helping him".

After the two, Lin Han immediately knew the battle plan of Hannah, and also understood why she rushed to rush back half a globe.

He laughed to Hanna with his mind:

"Multi-tube is now, you don't give the British a little way!"

In accordance with the combat plan developed by German Navy, the German Navy entering the Atlantic Ocean will divide two fleet points.

A fleet was led by Hanna, including two battleships, two Qi Bilin-level aircraft carriers, six air defense cruisers, this fleet will be in the south, ambush in the Water San Island to the Gibraltar Channel, and the United Kingdom The fleet will attack when it is returned.

Lin Han will lead two two sleeve war ships and two escort aircraft carriers to continue in the North Atlantic event, making the German main fleet still in the Atlantic. Hannah hidden in the dark, and Lin Han was high-profile.

Nowadays, in the UK fleet, there have been escorted aircraft carriers to escort, escort aircraft carrier's presence given a lot of trouble to the German water fleet and submarine force. The two sleeves and rivers have more than 20 days, but because of the pressing of the escort aircraft carrier, they can only attack the small ship group and miss a large boat group with aircraft carrier. The reason is to consider the aircraft carrier's threat, Lin Han's The task is to take off these escort aircraft carriers.

Chapter 326 Ox bite chicken

On July 27th, a fleet that is not huge is being crossing the Strand of Gibraltar.

The main force of the fleet is the two brilliant armored aircraft carriers, and there are two heavy cruisers, and the two light cruisers have eight destroyers accompanying, as for the old days of the sea king battleship, it is not there. Because the four antiques bought from the United States, the speed is too slow, and it is not suitable for the implementation of this long-distance rushing task.

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