The Ship of Iron Ambition

Steel Ambush Men's Crossing Report Chapter 282

The next day, the German newspaper reported that the three words "bite chicken" were used as the title.

Chapter 327 Ox bite chicken (2)

I know that the French and ourselves are not a heart, and they are also asked by the British Navy and the French navy dog ​​biting dog. Although she arranged surveillance submarines in the Gibraltar Strait early, she was only to confirm the Drainage of the British Navy so that they were in return, and they did not want to warn the French in time, but the destruction of the French fleet.

At 4 o'clock in the morning of July 28, at about one hundred and eighty-kilometers from Mesbi, the race and the aircraft carrier were in the wind, and the speed was accelerated to 30, one A tube steamer combat bomber carrying a seven hundred kilograms of flight is taking off from the deck, and before this, the first wave of mount the fried bow and the torpedo, the squid attack chart has been released first.

The design carrier of the brighter-level aircraft carrier is around 43, this attack, in order to ensure the biggest attack effect, the British also use the deck to increase the amount of carrier, and now each aircraft carrier carrier is forcibly overloaded. Increased to 60.

At 4:200, the first wave of the two aircraft carriers fell, and the aircraft of this batch of flying planes were all the slowest fencing attack machine.

At four o'clock, the fourth plane of the second wave is flying, this wave is all the tube bomber. Since the latter speed is fast than the former, plus the former is intentionally slowing down, the two waves are almost over the port of Mills-Bark.

For the British Navy's raids, France has no response in North Africa's garrison - all of the French Navy's attention is in the eastern part, and it may preserve the Italian Navy that may "joke". After the French battle, the other world of the French is very unhappy. It is very exciting that the stone is in the French. Fortunately, when Hitler is severely warned, Mussoli is unhappy.

Due to the relationship between the previous allies of the British Fa, the French is not smooth against the British, and the British can freely act. Due to the relationship between the previous British and French and French League, the French is also a clear two in the UK in Millsby, and more importantly, the radar station arranged here is also helping maintenance by British technicians.

On July 28th, the French army arranged in a radar station responsible for monitoring the west test in Millsib, accidentally happened to "fault" a few nights, and did not restore work in time before. The British technicians maintained at the time represented that Tianming will come to the repair, there is no repair, but in the middle of the night, at that time, the Frenchman also "negligible duty" did not care too much.

The French army has just defeated. Nowadays in Darlan, North Africa, from top to bottom, there is no shadow of defeated, the soldiers are low, no fighting, and more irresponsible when doing. Even if there is a technician who came over the evening, this radar station impossible to recover, because the radar itself is to help maintained British technicians intentionally.

Can Ningan's sneak attack acts very successful.

At 5:25 in the morning, the French general command in the shore will be awakened by the violent explosion, the first wave of the first wave of the British army and the second wave of attacking charts are violently bombing him. Fleet.

At this time, the French navy, no matter the officers and men on the shore, most of them are still sleeping, in the face of the British machine that suddenly fly over the port, there is no resistance.

In just ten minutes, eighty aircraft put on dozens of specialty to warships and a small amount of aviation fish thunder in the five Fifth French mainships parked in Hong Kong. Although the plane dispatched by the UK is not a professional dive bomber, the French military fleet at this time is a dead target that is moored in Hong Kong, and the air defense weapons and surrounding airlines in the ship are almost unattended, attack British planes can boldly concentrate all the attention to reduce the head, aim, dive, and bomb.

In the three Britti-level battleships, the Brittany battleship was swallowed in five minutes, and there were also four shortcomings, one of the airbornes pulled into the power cabin, destroying half of the boiler one Tower cutting machine, another penetrating army-cutting of the tube nose fighter fighter, blown up the turret, so that the turret is completely scrapped.

In the nearel four-shot, there is a water explosion of the lace from the warship of the left side, thereby producing the water pressure, and tore open the ship under water. The huge crack, causing countless water. Fortunately, the remains of the three nearly lost bombs fall on the right side, and bring a lot of water. Due to the "approaching balance" of the left and right side, the ship is finally in the waterstock near the berth.

Before it is sitting, due to the two tow and patrol boats, they succeeded to a shallow depressed shallow depth of the Nine meters deeply. When sitting in the bottom of the water, the ship's deck is less than one meter.

Luolin's battleship ship, the part of the Ministry is around, the three are close, the wavily left fifteen degrees, because the ship is timely put water to the right side, improvement in time, and finally the end of the butture is successful.

The most unfortunate thing is Prosemn, although the ship only has eaten two flights, but one of the silver bullets caused a mid-production, the ship fry into two backs into the water. Due to the deep water level, the ship was deeper, and there were more than 700 water soldiers at the time. Because the battles suddenly, most people were still sleeping, plus it was so fast after the air strike, only thirty-four people afterwards Rescue.

Vintage battleship marine numbers were directly hit three-shot, nearing two, and in the late air strikes were also forced to strand. As the Prosemnial number is the only battle cruise bodrus in the French Navy, the ship is the only one of the French mainships that is moored in Hong Kong. Large battleship - main reason is that he has just opened from Turogang, France, and the water soldiers did not immediately add anti-fish thunder. This intelligence quickly informing the Canning An Fleet through the radio last night.

After getting this intelligence, there were eight special airplanes that were hit by the British. The eight swordfish attackers flew to the height of less than 20 meters, forced to the airmuli, the distance from 500 meters, except for a fish and thunder, the remaining seven hair in killing the target In the case of five hair, the ship insisted on 40 minutes after the water, and finally touched into the port.

The British Navy only dispatched two eighty aircraft, which will almost disappear in the port of the French army. After completing the air raid mission, these British airplanes fired nearby French Airports. Due to the relationship between the previous British and French Alliance, the British's position of the local French Airport is 2 chic, moored in the nearby French plane, most of which are Hanna "good heart" to transfer to Darlang, the result of this batch of planes There is a whole thirty-frame air strike in the first round, it is destroyed on the ground.

At 5:25, the first, second wave of attack champion was evacuated, the third wave of air machines quickly rushed to Millsby, and they were surprised to the remaining three of the wounds in the water. French battleship cast more bombs. The Brittany and the Luolin number also swallowed the three hair and the quarter flight, and the ocean number also ate two flights, and the three ships were fried and ruthless, and the three ships were severely created.

At this time, the French army in Hong Kong has reacted, and there are three British airplane floor air defense fire in the air strike, and another French P40 fighter taken off by the local airport shot down. The sea firefighting fighter coming along with the accompanying, I also launched two French planes.

It's just a round of attack, and Canning Ann ship picked up the main ship of the French battleship in Hong Kong, and only four aircraft were lost.

The biggest unfortunate in the French is that they have been in the "Alliance" state, and there are too many "French French sports" supporters in the new government, how many planes are in Dallang, how many air air guns, United Kingdom People pass these "inner ghosts". In history, this should be at this time and the Italians who have warned by the British and France, but because Germany's pressure is forced to be neutral, the British Navy is only improving the French in the Mediterranean Sea. The pressure is not large. After Chan Ningan took the first hand, he could continue to dispatch the aircraft to launch the attack on the second round or even the third round.

"Either don't do it, you have to do it!"

Although the heart is extremely disgusting to attack the French Navy, but Caming himself is clearly divided into personal emotions and superior instructions. After receiving all the aircraft released, these English machines have quickly launched the second round of attacks after the bullet is supplied.

At 9:30 in the morning, the French Navy residual battleship has been "whip corpses" in the British Navy Aviation. The three battles of the heavy, and the number of large-scale flights were eager to eat, and the three ships were unbearable. At that time, the French soldiers who were carrying out the rescue were a heavy casualty in the air strike. One of the sale of the sailing market, the warship, the battles, causing a mid-on, although this battleship did not sink on the beach, but the serious damage caused by the ammunition library, or a bunch of the battleship into the sea. Scrap iron. The two battles, including the Brittania, including the former attack, two ships were directly hit and twelve bombs, and there were a large number of underwater injuries caused by the disabled. It has also reached the stage of "scrap".

The returned British pilot sent to Can Ningan's telegram, if it said:

"We have already marked the French fleet!"

However, when the second round of attacks, the British lost eight aircraft in this wave attack, while the French Air Force's residual eight fighters were also destroyed in this attack. Two skydiving British pilots, in the air, suffered an angry French ground air defense artillery, which was torn directly into a fragment, and two unlucky pilots were arrested after landing. It was suffering from being hit, and some were shot on the spot.

Chapter 328 Chapter Broken Strings (Part)

After completing the mission of destroying the French Navy of Millsby, the Canning An Fleet immediately returned. According to his fleet, his fleet will drive out of the Gibralar Strait overnight, then south, attack the two French battleships parked in the port of West Afolda, West Afold, is the Leissea and let the Ballet.

Li Sias is currently the strongest battle of French naval. It is 40,000 tons of tonnage - because of the impact of four thousand tons of Sand-level battleship, the three of the British French and Midea use this as an excuse, abolished the "Washington Navy Treaty" 35,000 tons of upper limit.

The Americans built the South Da Ke at this basis. The British built is George 5th, while France has built Lee, due to more than 5,000 tons of design, French designer did not Save tonnage and make the two four-piece main gun tower filled with "Breast Mail Cavalry" style, but the two turrets are released before and after.

Since the battle ship is a four-joint turret, the armor band is largely shortened, so a large number of tonnage weights can be used to strengthen armor, the ship defense can be said to be the best in the same kind of products in the Three Kingdoms of the British and France, but the fire is slightly weak. There are only two four-game total eight 380 artillery.

France is about to defeat, the Leissence Return has completed all the main projects, and only some of the end-of-finished projects have not yet been completed. And the sisters of the same level let the Ballet, just after the first main artillery column.

With the German Army's growing shipyard, the last choice of the two ships was grabbed before the German capture shipyard, bring all the parts that can be taken away, and the warehouse fled France, and finally docked in the Dakar in Senegal. port.

The Chan Ningan Express Fleet of the South is just preparing to solve the French Navy hiding in Dakar. At noon on July 28, the Canning Anchin receiving all the second round of attack released, the entire fleet is collectively turned to, west, ready to leave the land of China.

On the same day, the Westminster Palace (that is, the British Capitol) in London, England, Churchill conducted hundreds of British Members in Block, informing the "Throwing Machine" action, announced the announcement of the Royal Navy has eliminated The "huge threat" of the French Navy.

When I was in Hucier in history, I got all the parliamentarians. At that time, the British can do this, it is based on the premise of the Royal Navy "World", they don't believe that the Germans have the ability to swim in the English Channel. At those members, it seems that the French navy is killed, not only for the security of the British Sany Island, and is also a long-term interest in the UK.

But this era, the German Navy is smashing the throat of the British in the Atlantic. Churchill announced this result, and it was just a lot of applause.

"Wen Sh Ton Churchill, this paranoid, he is crazy!"

On the parliament, the Summer Summit Clemet Eldley looked at the face of Guili, whispered to the assistant.

After the 1935 parties, Edli has been opposed to the party leader until 1939.

The second World War broke out. After the British Navy fought in the first Norwegian war, he was a joint Liberal Party to make an untrust of the Zhang Bolun government, and eventually, Zhang Bollen has stepped down in advance early.

When Churchill came to the stage, he could not achieve absolute majority in the parliament, and only the "sound" of all parties in the United Kingdom in the United Kingdom, and then the Labor and the Liberal Party have joined the Joint Government of Churchill.

During the World War, there were three important committees in the British government. Both are the Wartime Cabinet and Defense Committee, both of which are leading by Churchill, but by Clement Aid Rich. As for the third committee, the Committee of the Pivot The President of the Pivot is Chairman, which is the chairman of Clemet Editor, and the committee is mainly responsible for civil affairs. This allocation is because Churchier is in a military affairs, and Clemet Aide is fine in civil affairs. In addition, Clemet Eide, will also represent the issue of the MP at the Parliament of Churchill.

In the past six months, Clemet Editor has fully supported Churchill's leadership, but as the French government surrendered to the country in 1940, it was a big battle in the British cabinet. Differences.

Historically, it is because Clement Editor supports Churchill's war policy, so that the UK will continue to fight. In addition, in the past five years, only their two have been in the main battle. But this plane, and the French surrender did not defeat, but the British Royal Navy is completely destroyed.

After losing the most important war machine Navy of the Japanese Inno-Empire, Ed River continued to adhere to the British position and had shaken. In July, the United Kingdom made the decision of the War of War, which is completely the result of the US special envoy and the British military capital. Plus the "Leale Bill" stimulus, when the cabinet secretly voted, the British Parliamentary Government only agreed to continue the war Go on.

Ed Rich is very clear that the British folk now has continued support for war, psychological acceptance ability, has dropped to a very low level.

"Churchill, he is crazy. In order to wash away the royal navy in his stains, this paranoid will send the Great Britone to the gambling table, can't indulge him so, let him be such a crazy gamble Go down. "

The Aid Rich is squatting, he sits coldly at the stage, and the Liberal Party Kui, which is not far away, and the other party is just then the same eyes hope to him.

Edie decided, after the end of this cabinet meeting, he would have a cup of the other side.

At the end of July 29, the Canning Anchi Fleet was re-entering the Atlantic Fleet through the Gibraltar.

The Strand of Gibraltar is located between the southern part of Spain and the northwest of Africa (35 degrees from the West, 57 minutes north latitude), 58 kilometers long; the narrowest in Spain's Marroqui angle and Morocco The Cires angle is only 13 kilometers wide.

Unless you know the route of your opponent in advance, the submarine wants to be in the vast ocean to ambush enemy fleet, almost impossible.

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