The ... old lady didn't even look at her, then shook hands, "These hundreds of acres of rice fields are reached for you to plant, and the old country houses are reached for you.

Tang's words moved slightly, she whispered.

Mom, do you give them all?"

"The remaining three 3 stores, you choose the third, fourth, fifth."

There is no doubt that the old woman made her final voice: "As for the two thousand two hundred, silver coins, one is forty-two.

"Mother, the fifth brother has only one daughter.

this is not fair."

Zhu Shi cried again and said, "Mom, there is a store, you must give us a store! Xiang Gong is also your biological son, mother!"

"Are you deaf? I said 40 rooms per room! This store is the oldest, youngest, fourth and oldest."

The old woman stared at her. "If you don't agree, don't ask forty-two."

After speaking, she looked around the old house for decades, then "sold it"

Zhu Shiyi is happy, this house is said to be missing [-].

"Silver is used to buy grain.

If you don't give up, you may die and let go."

She said softly: "I arrived to bring my second child to the country and the eldest son to return to Yemen.

As for the fifth child, please go to your father-in-law's house.

For a period of time."

"Mother, Foy can live with five 55 brothers and family members."

Wanquan immediately lowered his head.

"Father Wen is in poor health.

The fifth brother dragged his family to disturb him.

This is wrong."

"Despite the fall of the Wen family, there are still some contacts.

In the event of a real disaster, I want to protect myself."

The old woman looked at Wanzhaoyun in Wannei, because of her narrow prejudice, her granddaughter was always less than her in these years.

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Chapter 426 ━━━━━━━━━━━[QQ group 676248306 first release, subsequent update chapters will only be released in the group, to see more Feilu TXT, please join the group 676248306, there are too many resources in the group, no resources You can contact the group owner to update] ━━━━━━━━━trouble

When you arrive, the Angkor brothers need it, just say, we will definitely help. Besides, the fifth brother's business is the Wan family's business."

Lin Xuan wanted to buy a material store, she stood up.

"Mother, we can go to the country to collect grass.

They are all natural."

Tang and Yang were taken aback, she thought the little niece was asleep, but she didn't expect that she heard everything.


very good."

Wen is a gentle woman, she teaches in Yaozheng, and she can do business here.

After getting the answer they wanted, Tang and Yang immediately gave Wan Chaoyun specialty "This is Huai County's tea, this is the unique mung bean cake over there, this is..."

Wen took a few bags of specialty products and took his daughter back to Changxiyuan.

When I saw Wan Che, I suddenly remembered that it was a big deal for her, and she couldn't stop shaking.

"Dad, we have a shop."

Lin Xuan rushed over and happily reported: "Dad, we can also let the guys in the store teach you how to identify grass and learn how to collect things and make a living."

Wan Che is discussing this big event with his brothers.

He walked over, heard these words, smiled, and touched his daughter's head.

"It makes sense, just do it, Dad's Lin Xuan is very smart."

Ms. Wen was worried about how to explain it to her husband, but she did not expect her daughter to speak directly.

She is just in front.

She also worries that her husband will pay more attention to rice grain stores.

Wan Che, who has been her husband for ten years, don't you understand what she thinks

Wen's smile, he always does, he reaches to support her forever.

"Dad, when are we going"

Wan Chaoyun said, hugging his father's neck, "Daughter and father are together"

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