He looked twenty and twenty years old and trembled even more.

Zhu was surprised.

She also thought that if the mother still disagreed, she would hug her two grandchildren and cry until they agreed...  


Wanquan's heart was trembling, and it was his fault.

If he didn't do anything wrong, his mother wouldn't have a second sibling to do it.

"Needless to say, separate, although I'm not dead yet, and your brother is here tonight, Xi Niang."

she cried wearily.

"My wife is here,"

Answer gently.

"I heard you checked the warehouse"


"is that clear"

"Clearly, wait until your mother is well, and then you can take a look."

Mr. Wen always answers all questions gently.

This old lady lamented that over the past ten years, she had been blindfolded and looked at many people wrongly.

The most inconspicuous one turns out to be the most powerful.



Wen's hesitation, she was always very depressed, after all, she was playing tricks.

Mr. Zhu doesn't care...

How many, can't wait to say: "Five 55 brothers and sisters, won't you go?"


Wen replied, lowered his head and went out.

"Let's eat together, even if you have two meals, you still have to eat."

The old lady insisted: "Shu Qing, go and call your aunt."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 425 ━━━━━━━━━━━[QQ group 676248306 first release, subsequent update chapters will only be released in the group, to see more Feilu TXT please join the group 676248306, there are too many resources in the group, no resources You can contact the group owner to update] ━━━━━━━━━Disagree

Wang's mouth was bitten, and his throat was about to fall out of his mouth.

He felt sullen, with tears in his throat, "Am I not suitable for our child?"

"It's really for those kids, or your own luxury.

You know, I'm suing you in there to add more confusion, and when the family ends, you might as well try."

King Wanquan, he is also warning himself, brother and brother.

Wang did not know that he was working very hard.

All he knew was that her husband scolded him in front of his brother and sister with a dull expression on his face.

"You nodded, brother sold the grain."

Suffocating, he can't speak, he's wrong, he's guilty.

"Stop your mouth."

The old woman pointed at the king wearily.

"The couple is together, he has money for you, but you are accused of suffering and if you talk again, you reach back to the royal family, not to mention our family.

There is nothing scary.

Do the best you can!"

Wang knew that the old lady was a cruel person and she would tell others what to do, so she immediately lowered her head, held her mouth, and wiped away her tears.

The scene was very quiet, everyone didn't dare to say more, just looked at the old lady, quietly waiting for her next arrangement, "all the second rooms reach back to the country."

"I'm not going back!"

Zhu Shi immediately screamed.

"Some brothers are still taking science exams, but the Kang brothers are still so young.

How can they go back to the country mother, give us your store, we must do well, we must teach a few brothers to do it.

Become: very talented.

"She said she would pull the old lady's clothes and looked up expectantly.

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