Young Miss, Please Don't Run

67 Chapter 067 - Spiritual World

After the Han sisters' seal have been removed, they are ready to leave this world to go to Lok Son's world. Ba Yue have decided to leave the next morning so they can all rest for the night. The next morning, everyone has been well rested and is ready to go.

"Young Master, I will open the portal now. But we all have to hold hands. Otherwise, there might be a chance for us to separate." Gao Sing said as he takes out a small stone that looks very much like the energy stone that Ba Yue had used before. But this is a special transportation stone that is specially made to go to a certain place only.

"I understand." Lok Son said as he pulls Ba Yue to his left side where the girls are. Ba Yue was standing at Lok Son's right side between Lok Son and Gao Sing. Even though it might be necessary but he doesn't want his Little Yue to hold another man's hand.

This is actually Lok Son's first time going back to his real home. He knew about the other world and the transportal portal but have never go through one before. The communication between his mother and him is always through his two hidden guards and the people from the other side.

The group stands in a circle with Lok Son's left hand holding Ba Yue's right hand. Ba Yue's other hand hold Han Yan's hand, and Han Yan then holds Han Chu's hand. Just as Han Chu wants to hold the hand next to her, she noticed that it's Junzhi that next to her. She felt shy about holding the hand of a man that she had just met. Just as she hesitates about holding Junzhi's hand, she suddenly heard a voice.

"Don't forget about me! I'm here too! I don't have any hands but I have paws. Who want to hold my cute little paws? Just so you know, I prefer the girls!"

Everyone looks down and see Little Red all by himself. The guys have black lines in their head when they heard what Little Red said. While the girls want to hold Little Red's small soft paws. It's rare that Little Red allows anyone to touch him other than Ba Yue and Lok Son. He let's Ba Yue touch him because she's his master. As for Lok Son, he's just afraid of him.

Gao Sing looks at Ba Yue and said, "Miss Ba, you can have him stay inside of the beast ring until we reach there."

"Beast ring? What's that?" Ba Yue asked with her face looking confused.

"That's right, there's no beast ring in this world. Miss Ba, a beast ring is like a living place for your pet beast. When you don't want your pet beast to be on the outside, you can have them stay inside a beast ring. They can sleep, eat and rest in there until you call for them again." Gao Sing patiently explains.

"That's awesome!" Ba Yue said excitingly, but she then remembers that she doesn't have one. "But I don't have one." Her exciting feeling fades away.

Lok Son doesn't have one either since he doesn't have a pet beast.

"Are you sure?" Ba Yue received it from Junzhi, it looks just like a normal ring.

"Yes, it's nothing fancy. People from the other worlds kept one or two around just in case they come across a beast that they want to make a contract with." Junzhi quickly replies.

"Thank You! You are such a nice guy!" Ba Yue happily said as she puts the ring on her finger.

Lok Son stares at Junzhi with his cold eyes that can freeze him. He didn't even give his Little Yue any jewelry yet and Junzhi gave it to her first and it just so happen to be a RING! How can he accept his woman wearing a ring from another man? He must find a more nice looking beast ring once he gets to the other world and give it to his Little Yue. He will then make her get rid of that ring from Junzhi, Lok Son thought.

Junzhi doesn't even notice his own master staring at him. He just smiles stupidly when he hears Ba Yue thanking him. His future mistress is thanking him and is happy to receive the ring, his master must also be pleased with his action, Junzhi thought.

Seeing Lok Son staring coldly at Junzhi and the person being stared at have no idea, Gao Sing just shakes his head. He has been with this young master long enough to know what kind of person he is. That's why even though he also has a beast ring he didn't immediately take it out. He was going to wait for his master to ask for it first and then take it out.

Ba Yue doesn't know how to use the ring but Little Red does. He knows what a beast ring is and knows how to use it, but he doesn't like to stay inside the ring. He likes the fresh air on the outside more but he has no choice for now. He said a few words to Ba Yue and vanish into the ring.

Gao Sing doesn't want to waste any more time so he throws the stone the front if him to activated it. He immediately grabs the hands of the people next to him, which is Junzhi and Lok Son. He then murmurs something and then suddenly the area that they are standing lights up.

Seeing the light, Junzhi knew the transportation portal has been activated. One of his hand is already being held by Gao Sing but his other hand in not holding the person next to him. He immediately grabs the hand next to him without looking. Han Chu's hand is being held tight be Junzhi, her face has turned red. Before she can get shy about it, the transportation portal is activated and suddenly they all disappeared from the place that they were standing at.


Somewhere in the dark forest, a bright light shines and a group of six people suddenly appears out of nowhere.

"Who is there?" A loud voice suddenly asked.

The group of six is no other then Lok Son and the others. They've just landed and suddenly heard a voice asking who they were. They looked around and noticed that they have been surrounding by a group of men dressed in the same kind of clothing.

Gao Sing immediately took out a badge to show it to the group of men. As soon as the men saw the badge, they all knee down to show respect.

"Welcome back, Head Royal Guard!" The man that first asked them who they were said.

Gao Sing only nodded his head to response and leads the way out. The badge he has belongs to the head royal guard. There is four heads of the royal guards in this world and Gao Sing is one of the head royal guards. So his position is way higher than those regular guards that they have just seen.

Once they have left the guarded area, Ba Yue lets Little Red out of the beast ring. As soon as Little Red comes out, he looks around and his brow furrows. This world doesn't seem like the middle and upper plane world. It couldn't be that world, can it?

"If I may ask, which world are we currently in?" Little Red asked.

"Oh! That's right, I forgot to ask you that before." Ba Yue also said as she looks around.

The Han sisters also have no idea. They have lived in the Jino world all their lives until they are forced to go to the lower plane world. So they have no idea where this world is either and the young miss also didn't mention anything about it. It seems like their young miss also didn't know but still follows that man here.

Gao Sing and Junzhi sweat drop, how can their master not mention to Miss Ba where he's taking her. And how come the usual smart Miss Ba forgets to ask such an important question before they come here with them. But it only shows how much trust that Miss Ba has for their young master.

"Little Yue, this is where my real home is. This is the Spiritual World." Lok Son said as he hand holds Ba Yue's hand tighter. This is also his first time coming here. And it will also be the first time for him to meet his real parents.

"It's okay, don't worry. I'm here with you." Ba Yue squeeze his hand tighter to show her support. She heard the story about his mother leaving him in another world and that he has never met his real parents.

Lok Son didn't say anything, he just smiles at her. He is not worried about anything as long as he has Ba Yue with him.

"Umm...Master. I think we should find a place to stay for now. Junzhi and I will go report your arrival back to the mistress first.

"Okay." Lok Son replies, he also wants to sort out his feeling a little before meeting his parents.

Ba Yue might be worrying about Lok Son's feeling that she doesn't seem surprised by being in the Spiritual World. But Little Red is super surprised! He has never been to the Spiritual World before since this world is not easy to get into like the other worlds. This world have lots of people guarding to the transportation portal area, unlike the other worlds. This place is only for the spirit, which is the soul and this world's original royalties to live in. Seeing that they have easily left the transportation portal area, Little Red have a feeling that Lok Son must be someone important in this world.

On their way to the town, They saw lots of spirits and spirits with physical bodies. Gao Sing explains to them that when people died, their soul will come here to wait for their chance to be reborn for their next life. But some people have a strong soul especially people with strong powers. If they didn't want to be reborn, they can continue to cultivate in this world. After reaching a certain high level, they can form a physical body and live like a normal person. They can also have children and those children will be born will physical bodies and is very strong, etc.

Ba Yue already knows all this information since Little Red has already told her before. So this means that Lok Son's parents are either strong spirits that have formed a physical body or that they are from the royal family. She felt that it has to be the second one. The guards by the transportation portal called Gao Sing the head royal guard, so Lok Son must be royalty.

They have soon reached a fine looking hotel and have gotten a few rooms. This hotel is kind of empty since there aren't many people that will come to this world. The spirits don't really need a place to sleep since they don't sleep. The spirits with a physical body do but they rarely would come to a hotel since they usually have their own place to live. Once check-in to the hotel, Gao Sing and Junzhi left to report their young master's arrival to the madame.

Ba Yue is inside her room with Little Red. It felt so unreal for her to be in this world. She's worried about meeting Lok Son's parent. If she were to marry Lok Son someday, it is inevitable for her to meet his parents. Just as she's lost in her thoughts, Little Red suddenly speaks up.

"It's not the time to think about silly things!" Little Red said. He knows his young master must be thinking about Lok Son's stuff again.

"What do you mean by silly things! I'm thinking about my future here!" Ba Yue yells back. Meeting her future in-laws is not a silly thing, it's a big thing! What if they don't like her?

"Master, don't you remember anything when you hear the name of this world that you are currently in?"

"What do you mean?"

Little Red rolls his eyes at Ba Yue. What happened to his smart master? All she can think about is that man nowadays!

"Do you remember what your mother said in the memory stone and where your original body is at?"

Ba Yue though for a few seconds and suddenly stood up. Oh my God! How can I forget such an important thing? She thought.

"Little Red, my original body is in this world!"

"So you finally remember."

"What should I do? Should I look for the person that brought my body here? But we don't know where she currently is!"

"We can ask Lok Son to help us look for her when we get a chance. We are not in a hurry to find your body yet."

"That's true, plus I don't want to switch body again. I'm used to this body already and this is the body that my mother gave her life for. What will happen to it if I leave this body?"

"You don't have to worry so soon. You can think about what to do after you find the body later on."

"I understand."

Later that night, Gao Sing came back by himself to the hotel. He went straight to Lok Son's room to report back. Inside the room, Lok Son and Gao Sing are talking.

"Madame wants to meet you as soon as possible. She's currently waiting for you in the mansion." Gao Sing said.

Lok Son nodded his head and told Gao Sing to wait for him outside the hotel. He then walks over to Ba Yue's room to let her know that he's going out for a little and will be back soon. Ba Yue knows where he is going so she didn't ask any questions. She knows that Lok Son will tell her if he wants her to know. After telling Ba Yue that he's going out, Lok Son left with Gao Sing.


Inside a large living room, a woman that looks like she's in her early twenties is sitting there drinking tea. She's dressed in an elegant yellow dress and has an expressionless look on her face. But you can tell she's nervous by her shaking hand that' holding the teacup.

Suddenly, Gao Sing came into the room and greets that woman. And behind him is Lok Son, who also have an expressionless face.

"Madame, I have brought young master here." After saying that, Gao Sing immediately left the room to give the mother and son some private time together.

The woman who is actually Lok Son real birth mother got up from her seat and ran up to Lok Son as soon as Gao Sing left. She hugs Lok Son tight for a good whole minute before releasing him.

"You are finally back! I can finally see you again," Nan Meng-Gi said. Her face looks less cold and her eyes are reddened from seeing her son for the first time in almost 20 years. She looks up and down, all over Lok Son. Her son is all grown up, she thought.

"I'm back mother," Lok Son replies. His face is expressionless, but his eyes are also reddened and his inside is also nervous. The woman in front of him is his real birth mother. She is very beautiful and looks very young.

"Let's not stand around, come sit down." Nan Meng-Gi pulls Lok Son over to sit next to her and then pour him a cup of tea.

Lok Son noticed that other then his mother, there's no one else in the room. He wonder where is his father? He heard from Gao Sing a lot about his mother and have communicated with her before through him. But Gao Sing rarely talks about his father and he had never communicated with him before, so he doesn't know much about him other than he is the ruler of this world.

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