Young Miss, Please Don't Run

66 Chapter 066 - Removal of the Seal

The Ba brothers saw their little sister off and then immediately went back to their school. They handed in the drop out letters and packs their bags to go back home. They briefly said their goodbyes to a few of their close friends and heads off. Wan-Ling and Xi-Tao also saw the Ba brothers leaving with their bags at the front gate, but they didn't think much of it. They only thought that the brothers are just going back home to visit. It wasn't until a few days later that they learned the Ba Brothers have dropped out of school. The girls are saddened by the news of the brother's dropout. How can they see them again and try to get close to them now? Even though they knew where the brothers live but they have no reason to go visit them!

Inside the Ba residence, Master Ba is still sad and depressed by his daughter's leaving. He's all alone in this big residence all by himself with a few servants. What's the point in having all these wealth and a huge mansion when there's no one here to share it with him. Suddenly, a servant came to report to him that the two young masters are back home.

Ba Zi and Ba Jing walks into their father's room and sees the depressing him sitting there by himself. When the servants welcome them back home, they have told them about their father's condition. They said that ever since the young miss left, the Master hasn't been working or eating much. He barely ever leaves the residence and will often visit the young miss's living quarters to remember her.

"Father, we have come back." Ba Zi said as both of the brothers walks into the room.

"Why are you two back already? Did you see Ah Yue before you come back? She said she will go see you two." Master Ba quickly asked. Ba Yue told him that she will go visit her brothers to say her goodbyes to them.

"Father, we saw Little Yue before we come back here. We'd talked a lot and found out lots of things from her." Ba Zi replies.

Ba Jing also quickly said, "that's right and we have dropout from school to come back here."

"What! How can you two dropout just like that without telling me first!"

"Father, please listen to us first before you get mad at us." Ba Zi said calmly.

Ba Zi quickly tells his father what Ba Yue had told them. As Master Ba listens to the stories, his eyes went from surprise to shock, to unbelieved and finally to 'hope'. His feeling is like a wave that keeps going up and down. The brothers also felt the same when they first heard of the stories from Ba Yue.

"So that's why we dropped out from the school and comes straight back home. We can cultivate better and faster with the books and pills that Little Yue have left behind for us. Ba Zi said as he takes out the books and the mid-grade strengthening pills that his younger sister have left behind.

"You two should take the pill and start cultivating first. I will soon follow you two after taking care of some businesses." Master Ba said with absolute in his eyes.

"Father, why don't we all cultivate together at the same time. What else do you have to take care of?" Ba Jing asked.

"I need to appoint someone to take care of our stores and other businesses. I can't just go into closed-door cultivation and leave it untaken care of."

"Father, we should just sell all the businesses. We are wealthy enough and don't need to depend on the businesses to live a good life for many years. We even have enough money to live a good life for a couple of generations! And when we go to the other world with Little Yue in the future, we can't bring it with us." Ba Jing replies.

Thinking that his son's words made sense, he has decided to sell most of the businesses but save a few stores for now. The brothers went into closed-door cultivation and Master Ba soon follows. It will be years before the father and sons will meet with Ba Yue again.


In a hidden area by the forest, Ba Yue got off the horse carriage. She sets the horses free into the wood and stores the carriage along with all the things in there into her space bracelet. She didn't hide the fact that she has a space bracelet from the Han sisters. In this world, especially this small Fu country, space jewelry is rare and extremely valuable. But for other worlds, it is just a common object to carry things with them around. So the Han sisters aren't surprised by the space jewelry that Ba Yue had, they even have one themselves. Their space jewelry is a pair of earrings that they have been wearing. It was given to them as birthday gifts from their parents.

The forest is not too far the mountainside where Ba Yue is supposed to meet up with Lok Son. After setting the horse free and putting away the things, Ba Yue starts walking with the girls to the meeting place. It took them only half a day of walking to get there. When she got there, Lok Son is not there yet. She's actually early by a day, so she decides to try to remove the seal first on one of the girls.

"Since Lok Son isn't here yet, I want to try removing the seal first from one of you girls. Who wants to let me do it first?" Ba Yue asked excitingly. She finally gets to perform the magic that she has been studying hard on for a while.

The girls look at each other and suddenly Han Yan raised her hand to volunteer first. She knows Lok Son will have no trouble removing the seal on them. But it's the first time for young miss trying to use magic so she's worried that it might fail. So she rather let the young miss do it on her first than her young sister.

"Please remove the seal on me, young miss." Han Yan said as she raises her hand. Her other hand is being held tightly by Han Chu, she had worries in her eyes as she looks at her older sister.

Ba Yue saw the expression and look on the girls' face. Of course, she knows what they are thinking and what they are worried about. But this is her first try with the magic so there's no guarantee that it will work. So she pretends to not see their worried look and continues to take out the energy stones. After cultivating hard for over a month and a half, she has finally advanced to the Purple Level. She still isn't the Sky Level yet, so she will need to use energy stones to help her perform the magic.

To perform the unseal magic, element user has to be Sky Level, Grade 2. If the person performing the magic is off by one grade, that person will need to use one energy stone to help with the magic and so on. There are ten grades in a level. Since Ba Yue's level is now Purple Level, Grade 1, she's off by a whole level and one grade. She will need to use 11 energy stones to help her perform the magic. It's less than what she had expected since she didn't expect herself to advance so quickly.

"Ah Yan, come sit down here and relax." Ba Yue said as she waves Han Yan to come over.

After Han Yan sat down on the ground, Ba Yue surrounded her with the 11 energy stones. She then sat right across from her and concentrates her energy in her hands and placed it on Han Yan's dan tian. She then in a low voice chants the magic spell as she concentrates the energy in her hand to the dan tian area. Suddenly her hands shine a bright light and so is the energy stones at the same time.

Little Red whose eyes has been closed since leaving the Ba Residence suddenly opened his eyes. He has been cultivating since leaving the Ba residence inside the horse carriage. Nothing wakes him up so far, not even when Ba Yue took him out off the horse carriage and placed him on the ground not too far from where she's currently at. But the sudden strong energy emitting in the air woke him up. He thought that there might be danger around. He looks around and saw what Ba Yue is doing. He shakes his head helplessly. Why can she wait for him to wake up or at least wake for Lok Son to get here first to perform the unseal magic? At least that way someone can help her if things go wrong. He walks closer to where Ba Yue is and watches her closely.

No one notice Little Red has woken up. Han Chu is too concentrated watching her older sister and Ba Yue is also very concentrated perform her very first magic spell. On the other hand, Han Yan is very relaxed. Her eyes are closed and she can feel lots of energy going into her dan tian. In just a few short minutes, she felt a crack that surrounds her dan tian and soon follows a huge amount of pure energy pouring in her. Her whole body releases a strong power and she can feel her original power coming back to her. The removal of the seal is very successful.

Ba Yue release her hand after she finishes performing the magic and cut off the energy flowing out of her hand. At the same time, all the energy stones lost its shine and turn into dust. Han Yan sits there quietly to absorb all the energy that is overflowing back to her body and let it rotates in her body a few times. It will take her an hour to absorbs the energy and to get used to this power. Ba Yue, on the other hand, is extremely tired from using so much energy on the magic spell. She almost fell over when she tries to stand up, but Han Chu caught her before she falls.

"Are you alright?" Han Chu asked worryingly. She knows the removal of the seal is successful by feeling the energy around her sister. But the young miss looks very tired and exhausted.

"I'm okay, I just need to rest a little since I've used up too much energy." Ba Yue said as she sits back down and closes her eyes to rest. She didn't expect it to be so tiring and uses so much of her energy to perform this magic. She's still not strong enough and needs to train harder, Ba Yue though.

Han Chu and Little Red didn't bother them. They keep watch of the area to make sure no wild animals or beasts come over here. An hour later, Han Yan is well rested and she feels energized! Her former power is back and she feels even better than before. Ba Yue also opens her eyes, her energies and power is not fully back yet but do feels a little bit better than before.

"Thank you so much, young miss! I finally got my powers back." Han Yan said happily with smiles on her face. Up to two months ago, she never even dream that the seal can be removed. But now, the seal has been removed and she got her powers back. And this is all due to Ba Yue! She firmly believes that this will not have happened if she didn't follow Ba Yue and pledge her loyalty to her back then. She felt like she has made the most correct choice in her life by following Ba Yue and pledging her loyalty to her.

"I'm glad that the magic work with my first try. What's your level now? I can't see or sense your level so it must be higher than mine." Ba Yue said.

"When I was still living in Jino, I'm Purple Level, grade 5. Now that my power has been unsealed and with the extra energy that you sent into my body, I'm currently Purple Level, grade 8. I have jumped three grades and it's all thanks to you."

Suddenly the girls and Little Red heard footsteps coming closer to them. They all turned to see who's coming when Lok Son showed up with his two hidden guards, Gao Sing and Junzhi.

"Lok Son, you are here already!" Ba Yue happily said as she tries to get to him. But she before she reaches him, he has gotten to her first and hugs her tightly in his arms. It's been a month already since they last saw each other and he misses her a lot.

"I came here a little early hoping to be here before you. I didn't want you to wait for me, but I guess I'm still a step behind you." He pulls Ba Yue away to look all over her. He noticed that she's very weak but is not injured. He then looks around and noticed that one of the girl's energies and power level has risen a lot. He knew what had just happened here. His Little Yue preformed the unseal magic seal and it was successful. He didn't say anything but on the inside, he is praising how smart and talented his Little Yue is.

"We just got here too and I didn't think you will be here so soon. I have removed the seal from Han Yan already. You only have to remove the seal from Han Chu."

Lok Son looks over at Han Chu and nodded his head. Unlike Ba Yue making preparation and needing to use the energy stones. He just concentrates a little energy in one of his hand and tapped on her dan tian. It was almost immediately that energy flows out of Han Chu's body. She quickly sits down on the ground and did what Han Yan had done just now to absorb the energy back into her body.

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