Young Miss, Please Don't Run

38 Chapter 038 - The Assassination Part 3

Since the babies have been switched, Nan Meng-Gi has to find a way to leave the palace without bringing any suspicions to herself. She thought she can see her child from afar for a little longer before she has to leave. But little did she knows, Din Su-Ying has other plans for her. She wanted Nan-Meng-Gi to leave soon and she wanted her to leave forever!

Back at Din Su-Ying's place, the maid is taking out the lifeless body of the little princess.

"Concubine Din, um….what should I do with this?" The maid is holding the lifeless body in her arms as looked at Din Su-Ying.

"Bury her in the backyard, make sure no one sees you! If someone sees it, not only will I be in trouble but you and your family will be killed by the Emperor!" Din Su-Ying didn't even give her daughter another look and just lay back down on her bed to rest. She already had the midwife take the baby to the nanny.

The maid left with the body to go to the backyard to bury her. After the maid left, Din Su-Ying opened her eyes and sat up. She's worried that Nan Meng-Gi might notice her baby has been switched and the secret might leak, so Nan Meng-Gi must DIE! All the people that know about this should not exist anymore. She'll have to find a chance to get rid of all the people that knew of her secret.

The maid came back very quickly, she looked very nervous.

"Did anyone see you?"

"No, concubine Din.

"Good, tell Eunuch Li to come over to see me."

"I understand. I will go get him now." The maid quickly goes get Eunuch Li.

Din Su-Ying has been a concubine for a while now, due to the Emperor favoring her a lot. There are a lot of people willing to work for her and Eunuch Li is one of those people. He's one of those sly people that know the ins and outs of the palace. He has also hooked Concubine Din up with lots of other people that can be used by her.

Soon the maid came back with Eunuch Li.

"Greeting to Concubine Din." Eunuch Li respectfully greets her.

"No need for the formality, Eunuch Li. I need your help with something. If you get it done right, I'll ask his majesty to give you a promotion."

Din Su-Ying then looked at the maid to give her an eye signal to leave the room, the maid left the room quickly. Inside the room, there's a heaviness in the air.

"How can I be of help to you, Concubine Din?" Eunuch Li had no idea what had happened today, he only knew that concubine Din has just given birth.

"Eunuch Li, you are a smart person so I know you won't ask the details. I need you to help me get rid of the maid just now and the midwife that was here today to help me with my childbirth." Din Su-Ying said it in a very low voice, she's worried that the maid from before might hear her.

"I will get it done by tonight, is there anything else before I go?"

"Concubine Nan? She also just gave birth, do you want to to get rid of the sixth prince, too?"

"No need, if both mother and son died at the same time, it will bring suspicions. Get the job done and I promise you the promotion and wealth." Din Su-Ying wave her hand for Eunuch Li to go.

Eunuch Li left and took the maid that he needs to get rid off with him. He told her that Concubine Din needs something from him and for her to follow him back to get it. While walking back, Eunuch Li was thinking why concubine Din needs him to get rid of the maid and the midwife. It must have something to do with her childbirth today.

But as a smart person, he knows he shouldn't stick his head into this. The more he knows, the more danger he will be in just like this maid right next to him. After reaching back to his sleeping quarters, he told the maid to go into his room to get the item. Once she's in the room, he picked up a vase and hit her head with it. The maid immediately lost consciousness. He then took off his belt and placed around her neck and strangle her to death.

One down and two more to go. He took the body of the maid and dumped it in an abandon well, no one uses that well so no one will her body. After it's done, he went outside of the palace to look for the midwife. The midwife that has helped Din Su-Ying left right after she'd received the bribery money from her. Just when she thought she has become rich from the bribery money, her life also ends.

Eunuch Li found the midwife in her home. She lives with her husband and two children in a mid-size family house in the city. Eunuch Li knows lots of thugs that will work for money because he was also like that before he became a Eunuch. He hired a few of his old buddies to go to the midwife's house. They sneaked inside the house, stole all the valuables and then killed everyone in there. They then set the house on fire to make it look like a robbery that had gone wrong. Everything was done and now the only person left is Concubine Nan!

Back at the palace, where Nan Meng-Gi is at. Her hidden guard has reported Din Su-Ying's moves and what Eunuch Li had done. Meng-Gi is not surprised at all with that evil sly woman's action. Suddenly another hidden guard has appeared from the shadows. He just came back from following Eunuch Li.

"Mistress, Eunuch Li has just hired some thugs to kill the midwife and set her house on fire to make it look like a robbery gone wrong. He is on his way back to the palace now. I overheard him telling the thugs that he needs to get rid of one more person in the palace. I'm afraid he will come to harm you."

Meng-Gi looked at the hidden guard and thought about what she should do now. She had planned to stay here until her child is a little older, but she has to change her plan now. Since they want to get rid of her, she might as well use this chance to leave here.

She looked at the hidden guards and said, "You two stay here to watch over my child as he grows up. The seal on him will be broken when he is strong enough, but it can also be broken if his life is in danger. Do not show yourself to him unless his life is in danger or if the seal in his body is broken. I will leave here first with the rest of the other hidden guards. When the time is ready, you can bring him back to our world."

"Yes, mistress!" They both replies. The two guards that were left behind was Gao Sing and Junzhi.

Instead of waiting for Eunuch Li to come to kill her, Meng-Gi had set up her own fake suicide. She had one of the hidden guards go to the abandon well and bring back the corpse of the maid. She then put a human skin masked on the maid's face and make it look like she's her. She then changes the maid's clothes to the current clothes that she's wearing.

Afterward, she had the guards hang a long fabric robe down from the ceiling and put the maid's corpse on it to make it look like she hanged herself to death. The maid was strangled to death, so by making her look like she has committed suicide by hanging herself, no one will suspect much of it.

Eunuch Li soon arrives at Nan Meng-Gi's place. He wonders how he should kill her without bringing suspicion to himself. He needs to see her first then decides, but he didn't have to decide because she's already dead. When he arrives, the door was opened and he saw a woman hanging on a rope. He knows she's already dead at this point and he also noticed a letter on the table. He read the letter and was shocked, he immediately runs out to call for help.

Less than an hour later, the place is full of people. The Emperor and Empress also came over to see what's going on. Upon knowing Nan Meng-Gi has committed suicide, the Emperor was first shocked, then he has become angry. The letter has been given to the emperor to read, after reading the letter, he ripped it up and throw it on the floor.

The content of the letter was that she hated the emperor for ruining her. Now that the baby has been born, she doesn't want to live anymore. She wanted to leave the palace even if it means her death, etc. The Emperor is so mad that he didn't even bother to find out what was the real cause of her death is. He only told the servant to bury her somewhere abandon within the palace. So, she wants to leave the palace, huh? He's never let her, not even her corpse!

Just like that, the news of Nan Meng-Gi has passed away was spread. But the palace let out words that Concubine Nan passed away from illness. The sixth prince is all alone now, and to show that she's a nice person, Concubine Din has offered to take in the sixth prince to raise him as her own. Another reason she did that was to keep a watch over this boy that has no relationship with the royal family.

Inside a hidden area by the mountains, Nan Meng-Gi is looking at this world for one last time before she goes back. She knows she won't be back here again and she won't be able to see her child for a very long time. After a good few minutes, she broke the seal that was on her body. Suddenly her hair has changed color, it turned from black to silver-white just like his son. But she has black eyes, unlike her son. Her son inherited the blue eyes from his father.

She jumped into the transportation portal that was in front of her and went back to her world. Time passes by quickly, the fight between the Empress, concubine Liu, and Concubine Din continues. It's been three years since the sixth and seventh prince have been born, they are now 3 years old.

Unlike any other three-year-old child, the seventh prince, Mak Lok Son is extremely smart! Not only can he walk and talk, he actually remembers all the poetries that were taught to him and can start training martial arts at such a young age. On the other hand, the sixth prince can only walk and talk a little. With the extreme comparison, how can emperor not love his youngest prince?

Din Su-Ying is also satisfied with this child, but she still wants to have another child with the emperor. No matter how good that child is, it's still not her own. She wanted her own child to become the future emperor and not someone else's. Unfortunately for her, due to her using labor induce drug back then, her body is messed up. Just like the Empress, she is going to have a very hard time to conceive another child and the Emperor not coming often doesn't help.

Even though the emperor loves Din Su-Ying and states she's his only true love. But as a man, he can't help but be perverted and always going to the new concubine's places to stay over. But no matter how many new women the emperor slept with, there are no new children being conceived. And that had to be credited to Din Su-Ying because she had Eunuch Li drugged the emperor to make him infertile.

When Din Su-Ying found out that she going to have a hard time conceiving again and the emperor keeps sleeping around with so many new women. She thought she had to stop him from making more children that will threaten her in the future. She makes Eunuch Li places a little bit of the infertile drugs in the emperor's food every day, and over time the emperor will become infertile.

Eunuch Li did get promoted and received lots of wealth after helping Concubine Din. He has also become a very trusted Eunuch that works directly for the emperor. But Din Su-Ying is still worried that one-day Eunuch Li will sell her out, so she is plotting to find a chance to get rid of him. And she just found the perfect chance!

One day, Din Su-Ying was eating lunch with the Emperor. When the Emperor was about to drink the bowl of soup, she knocks it out of his hands. The Emperor was surprised why she would do that.

"Umm….your majesty..I'm sorry." Concubine Din was looking down on the table, it looks like she had something to say.

"My love, you know I can never be mad at you. If there's something bothering you, you can tell me." The Emperor is looking at Concubine Din with affection in his eyes.

"Your majesty, the truth is I accidentally saw Eunuch Li put something in your soup before. I might have wronged Eunuch Li, please forget what I have just said."

"You said you have seen Eunuch Li putting something in this soup?"

"Your majesty, please don't be mad. I know Eunuch Li is your trusted eunuch, I don't want to wrong him without any evidence."

"Don't worry, my love. I will get to the bottom of this." The emperor yells to the door to tell the palace maid to bring over an imperial doctor.

Soon the imperial doctor comes and he is also the same one that gave concubine Din the induce labor drug before.

"Greeting to your majesty, how can I help you today?" Said the imperial doctor that has just walked in.

"Doctor Chen, check to see if there's anything wrong with this soup." The emperor looked cold with killing intent in his eyes as he looked at the bowl of soup.

Imperial doctor Chen knew something was wrong with this bowl of soup because he was the one that gave Concubine Din the infertile drugs. He didn't know why the emperor is getting suspicious of the soup now after so long. He's nervous and worried, but he still has to do what was asked of him.

He picks up the bowl of soup and placed it under his nose, he then took a sip of it and then spills it out. He had to tell the emperor the truth about this soup because if another imperial doctor comes over to check and the finding is different, he will be in trouble.

"Doctor Chen, don't worry about anything and just tell us the truth." Concubine Din is giving him an eye signal that it's okay to tell.

"Your majesty, there's no poison in this soup. But…..but...there' infertile drugs in this soup. It won't cause life and death with this drug, but the person consuming it will become infertile."

"WHAT! The emperor is very angry! If he becomes infertile, he will become an embarrassment to the royal family!" The emperor got so angry that he flips the table and everything on the table falls to the floor.

"Doctor Li, is there any way to reverse it? No wait, check his majesty's body first, see if everything is still good." Concubine looked very concerned and had tears in her eyes.

The doctor came over to the emperor and took his pulse. He shakes his head and said:

"Your majesty has become infertile due to this drug. There's no way to reverse it now since it has shown that your majesty must have been consumed this drug for at least a long period of time."

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