Young Miss, Please Don't Run

37 Chapter 037 - The Assassination Part 2

It was no coincidence that the two concubines gave birth on the same day. It was all planned by Din Su-Ying since the beginning. Before Nan Meng-Gi and Din Su-Ying becomes the emperor's concubines, she knew the Emperor was interested in Nan Meng-Gi because of her beauty.

Din Su-Ying helped the Emperor with making Nan Meng-Gi his woman by drugging her for him. She helped him because she knows it will win his favor by showing him that she loves him and can do anything for him. She also knows Nan Meng-Gi has no feelings for the emperor and with her cold and strong personality, she will definitely not stay here even if the Emperor already made her his woman.

But things didn't go as planned for Din Su-Ying, the Emperor did make Nan Meng-Gi as his woman but she didn't leave the palace as she had thought. The Emperor actually married them both and soon the news of Nan Meng-Gi's pregnancy reached her. She can't let Nan Meng-Gi's pregnancy bring the Emperor attention to back to her again. So she let the news out that she's also pregnant at the same time. This move of hers has indeed gotten her more attention from the Emperor to her than Nan Meng-Gi.

Luckily for Din Su-Ying, she did eventually get pregnant not too long after the news. Things are actually going very well for her and to make sure things continue this way, she needs to make sure both she and her child is safe. So she starts creating events to make it seem like someone is trying to harm her, so the Emperor will send people to protect her from harm. The Empress thought that Concubine Liu was doing the dirty deeds, and Concubine Liu also thought it was the Empress. So they both let their guards down on her, thinking the other person will take care of Din Su-Ying.

Unbeknown to them, they were both played by Din Su-Ying. She had safely carried out her pregnancy until the due date. Since Nan Meng-Gi actually got pregnant first, she was due earlier than Din Su-Ying. But Din Su-Ying didn't want to bring suspicion to her and for another reason, she purposely goes into labor on the same day as Nan Meng-Gi.

The other reason she is that if she gave birth to a girl, she will have no standing in the palace. She needs to give birth to a prince in order for things to continue to go smoothly for her. If she gave birth to a princess, she plans to switch the princess to a prince by finding a baby boy outside of the palace. But there is a fault with her plan, because if the royal family wants to get the baby tested to see if it really belonged to the Emperor, then she will get find out and will lose everything. The best option is to switch it with Nan Meng-Gi's baby if it was a son.

When the news of Nan Meng-Gi gave birth to a prince came out. Din Su-Ying couldn't wait anymore, she had bribed an imperial doctor to give her induced labor drug to make her go into labor. The imperial doctor had no idea what Din Su-Ying had planned, he had only thought that she wants to give birth at the same time as Nan Meng-Gi in order to not lose to her.

Soon, Din Su-Ying gave birth to a princess. That was the worse outcome for her, she didn't want a daughter. She bribed the midwife that helped her delivery, and then have her tell the Emperor that she had given birth to a son. She then has her maid, the one that brought in the baby boy to secretly go to Nan Meng-Gi living place to switch it with her baby.

The maid has successfully switched the babies and brought Nan Meng-Gi's son to Din Su-Ying's room. Now, they will have to get rid of the little princess that's in the way. At first, Din Su-Ying thought of secretly sending the little princess out. She will have someone take good care of her and will make it up to her later, but that's easier said than done. It was very hard to sneak that baby boy into the palace in the first place. The maid had to drug the baby to keep the baby quiet and bribed the guard to sneak him in.

Just when they are plotting how to sneak the little princess out. News of the Emperor coming to her place have reached her. The emperor just got out of the morning conference with the government officials when he heard the news of both his concubines has given birth to a prince. Since Din Su-Ying is the more favored concubine, the Emperor is coming to her place first to see the baby. Din Su-Ying is very nervous now because the little princess is still here. She can't say she had given birth to twins since the midwife have already reported that she only gave birth to a prince.

Suddenly the little princess starts crying very loudly. The maid that's holding the little princess can't get her to stop crying. Din Su-Ying reached over to the little princess and took her off the maid's arms. She then covered the little princess face with her hands until it she's silence. There were no more cries coming from that little body. She then calmly handed the lifeless body back to the maid and told her to hide her body in the closest quick before the Emperor gets here.

The maid's hands were shivering when she reached over to get the lifeless body from Din Su-Ying's hands. Even though she's scared, she knew she had no choice but to do it. Otherwise, she will be dead just like the little princess. She quickly hid the body in the closet and placed a pile of clothes over it. As soon as she closes the closet door, the Emperor has arrived.

Din Su-Ying immediately lay down on her bed and had Nan Meng-Gi's son right next to her. She gave a big smile to the Emperor as he walked in. When the emperor saw the baby boy, he was overjoyed! It was the most beautiful baby he has ever seen and was given birth by the woman he loves. He was so happy that he has forgotten that his other concubine has also given birth to a son.

Din Su-Ying then reminded him that Nan Meng-Gi has also given birth and he should go see her and the baby. The Emperor thought, 'Oh, what a wonderful woman Din Su-Ying is. She has just given birth herself but still wants him to go look at other woman and their child'. What he didn't know was that she wants him to leave so that she can get rid of the lifeless body in her closest before anyone finds out!

Seeing Din Su-Ying had insisted on him visiting Nan Meng-Gi, The Emperor thought that he can't let her good will go to waste, so he then left and went to Nan Meng-Gi's place. Upon reaching there, Nan Meng-Gi is sleeping because she was tired out from giving birth. The emperor had the midwife brought over the baby for him to look at. With one look, the emperor was unhappy. The baby looks very plain and normal, he's not as pretty or beautiful as the one he just saw at Din Su-Ying's place. Immediately, the baby has become unfavored by the emperor.

After the Emperor left Nan Meng-Gi's living place, Nan Meng-Gi's eyes opened. She was not sleeping, she only pretended to be sleeping so she won't have to see the Emperor. She also knew that her baby has been switched by Din Su-Ying. All these time, Din Su-Ying though she was so smart and have plotted against everyone. But what she didn't know was that everything she did was known by Nan Meng-Gi and it had been going as she has planned!

As it had turned out, Nan Meng-Gi was no ordinary person from this world. She was already pregnant when she met the Emperor. The family that she came from had a tradition of raising the child in another lower world. It's like how the lion will push their babies off the cliff to make them stronger, that's what her family's tradition is like. The babies from her family must be raised in a lower plane world with their power sealed. The parents cannot be with the child, otherwise, there's no point in the training.

Nan Meng-Gi was looking for a family to place her baby when she met the Emperor. She only went to the palace with the Emperor because she wants to see how his country looks like and if it is a good place for her baby. Who would have known that this perverted emperor has plotted against her? The day that she was going to leave, Din Su-Ying came to her room and said she wants to say goodbye to her. She offered to pour her a cup of tea as a farewell drink.

As soon as she took a sip of the tea, she knew there were drugs in there. She pretended that she got drugged to see what's going on. Soon after Din Su-Ying left, the Emperor came in. She then knew they have plotted together to get her. When the Emperor got closed to her, she suddenly opened her eyes and pop a pill into his mouth. The pill is the kind that will give a person very realistic hallucination. The emperor had no idea and thought he was having his way with her.

That's when Nan Meng-Gi though, why not leave the baby here? The palace is a good training ground with all those evil people plotting against each other. The child that grew up here won't be so innocent and will learn how to protect themselves! The next morning, before the Emperor woke up, she had already dressed neatly and was sitting by the table. When the Emperor woke up, he was naked on the bed by himself. He didn't remember much but do remember that he did have his way with Nan Meng-Gi.

Truth to be told, he took off his own clothes and was having his way with the bed alone. The bed is looking like a huge mess. There was a little blood on the bed, but it does not belong to Nan Meng-Gi. The blood actually belongs to the Emperor, he has a nosebleed from being too excited from the pill. A few drops of blood accidentally got on the bed and the emperor has mistaken that as Nan Meng-Gi's virginity blood.

When the emperor saw Nan Meng-Gi sitting by the table all dressed, he didn't really think much of it. He then mentioned that he'll take responsibility and will marry her. This time, she didn't refuse him and instead have nodded her head. He was so happy that the same day he had announced that he will be marrying two concubines.

Since that night, Nan Meng-Gi didn't let the Emperor get close to her again. The patience of the Emperor has for her disappeared after a few tries. He already had his way with her so the interest he has for her quickly disappeared too. On the other hand, Din Su-Ying knows exactly how the emperor likes to be treated. She had a sweet and gentle appearance and has always talked good about his other women. The emperor felt that this is what a good woman is supposed to be and she is his true love.

Nan Meng-Gi didn't care if the Emperor doesn't favor her at all. She didn't want his favor and don't need it. She has a good husband in the other world waiting for her to go back to. But she also knows that being an unfavored concubine also means that her son won't be favored by the emperor and will have a hard life. So when she heard Din Su-Ying is pregnant at the same time as her, she had a sly smile on her face. She knew that Din Su-Ying is not what she seems to be and it won't be bad to have her son raise by that sly woman since she's so favored by the emperor.

Nan Meng-Gi also has hidden guards followed her from the other world. They won't show themselves unless she's in danger or if she calls for them. She did call for them to watch for Din Su-Ying's moves. When the hidden guards report back that Din Su-Ying had her maid go out to find a newborn baby boy outside of the palace, she knew exactly what that sly woman had planned. She didn't stop her because that's exactly what she wanted.

On the day that she had given birth, the baby is a boy. She knew that woman will make a move soon and just as she thought, Din Si-Ying used labor induced drugs and gave birth to a baby girl. She knew that woman will use the newborn baby boy they got outside to switch with her child. Her child was born with silver-white hair and blue eyes, no one from this world has this kind of features. So before the maid came to switch the baby, she placed a sealed on her child. The seal not only can seal off his true power but can also change his appearance. She then gave the child to the midwife that helped with her delivery.

The midwife is actually sent by her husband from the other world to come to help her, so she knew all about her plans. She pretended to walk out of the room and purposely left the newborn by himself, so it makes it easier for the maid to switched the babies. When the maid was switching the babies, she didn't know there were many pairs of eyes watching her. Not only is the midwife watching her in hiding, but Nan Meng-Gi and a few of her hidden guards were also watching.

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