Young Miss, Please Don't Run

2 Chapter 002 - I’ll be back for revenge!

Where the heck am I? I remember that I was in that small dirty room and have finally died after all the torments from those two horrible people. I'm supposed to be dead, but why am I here on this big soft comfortable bed? Li Hei Yi had her eyes wide opened to look around while she thinks to herself.

As Li Hei Yi looks around the room, she tries to get up from the bed. Her whole body feels weak and her head hurts. Suddenly, a young girl that looks between the age of 14 or 15 opens the door and walks inside to the room. When she saw the girl that was sleeping on the bed woke, she suddenly ran out the door screaming:

"The young miss woke up, the young miss woke up, go tell the Master Ba and the Young Masters!"

She then immediately ran back into the same room that she had just run outside from and goes directly to the bedside. She immediately reaches over to help Li Hei Yi to get up from the bed. Li Hei Yi got up and sat on the bed with her back leaning against the bed board.

"Young miss, you are finally awake after such a long time!" The young girl said it happily and you can also hear the relief from her voice.

What's going on here? Why am I here in this room and who is this young girl? This girl is currently calling me Young Miss, so she must be a maidservant then, though Li Hei Yi.

"Who are you? And how long have I been sleeping here?" Li Hei Yi the young girl in front of her, her eyes looks a little confused right now.

The young girl is shocked!

"Young miss, did you forget about me? I'm Xi Xi, your maid. And you have been in a coma for almost a month now."

"Umm…....It's probably because I have been sleeping for such a long time, so I'm a little confused right now that's all." Ba Yue tries to say it in a calm voice, she doesn't want Xi Xi to get suspicious of her.

After asking Xi Xi a few questions, unfamiliar memories start coming to her head. She finally understood what's going on. She remembered she did indeed die and her soul has also left her original body. But instead of going to the spirit world and wait for reborn, she felt a suction that has pulled her soul over here. And before she knows it, she has been reborn in this body!

The body she has been reborn in belongs to the Young Miss of the Ba Family! There are four big families in this country, it is the Tang, the Ba, the Li, and the Mu. Li SanSan and Li Hei Yi were from the Li family. Mu Huang is from the Mu family which is also the weakness of the four big families.

If she remembers correctly, there is only one Young Miss in the Ba family and that's Ba Yue! The Ba's family head is Ba Shao Ten. He only has one wife, two sons, and one daughter. When his wife, Madame Ba gave birth to Ba Yue, she died from heavy blood loss. Ba Shao Ten loves his wife very much and has never gotten remarried or bring any woman back to the house since her death.

Her older brothers always give in to her and give her anything she wants especially food. Over time, Ba Yue grew up to be an innocent and carefree girl, but also a useless fatty with no martial art skill at all. But no matter what, her family still loves her the way she is.

According to the memories of this body, she thinks she knows how the owner of this body had died. Ba Yue has just turned 16 years old last month. She's well known for her big fat figure, a pushover, and no martial art skill even though she was born in the famous Ba Family.

Everyone in the Ba family has strong martial art skill, even the lowest grade servants know a little martial art for self-protection. That's why, even though Ba Yue's the young miss of the Ba Family, no one has come to ask for her hands for marriage.

Ba Yue actually has a crush on someone and that person is someone that Li Hei Yi hates! That person is Li Dong Man! He's Li SanSan's younger brother!

About a month ago, Ba Yue was going to visit Li Dong Man at the Li's residence. She wanted to confess her love to him and was hoping their relationship can move on farther. That morning she has purposely dressed up and had the maid helped her with her make up. She was very happy when she left the Ba residence. She didn't ride in a horse carriage, instead decides to walk over to the Li's residence.

As she walks on the street, she saw Li Ding Man on the corner of her eyes. Li Dong Man is not home, he is going into a teahouse with a couple of his friends. She decides to follow him into the teahouse and see what he's doing. She really shouldn't because she has accidentally overheard their conversations. Their conversations devastating for Ba Yue and it makes her heart broken!

One of Li Dong Man's friend said:

" Dong Man, you really like that fat, useless Ba Yue? You have weird taste, bro."

Another friend of Li Dong Man also said:

"What? I thought Dong Man likes the third young miss from the Tang family, Tang Wen Yi. She's known to be a big beauty, she's one of the four big beauties of this country."

Li Dong Man had a smile on his face as he talks to his friends.

"Of course I only like Tang Wen Yi. Who would like that fatty? Ba Yue is just someone that I can use, that's all! Just looking at the stupid ugly face and that huge fat body of hers makes me sick! Even though I'm a ladies man that never turn away a lady, I can't stand her anymore!

She always follows me around, which is so annoying! Since she wants to follow me around, I'll just use her as a maidservant. And the Ba Family is super rich, all the gifts that I've received from her were expensive and rare treasures! I have regifted some of those gifts to Miss Tang and she was very happy with it. She agreed to go on dates with me and the dates were very successful!" Li Dong Man has a dislike voice when he's talking about Ba Yue. But when he talks about Tang Wen Yi, his voice sounds happy and excited!

The first man that spoke earlier before is pouring tea into Li Dong Man's teacup, he said:

"Dong Man, since you are going out with Tang Wen Yi now, you should cut off all relation with Ba Yue and get rid of her. If Miss Tang knows your relationship with Ba Yue, she's not going to be happy about it."

Li Dong Man is taking a sip of the tea and then puts his teacup down. He then replies:

"I'm not worried at all, I have no relationship with Ba Yue at all, she the one that's following me around. Everyone in the town knows she's the one following me around like a stalker, I'm the victim here." Said Li Dong Man with a smile of his face and laughing with his friends.

"And it's such a waste to get rid of her so soon, I can still get more from her and use her some more. The best part is that I can irritate her brothers since they don't like me being around they beloved younger sister!"

Ha Ha Ha! The laughing voices and sound were coming from Li Dong Man and his friends in the room. They were laughing and mocking Ba Yue so much that they didn't care if anyone hears it.

But Ba Yue can't listen to it anymore, her heart is completely broken. She's so sad and devastated that she starts running back home. She was crying her hearts out and tons of tears were falling out of her eyes. Due to the tears in her eyes, she couldn't see the horse carriage that was coming in front of her.

By the time she noticed, it was too late. The horse carriage had hit her and she fell onto the ground. Her head just so happens to hit the rock that was there on the ground where she fell. It might be her heart that is too broken, that's why she didn't want to wake up and was in a coma. Slowly she passed away in her coma state. And somehow, I have been reborn in her body.

Since I have been reborn in this body, I will take revenge for the previous owner of this body. Li Dong Man wanted to use Ba Yue, huh? We will see about that! I'll make him pay back with interest with the things he has taken from the past Ba Yue.

And as for Mu Huang and Li SanSan, enjoy the happiness you have now because I'm back! And I'll be back for my revenge!

Mu Huang, you care so much about the Family Head position, huh? Well, guess what, I'll ruin the Mu Family that you care so much for.

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