Young Miss, Please Don't Run

1 Chapter 001 - Betrayal and Death

A woman in her early twenties is chained up in a dark underground cell. The cell she was held in is just a small dirty room with no windows. There wasn't anything in there at all, but heavy metal chains that have been chained around the woman's limbs. The woman's clothes are covered with her own blood, it's all ripped up from being beaten so many times by a whip. She is staring hatefully at the man and woman in front of her. Not only has she been beaten over a long course of time, but she has also been poisoned! She doesn't have much time to live.

"Why, why are you doing this to me? If not for me, you won't even become the family head of the Mu family. You are my husband, Mu Huang, I have treated you well and helped you expand your Family business. When I found out you were cheating on me with my cousin Li SanSan, I even forgave you. How can you be so cruel?" The woman said it with so much anger and sadness that her voice is shaking. She then looked at the woman next to Mu Huang with her eyes full of hatred.

"Li SanSan, you are my cousin! How can you steal my husband? And now you are trying to kill me with my husband? You are just too shameless! My family and I have treated your family well over the years, this is how you repay us? By stealing my husband and killing my family?"

Mu Huang walks up to the woman in metal chains, he stares down at her coldly and said:

"Li Hei Yi, you bitch! Who do you think you? You are nothing but a stepping stone for me. I don't need you anymore since I am already the head of the Mu Family.

SanSan is currently pregnant with my child, so I need you to disappear. That way, SanSan can be my main wife and our child can be registered in the main family registry." Said Mu Huang in a very cold voice. He didn't even show any feeling or pity toward the woman in front of him. The woman who is supposed to be his lawfully main wife.

Li Hei Yi is beyond shocked! She tries very hard to get up to attack the couple in the front her. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the strength to and she couldn't get the metal chains off her limbs. Every time she tries to move, she could feel excruciating pain all over her body. All she can do now is to stare hatefully at them, hoping her that her stare could kill them! But the couple is not afraid of her stare, instead, they were happy to see her painful and angry look.

Li Hei Yi finally gave up struggling with the metal chains, she wants to ask this man who's supposed to be her husband one last question.

"Mu Huang, I just want to know if you have ever loved me? Even just a little?"

"Love you? Are you kidding me? If your father isn't the vice head of the Li Family, I would never even look at you! You disgust me! I was already with SanSan long before I met you. If I didn't need the help from your father, I wouldn't have to give up SanSan and be with you!

"Mu Huang, you think I didn't want a child? We have been married for 3 years and the number of times you have slept in my room can be counted with my one hand! You always have the excuse of too busy, too tired or tons of work to do since you just took over the family head position. Well, I guess you are not too busy or tired to cheat on me and slept with that slut next to you and gotten her pregnant!"

Slap! Slap! Slap! Mu Huang has raised his right hand and slap across Li Hei Sa's face back and fore three times. Her face is all red and swollen, there's also blood coming out on the corner of her mouth. Her eyesight is getting blurry from the slapping.

"Shut up you bitch! SanSan did nothing wrong! I forced her to be with me. She felt so bad for hurting you! She even pleaded with me to let you go. She didn't even want the main wife position." As Mu Huang is yelling at Li Hei Yi, he continues to beat her with his bare hands.

Finally, the woman dressed in a red dress walk over to Mu Huang and stopped him. "Huang, please stop! Please don't hurt sister Hei Yi anymore!" Tears are falling from Li SanSan's eyes as she tries to stop Mu Huang from beating her cousin.

"SanSan, you really don't have to feel bad for this bitch! She stole everything from you! If not for her, the main wife position is yours! If not for her, we could have been together a long time ago!" Mu Huang made it sound like everything is Li Hei Yi's fault, but the truth is far different.

SanSan is wiping away the tears in the corner of her eyes, looking at Mu Huang with her big teary innocent eyes, she said:

"Huang, please go and give us a little time to talk. Sister Hei Yi doesn't have much time left, I just want to talk to her and ask her for her forgiveness."

"You don't need any forgiveness from her! But since it's your wish, I'll give you some time to talk to her. Make sure you don't get too close to that crazy bitch, I'll wait for in the main hall. And don't take too long since today's our wedding date, don't let the guests wait too long." Mu Huang said it in a very gentle voice to Li SanSan. He was almost like a different person when talking to her.

"Don't worry, I will only talk to her. Now, please get going! We don't have much time left to waste here."

Mu Huang gave Li SanSan a hug and then walk right out of the dirty tiny cell. Finally, there's was no one else around except for Li SanSan and Li Hei Yi.

As soon as Mu Huang walked out of that room, the look on Li SanSan's face has completely changed! There's no more of the weak, gentle and innocent face! All that is left is the evil and sly look on her face. Li SanSan walks over to Li Hei Yi and all of a sudden gave her a kick in her stomach area.

"Hey, you bitch! I can finally speak my mind now that Huang is gone. You have no idea how hard it is to pretend to be a good girl and be nice to you!"

Li Hei Yi just got kicked in her stomach, she starts coughing uncontrollably. There was blood on the corner of her mouth from the previous beating, and now a lot more blood is coming out of her mouth. She lifted her head up to look at Li San San and said:

"I should have never trusted you and your family! I wonder Huang sees the current you now, will he still love you?" She said it very coldly and drops of blood are dripping from her mouth as she speaks.

" Huang will never see this side of me, and you won't live long enough to tell either. And since you are dying anyway, I'll be nice for once and tell you something interesting. Do you want to know why you never got pregnant? It's because Huang never even slept with you since marriage. He didn't want a child with you, nor does he even want to touch you! He just didn't want to tell you about it since he was so nice!"

"You are lying! I know what we did and Mu Huang just now even said that it was too bad that I didn't have a child. You have no idea what happens in our bedroom!" Li Hei Yi is very emotional right now, so her voice is louder than before. That loud yelling uses up lots of her remaining strength, she can no longer raise her voice.

With disgust in her eyes, Li SanSan is about to tell Li Hei Yi the truth! And the truth is was beyond shocking for Li Hei Yi. She never expects that her whole marriage was fake! Everything was calculated and plotted by the one she thought she knew and loved the most.

On the night of Mu Huang and Li Hei Yi's wedding, Mu Huang has put hallucination drugs in her drinks, and that drug will cause very realistic hallucination! He then put a little pig's blood on the bed sheets to make it look like she has lost her virginity!

"Li Hei Yi, do want what to know where Huang when after he has set you up on your wedding night? He went to my place to sleep with me. He said it will be our wedding night instead." Li SanSan had a big smile on her face, she said it to her in a mocking tone of voice.

"Mu Huang always tells me everything, so I know everything that he had done. He had to use that same hallucination drug on you a few more times after the marriage because you were always complaining about him not spending enough time with you. Every time he uses that hallucination drug he will always complain about how expensive those drugs were. He said it will save him lots of money if he just killed you and get everything over with!"

As Li San San is talking, she's getting more excited and starts to laugh hysterically.

"Li Hei Yi, so what if you are intelligent and have strong martial art skill! Men only like gentle, innocent, understanding kind of woman like me! And not a woman that is stronger than them! Look at yourself, you look nothing like a woman with the violent temper of yours. No man in their right mind will ever like you!"

As Li Hei Yi listens to Li SanSan yapping on and on by herself, she is slowly losing her consciousness. She didn't want to die just like this, she wanted revenge! Not only for herself, but for her parents as well. But she is dying and there's nothing else she can do but pray to God.

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