The expedition to the "Great Hole of Coma" ended up leaving two weeks later, but a month later.

The main reason for the extension is that the matter of God's mirrored rejuvenation seems to have been passed on within a few days to key figures not only throughout the central country but also in the six surrounding countries.

As a matter of course, there will be an outbreak of controversy over the right of initiative over running and expeditions to secure artifacts.

It was the street mayor's meeting on the eastern side of the central country that jumped it directly from the front.

One of the advantages of Boundary Street lies in its thorough fieldism.

Although the influence of the country and each temple is certainly great, the city chiefs are basically the centerpiece in deciding where to cut the rudder.

In order to survive on the front lines, there is no respite waiting to be judged by someone far away.

Because such ideas are stained, other intentions, etc. can be easily ignored if needed.

Of course, aid may be cut off, but it is possible to rebuild as many times as the city or people stay.

It can also be said that Boundary Street has survived a long time because of its quick choice of trade-offs.

Thor, through Dadan, first drew the city chiefs to his side, also in anticipation of it.

And the sharp former Yingjies, with their sense of smell for survival, were intuitively enlightened without being told.

If we don't do something about the mountain range we're welcoming right now, there won't be any more.

That is why, in unison, we hit the elimination of extra interference.

However, the mayor's meeting is not a single board.

After all, as long as each is born of a different country, thoughts really arise about my country and my compatriots.

It was the legendary dance princess Aniella who suppressed it.

A generation before the former Yingjies, she was familiar with each of the city's mayors and lent them less benevolence.

The person is staring at you. I can't even imitate it.

Furthermore, it was also significant that the Great Witch of the Water Crown of the Temple of Therapy had expressed unconditional cooperation and participation.

Although there are not many border districts bearing the name Ethereal Scales, the healing technique tells us that every city must have a therapeutic temple.

The ripple of that episcopal word led me to the result of stopping many runaways.

However, it would have been quicker if you had grown up with it, but it is the same situation in the six neighbouring countries where predictions are unacceptable.

Then the next means chosen by the rulers of the country was to increase their participation in the expedition at all and gain merit.

To that end, they sent in a large number of candidates to participate in the expedition.

Initially, about fifty members of the Vajra class were selected from eight border districts, and a total of about five hundred were scheduled.

But there are too many hopefuls, which will eventually swell up to two thousand.

So extra time was spent on this refinement.

Of course, some of them had gathered to Dadan only for the benefit of rejuvenation.

Zazam, Nemi and other clerics belonging to the Temple of Court were active there.

Using Thunder Eye Screening makes it easy to discern the sincerity of participation.

Thanks to this, the sorting time was shortened, which also saved Tor < restore >.

The border streets, where fugitives have left further in advance, also have to be taken seriously by the city chiefs because of arrangements to reduce the number of participants.

There were countless other things to decide and take over, but still managed to shape in a month.

In the old days, the central state used its army many times to go for the "Great Hole of Coma".

None of them, however, could have achieved much.

The more people get together, the more monsters attack again without a herd.

Besides, you can't earn training points (skill points) when you have defeated them together.

Instead of reaching the Great Hole, it is an impossible story to even see it.

But a long time passed from it, and people learned many things from many experiences.

I have confronted monsters in a small number and have not relaxed and enhanced my skills.

And now, while its body is young, warriors after more than a decade of drilling will gather in the land.

Thus began the last antiwar that betrayed a man's future.

From the border streets surrounding the "Big Hole of Coma," each of them is ineffective even if they go out.

For this reason, the departure point was chosen for the planned location of the city of Lambmerla, which is eating the most into the centre.

It is an operation aimed at a single breakthrough.

Fortunately, after a month's time, the mood that had covered the swamp had faded considerably.

The snakes with blue stripes and the spiders lurking in the mud are also significantly smaller and less handicapped.

A large group of adventurers through the wilderness that was at the tip of the swamp in a day tent ahead to form a base.

And the second day.

It was a huge herd of earthdragons who waited in the mountain belly of the noble mountains they had reached.

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