"Our next aim is the Big Hole of Coma!"

To a word of Dadan unleashed on the altar, the audience stuffed in the square quietly wondered what was going on.

After a lot of silence, it was the central people who cheered first.

"Hey, did you just hear..."

"Ah, oh. I did hear that."

"Are you serious? That abominable big hole..."

"Finally..., finally. Ah!

"Ooh...... Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Excited screams keep leaking out of its mouth.

Make it the evil symbol of this country, the "great hole of coma" that is the root of all calamities.

It was told only like a fairy tale, but it was nevertheless a fearful and hateful existence if it was a central people.

We're talking about sealing it. It is stranger not to be enthusiastic.

The reaction of boiling joy propagates around, and occasionally the other inhabitants emit a voice of surprise.

It spread all over the square and turned into a tremendously expensive one.

Dadan, wrapped in a golden armor, responds with a grin to a crowd of grand applause and various cheers.

The only person who was most honestly pleased was the general public, who did not know the truth.

The adventurers gathered at the ceremony watched the exchange with cold eyes.

"What's going on all of a sudden? Dear Director, Are you insane?"

"Oh, come on, now that's not a good time. Popularity take-up. Ridiculous."

"Probably a shame we're getting out of this city. So, you're hungry to stop connecting with the new policy."

"That's why there's so much to talk about. I can't believe you sealed the big hole."

It has taken more than thirty years to seal the big hole in the abandoned underground prison in front of it.

It is, at best, an impossible dream story.

It is unclear whether you heard the words, but Dadan's sharp eyes are directed at the adventurers who were solidifying.

The old man, who made him snort meaningfully, stuck out holding both his favorite hand axes.

Dadan, who sees the spectacle quiet in the act, opens his mouth again, roughly.

"Well, if you're just talking about goals, it's something that anyone can do. If that's the booze seat, it's so common to sweep and throw away."

A small laugh happened all over the place, and several adventurers looked at each other badly.

"To be honest, I'm completely old, too. Now it's just a mountain of Sekiyama to swing at a hobgoblin opponent"

It is still new to my memory that Dadan himself stood ahead and kicked the huge crowd of little ghosts that struck the city six months ago.

Also, spare no applause is sent to the mayor of the city, who holds splendid armaments.

The old man, lifting the edge of his mouth to the reaction, continued the conversation as he looked around at the faces of the gathered people.

"But in the present situation, yes, there is no crying. You all know that. Six countries, our homeland, are in trouble."

To the words of Dadan, a man who knows the truth about his homeland frowns and lays down his face.

A strong, powerful voice blocked it as disturbing air tried to flow.

"So long. That's why we should seal that big hole right now. Not so much when we were left behind. It's obvious that if you hold hands without doing anything like this, you won't be able to take it back. And yet..."

Dadan, who separated the words, looked back at the eyes gathering quietly at himself.

"Of course, I know very well that I'm not that easy to clean up with. If you're a strong opponent, I think it's a true adventure to challenge it. If you give up on being absolutely invincible, that means the adventure itself is over. ……… Now, what are we?

To an unexpected inquiry, the adventurers, who listened in silence, clogged their words.

Many eyes staring at Dadan on the stage, unspeakable, open in surprise at what happened next.

"Let the adventurer decide, old man"

And the LORD of the voice, to which I gave an answer, was an old man of the Tea Horn clan, who bore a gigantic silver shield.

Mugargo, the head of the southern borderline, who was also on the platform.

The shield moves forward, letting him stand majestically beside Dadan.

"Yeah, at least I still want to be an adventurer."

Walking next to it was Sie, an old lady of the Slali and tall Cui Yu tribes.

An exclamation close to a sigh leaks everywhere in the graceful standing of former Yingjie with a wand decorated with a large storm crystal stone.

"Well, we used to be adventurers. And as long as we are still adventurers and continue to challenge adventures, we must be adventurers."

Next to Dadan, who said pale, are the eight ex-Yingjies who entered.

Before its overwhelming signs, the audience breathlessly lost their voice.

Looking out at the city chiefs standing on their sides, Dadan lets them say it with one eye for fun.

"And although I tried to dress up, I was just a brilliantly old grandmother (Tsubaba). Are you lords really going to help?

"What... and...!

"Words are too long, Lord Dadan."

"I'm young all around, so it's hard to be with you, Director"

The air, which was pregnant with tension, loosens once and for all to the appearance of the old men who began to argue.

Without laying between them, Dadan folded his words.

"Well, you can't expect a face like this with all these old bones. Then we're not reckless idiots either. Well, some of it's mixed up, so denial's clean."

"Leave that to introduce yourself, Dadan"

"Don't mix it back. Forget how far we talked. Yeah, well, some people think we're crazy, but we keep the math. Remember, the other day, Thor and the others sealed the hole."

When it's obvious, someone responds with a laugh.

Dadan nodded contentedly at the answer, turning his gaze to the Tors, who stood on his left.

"Actually, that's where we found the great artifact. Mummy, will you bring it?"


A child who replies well leaves between with a mirror lifted over his head with both hands.

That adorable figure makes me laugh all over the square.

But the moment Moo turned to the front and pointed the mirror at the square, the laughter pulled like a wave, instead one surprise after another.

Strangely, as soon as I stared into the mirror, I could see my own back staring into the mirror, plus that back...

The inhabitants gathered in the square lost their voices lightly to their appearance, which is reflected indefinitely.

A lot of people snatched their gaze away by Moo's hanging mirrors while they were stunned, but Dadan shouted out loudly there.

"I named this the infinite mirror! The infinite power of the Time God dwells in this divine instrument. And only this hero, Thor, can bring out his power. Come on, watch the miracle!

Moo lays down the mirror, so the people who wake up from their dreams gaze at the mayor of the city.

Thor quietly placed his hand on Dadan's shoulder as he was watched in solitary spit.

The next moment, the old man was transforming into a young man.

An audience that no longer even forgets to hang around to see Dadan pose the same as the bronze statue sitting in the square.

But Tor doesn't stop.

Continue to rewind the time of the former Yingjies lining up next to Dadan.

It was an event that lasted only a few seconds.

But this will be a long and historic day.

The rejuvenated Yingjie further reinforced the signs of permanent separation.

In the air that is hard to exhaust to its brush tongue, the surrounding area no longer even forgets to breathe.

That was as we met yesterday at the seat of the City Council of Mayors.

But bring it there, and unexpected things happen again.

Someone jumped lightly from the edge of the stage.

The person, shaking her hair like a golden tenderness, advances to the center with a supple foothold.

And he took away the black sandblanket cloth, which was hiding his mouth, in front of the city chiefs, who were taken aback.

".................. no way"

"Aniella... ma...?

In that inquiry, the dancer gracefully gave a bowl of grace.

"Yes, it's been a long time, gentlemen"

The exchange of the former Yingjie reveals instantly the identity of the dancer who appeared on stage.

Suddenly the legendary sword princess appeared, and the setters on the stage also exposed their faces.

"Duh, why, here?!

"That's just like all of you. I would love to join you on this expedition."

"…………………………… What?

"Nonetheless, ladies and gentlemen, wasn't it a little late to notice me? I was hoping you would notice when we performed the dance."

The Mugalgos finally realize that the young woman in front of them in the words is the dancer who made them dance at the opening of the recital ceremony.

Aniella quietly said away to former Yingjie, who was in a cold sweat.

"This looks like we'll all need to work out again by the time we leave."

"Please wait -"

Surprisingly, it was the Great Witch of the Water Crown, the Patriarch of the Temple of Therapy, who was also on the altar.

"Ho, are you sure it's Aniella?

"Oh, it's been a long time, Murray Mima"

"Well, what's that look like............, wah, are you rejuvenated?

"Yes, it is."

The great witch, lightly told by her old friend, opened her mouth so wide that her jaw was about to come off.

And with his blood-running eyes, he stares at Tor.

"Wow, to me too!

"Unfortunately, this miracle only works for those who are prepared to challenge the Great Hole of Coma."

"Yes, I'm coming! I'll do anything! Hey, anything!

Cutting the word off, countless screams echo that there is nothing more in the square.

Tor scratched under his chin to the people packing him on the stage.

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