Three days later, the ready Tors seven headed to the abandoned underground prison.

There are five flying dragon boats, but adult men are the standard, and if there are many women and children, it is possible to increase the number of passengers slightly.

"Really - are you okay with such thin clothes?

"That's enough. I'd like to take it off more."

"I didn't even bring a tent or a sleeping bag, but are you okay over there?

"Yeah, don't worry. I have a replacement for you."

"What! Keeney, don't you have a pompous bed?

"That's why I told you I didn't want it. Idiot."

Called by a cute name for a child is a folding sleeping table that can be expanded to fit the steps of the stairs.

It was Moo's favorite because it plays well, but it is quite heavy because the frame is made of iron.

Losing those bags also seems to have helped a lot of people get on board.

A line safely descended to the ground in front of the fort, greeting the familiar adventurers before heading to the centre of the swamp.

In addition to the hard work of Sollgham and other true silver classes, the muddy roads were much easier to walk, thanks to the steady supply of mangroves resistant to corruption from the neighbouring city of Bossaria.

Use the white key on the first basement floor and descend all the way down the stairs leading up to the sixth floor.

And when you get out of the white door, you head to the blue, rusty door right next door.

Touching the chilly air of the second tier, Kikirili shook his body slightly before looking at the outfits of his companions chillily.

And leak words in envy.

"That's good. I did something a little bit of a shame."

Tor's gear had also been refreshed for further depth challenges.

Even so, the only thing that has increased is mainly black gold diamond-related products.

It was Thor who changed his appearance greatly.

It is the armor of the finally finished red dragon scale that wraps its body.

A large red ball is attached to the shoulder of the right arm with the sword, and the pale ball on the other side, plus a black hard ball in the center of the chest as if to protect the heart, each emits a bright light.

It has a natural finish as if it had been embedded there from the beginning, a flourishing in which the amateur can see no signs of fine work at all.

Previously, the silver serpentine leather armor was quite flashy, but the new outfit stood out in circles because of the eye-catching jewels.

But it suits Thor's grand standing well.

A perfectly tamed blue Tsugi Hagi snakeskin cape on the back.

The Hip Sword is still short of Vajra iron and remains a true silver single-edged sword.

Of course, the spare corpse dragon fang sword is alive and well.

Sola this time, only loose robes knitted with breathable swamp spider yarn without breastplate.

On the chest is a combination of a pale ball neckline that prevents aberrations in condition, a blue ribbon that holds the hair together and a soothing shade.

And a black diamond ring decorating the white fingers was only giving off one point of colour.

Like the girl, Euril is a spider yarn robe, but this one has a crisp design that makes it easy to understand the body silhouette.

The braided silver hair is beautifully decorated with a pale jeweled forehead crown and its chest is swayed with a calm glow of gray ice-crystal stone neckline.

Furthermore, the armor, fastened only by the middle finger of the right hand, had a prominent black jewel, which was a vibrant accent.

Moo with his whole body covered in white beast fur at the end, but his feet are cemented with purple striped thunderbeast shoes, small crowns and favorites on golden curly hair.

He then hangs a bug basket on a sagging hanging, with black diamond necklaces and small leather wipes shaking around his neck mimicking beetles.

With his grumpy face on, the child let him wear a circle of twirling light specially.

"I'll be there, then."

Kikiriri takes out a small blue cuff from a small trinket compartment lined with leather bands that intersect around the rich waist.

Pushing into the indentation and pulling it like a handle, the thick door opened with a groan.

With a peek ahead, Sola and Moo circle their eyes in surprise at the unexpected sight.

It was unexpectedly like a natural cave there.

No stone walls have ever been found built in the hands of people like this, and reddish rock skin peels off the sides and ceilings.

The floor also has just snags and protrusions, and it seems to be far from the stairs.

However, the slope is considerable, but the breadth of the aisle is wide enough to move forward without much difficulty.

The line began to descend silently down the cave leading to the bottom of the earth.

Yuryl and Moo tripped several times because of the smooth touch floors and walls when they twisted, but manage to finish walking for the tenth floor in less than an hour.

At the point where I could see the doors at the end of the line, I raised my voice, which was bounced by the aiming Sola.

"Wow, what's that? Fun."

It was cloth hung across to the ceiling of the passage, which was getting slightly narrower.

Both ends of the bundled cloth are firmly tied to the jaws pierced by the rock walls.

I guess I didn't hesitate because it wasn't an artificial wall that built up square stones on purpose.

They were also, apparently, supposed to be hanging bedding.

Moo jumps up and around in front of a sleeping bed that looks comfortable to ride.

"Toe, hurry up! Come on! Put the moo on!

"Calm down, look"

The child, who was held up and put on the hanging bedding, immediately laughs out loud as he rocks his body to the left and right.

If you look closely, there is a small ladder standing on the wall, which seems to be used to go up and down.

There are also a number of pieces attached to the rock walls underneath, so that the luggage can be hooked.

"Sola, you can leave the demon stone lamp here, too."


"Yeah, we're just gonna get in the way."

Saying so, Kikiriri opened the door once and for all.

At the same time, heat and dull light leak out from beyond it.

What was spreading behind the door was a desolate landscape with reddish rock skin peeled out.

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