"You can't give up at least five years for the first floor of the offense."

"Wow, this treat, the skin is so crisp! Thor."

"Nah shit kid, why are you carrying a bug basket or something?

"Would you like a change of tea? Gentlemen."

"Mm-hmm! Toe's snack, doesn't it smell better than Moo's?

Thor, watching as the tea party members continued to speak on their own, squealed bossly as he scratched under his chin.

"... don't fall apart too much"

And the only one who turns his gaze to the Ethereal Scale man who kept silent.

Mordamo, who was quietly tilting the cup, let Tor's eyes snort a small nod.

But that's the only reaction.

Apparently, he is unwilling to send out a help ship.

"Naturally, you have the cost of exploration. Instead, I'll give you the proceeds from the sale of the material at the head end of the line."

"Is that it? If you look closely, all you have is skin... But delicious! How do you make this?"

"Oh, a raspberg. You caught him when he was a kid."

"Mr. Thor, the Adventurers Bureau has contacted you. The product you were asking for will arrive tomorrow."

"It's so gentle, I'm gonna kick your ass. It's a little rough."

As Thor could not enter into the conversation of the damned women, his four eyes were inadvertently pointed at him.

"Are you listening? You."

"Thor, they're selling this at an inner city store. Why don't you go buy some next time?

"What have you done? Mr. Thor."

"Yes, To, go away."

Thor, who gazed at every face, exhaled loudly before returning his words.

"All right, shall we clean up one at a time? First of all, you're a kicker."

"What, suddenly?"

"As for the reward, five years on the ground floor is 25 years on the fifth floor. Are you going back to the baby?

"You're an idiot. You can't ask for one at a time. Naturally, I've been talking about it since I was older."

"You mean that way ahead. Until then, I don't know if I'm alive."

"Yeah, that's why you're gonna have to die, and we're gonna be careful not to let you die."

"I appreciate that."

Talks are going on, as a matter of course, but it was already a matter of decision to become cooperative with the Purple Eye twins and Moldamos.

The reason for this is the blue lion they own.

Neither have the Tors wasted days traveling until the Chitas have purified the dragons of rotting corpses.

He went through a troublesome prison and defeated a monster, the key to a four-color pillar, and opened an iron lattice to the fifteen layers to confirm.

The result was only that we found out the unfortunate fact that no new labyrinth lords had occurred and we had not found anything that looked like a cave.

If Euril's guess is correct, he's in this state for months to years to come.

That also means, in other words, that the exploration of the Tors has been stalled.

It was Kikiriri and the three others who held the key to the next tier that came into contact where there was no such hitter.

Apparently, he kept it well recovered that it had fallen to the back wall after Zoldamarg disappeared.

What they mentioned was a joint exploration with the Tors.

That was also a proposal that had to be accepted, the current situation in which the means of obtaining blue candles had been exhausted.

The twins were the first to plan to push various conditions from an overwhelming vantage point, but that also changes dramatically by witnessing Tor's behavior.

Seeing Cuiyu brothers and sisters rejuvenated like others in front of them, they softened their high-pressure attitudes all at once.

And after several discussions, I settled into the feeling of today's tea party.

That being the case, it is impossible to rewind to the baby, since < restore > only acts until the point at which the monster is involved.

But it's more convenient to make them think they're young, so I dared you both to hide that point.

"I also take the cost here when it comes to eating. But don't complain about the taste. Is that okay with Sola, too?

"Yeah, let it go. I'll put more on your arm."

"Taste is the fruit of a golden tree that has become a cinnacina anyway. Well, if it's better than milky porridge, I have nothing to complain about."

"Come on, I don't know. And then I understood the distribution of the gold that sold the material. But when you have something you want, don't sell it out, just the way you give it away, okay?

"That's fine."

"Okay, the terms are like that. Well, I'll be sure to give you directions."

It's not just about the blue keys that Thor has accepted to cooperate with the Kikirilis.

because they had the advantage that they had already been to the next tier.

Honestly, as for Thor, who has seen painful eyes in a series of prisons in the underworld hierarchy, the existence of providing information would be more thankful than anything.

"And as I said before, we don't want to be strong. Naturally, I'll leave the troublesome monsters to you."

"You didn't want me dead, did you?

"You don't even have the balls to screw up to that extent."

From the new depths, the number of monsters appearing at once is increasing, and it looks like a fierce battle has been scheduled.

Because of this, they dive with a larger number of people beforehand, and they have a relatively good way of handling it by splitting it.

"Does Mordamo have anything to add?

"No, you don't"

Only one condition put on by a quiet water-user man in a cooperative relationship with the Tors was his accompaniment to the battle against a true labyrinth lord.

Though it was a slightly unusual offer not to participate in the battle the most, but only to give me a tour.

"Next up, Mr. Euril, thank you for telling me. Can you finally do it?"

Looks like the new gear we've been waiting for has finally arrived.

"Then will you all go pick it up tomorrow? After that, you want to go buy some sweets?

"Really! Is that okay, Tor?

"Oh, I'd love to try some too."

There were only fragments of thin skin left in Tor's plate, which Moo replaced on his own initiative.

The child, who was carefully licking his plate, looks up at Tor with his eyes round.

"To, why didn't you eat it when it smelled like this!?

"Oh, I wonder why"

As Thor grabbed the child's nose tip and rocked it to the left and right, Moo gave off a fun-filled laugh.

"Then the end comes from me. We're still in each other's minds, but more than accompanying each other to dangerous places, we feel the same way."

"Wait a minute."

"Yeah. What's up?

To Thor, who was about to close with a good looking word, it was a nemi who had suddenly pinched his mouth silently messing with the bug basket.

The moment everyone's attention is drawn, she's a twin sister with a slight blush in her cheek, but keeps saying words to force her to spit out.

"Name. Still undecided"


"New party. I need to change my name."

"Oh, that or. Can't we just stay on the mud fishing team?

"I don't like it. What, that's too much for you to go crazy?"

"So much?

When Thor looked around everyone's face for an opinion, his voice rose up in his mouth.

I don't know about the Thunderlight Alliance.

We don't have any of our elements.

"How's the Tolls?

"I don't even remember being a family."

"How about an iced teaching team?

"It doesn't make sense."

"Mooham, I want to!

"You look like an idiot, and you're dismissed."

As happened earlier, the table returns to a state of chaos.

Thor sends his gaze to Moldamo again for help, but he is subtly blinded.

At a time when it seemed unlikely to be decided forever as it was, Nemi at the top of the statement asks as she inadvertently lifts the striped cat to the child beside her.

"Hey, fuckin 'kid. What's this guy's name?

"It's a shima. That's Cro!

"Oh, you look like the two of us if you look closely at something"

As Sola pointed out, the twins and the two cats not only look like purple intersecting black hair, but somehow resemble even the atmosphere.

The sisters, who were told they looked just like cats, laughed happily for some reason.

"Lili, how's it going?

"Yeah, that's good to know. I like it."

In the end, that's what happened.

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