Earlier, the number of Euril's fingers visible through Moo's eyes was the eighth, folded back.

The war is already at an end.

Thor barfed his white breath wildly as he dived behind Garud.

It's better because it's moving around, but the cold around is becoming quite dangerous.

Though I appreciate that the most blood erupted from the wound will soon solidify.

The shield has prevented all stone crushing coming from the front.

But we can't even prevent things from hitting the ground and bouncing around irregularly.

Already all over Thor's body, there were punches and lacerations everywhere.

Had it not been for the often slippery scaly leather armor, it would have been worse.

In his heart, Thor muttered a word of gratitude to the armor store owner for his skill.

And to the support of Moo, who is secretly softening the blow.

Normally, it is in a state where it is being restored.

but now it doesn't either.

Tor, with his arms extended, gently swept over Garoud's shoulder back, which stood in front.

Unlike < stone body >, which only hardens and strengthens the body, < iron mass bone >, a medium branch skill also confers resistance to heat and cold air.

Thanks to this freezing air, we seem to be able to make an unusual move.

Except for the armor helmet that covers him.

Hard and sharp sounds were constantly echoing, especially from the large shield lifted by Garoud against the wind.

After a quick confirmation, Thor gives up the armor and returns only the long shield to its new condition.

This brings the remaining usable number to six.

We can still afford just a little, but given the vigilance after we knock it down, it's time for the numbers to get to work on the chase.

Regrip the sword pattern and look beyond the white smoke Tor.

In that ear, an evil spell by Garudo accidentally pops in.

"Damn! Right here!

Almost without putting it between them, the two were pushed hard to the ground by a gust from directly above.

Heavy air movements I remember - torn winds.

It is the worst timing.

Suddenly a big wind struck me, raging wildly over the immovable Tors.

The two of them desperately lay down on the ground as they were about to be taken by a wave of violent wind.

time in just a few seconds.

But it seemed terribly long.

Thor realizes that the quiet has suddenly returned.

The sound of the wind, which was roaring in his ears, had disappeared at some point.

The air, which was so cold, can now be lost without a trace along with the sand.

Thor, with his face up, swallowed solidly.

It was the figure of a stuck giant that was filling his sight.

Moreover, the arms of the tornado protruding from its torso were both branched in two at their roots.

The storm sand giant lifted his arms high, which increased to four.

A tall wind-cut noise rang from its entire body for a long time.

If the number of flocks increases too much, monsters sometimes turn into a special form: the flock phase.

Similar to that, the top-ranked monsters rarely make the change known as the Frenzy Phase.

Apparently, that happened to the monster in front of you.

Standing up, Garud and Thor look up at the bodies of giants rushing through heaven breathing with their shoulders.

What has piled up so far has been lightly overshadowed from the ground up.

Rather, there is no more danger, much more.

Retreat or proceed.

Thor chooses without hesitation the split between momentary battles.

It was an olfactory sensation worn by a man who had scratched his own and dangerous eyes for twenty-five years.

Having looked at the surrounding situation, Thor first returns his body to its best condition.

Next, he stuck his fist out and slapped Garoud hard on his back.

At the same time, restore the flesh to its fullest state of struggle.

It was a signal to go into the finish.

With an instant understanding of intent, the shield releases a scream as he releases all his fighting temper.

- < Unbreakable Soul Gang >.

Garud's body swells up at once so much that he bounces his armor from the inside out.

From this moment on, for a minute, every attack on the shield was rendered null and void.

Even dark moves (agi) that destroy the soul do not work in any way for Garud today.

And the tremendous intimidation unleashed fueled the monster's hostility to the extreme.

To a tiny being that cannot be ignored so much at his feet, the giant waves up four arms at all costs.

Keep it up, I slapped it together.

On the verge, Tor was like an arrow, jumping out from behind the shield.

Walk through the bottom of the cove aiming at the foot of the giant.

A tornado fist hits the ground every garoud and a violent gust winds up.

In the wake of that wind, Thor accelerated to a breath.

He vividly creeps through the giant's inseam and clings to one of the rocky mountains where his face emerged from under the sand because of the torn wind.

That was also Tor's destination.

Use your natural concentration to explore the past of a chunk of rock you grabbed, what it looked like before this happened.

And infused with magic at all costs.

- < Restore >.

The next moment, Thor was in a place where he could look over the land.

At your feet, a white rocky mountain stands.

It was before the monster, the incarnation of the sandstorm, sharpened it.

And right in front of him was the back of a giant who circled his body and even kept beating Garoud.

I could also confirm from the bottom, but the thickness of the torso part is still clearly reduced.

Probably because I increased my arm to four.

This was Thor's headlined winning opportunity.

"Frozen -"

There's no way Euril, with long ears, could have missed the scream of Garud, who unleashed his martial arts.

The woman who sensed Thor's movements had already chanted a new prayer phrase to go with it.

The bright white fog generated spread through the air and covered the back of a giant monster.

The air makes a squeaky noise, which just happens to freeze in between.

"Go ahead, Mr. Thor"

Not missing that opportunity, Thor kicked the rock forcefully at his feet.

Its body, leaping high, reaches directly above the giant's back.

A giant who was supposed to have directed all his interest towards Garud, but the frenzied minister didn't seem so sweet.

In response to the presence flying directly above, the wound stone crushes are shot out into the sky one after the other.

The stones thrust through their frozen backs and struck Thor like thorns of a palm seal.

Tor flicks a blue striped cloak in the air.

Maximum Defense performance has been pulled out before jumping.

A bunch of bursting little purple thunder bounces off the pebbles eating into the cape one after the other.

Thor nodded small and pulled out his sword, saying that Moo would not forget.

"Go, To!

With Euril's magic trick, the monster's upper body is completely stopped.

Thanks to this, it was possible to see easily to the interior of the torso.

Black lumps floating in the center.

It's the spirit nucleus of the Storm Sand giant.

Breaking through thin ice, Thor's sword runs to where he's aiming.

The frozen fog curse was the only part close to the superficial layer, but for some reason the wind that was supposed to swirl inside had also stopped moving.

- < fixed >.

"It's now, Tor!

While jumping, a white blade is swung down that even cuts off the wind.

Kachin and a clear sound rang.

One beat late, the spiritual nucleus, a black mass, shifts in half in the middle.

At the same time, the wind that was gathering was released in all directions.

Pressed by the wind, Tor's body, which was bouncing through the universe, accelerates downward.

But there was already a forerunner at the landing site.

Garoud throws down his shield and spreads his hands.

The arm took Gassili and the man who fell.

The two men, whose armor was broken and half-naked, often looked at the universe as it was.

And I made sure the monsters were completely disappeared, and when I looked at them, they quietly hit each other in the grip.

"... you did it, Thor. It was a brilliant laydown."

"Oh, you've managed to clean up"

When I look up, I'm halfway up the slope, and I see the Eurils sitting around.

When I noticed Thor's gaze, they all waved with tired faces.

Apparently, he's exhausted his temper.

"Where? Where are they? Celse!"

Tor turned his neck to the scream that had sounded unexpectedly.

Towards the slightest remaining rocky mountain, a bearded guide is speaking out to look for something.

It seems that the effects of the invincible martial arts have finally expired, and its footsteps are unwavering.

Thor tried to get close and call, but someone suddenly ran through the side of it.

It's Sarah with the harp.

The player gently clawed the string as he reached near the middle of the clay.

"Negative Sound Investigation" - The technique of hearing the density of sand with sound echoes.

But this time, it didn't seem like the safety zone she was looking for.

Salarisa, who changed her complexion, rushes over to one of the remains of Rock Mountain.

And when he threw down the precious harp, he scratched out the sand diligently.

When Thor and Garud caught up, it just seemed that Salaritha had dug something.

That becomes apparent when we approach it.

It was someone's skull that emerged from under the sand.

A dead grassy thing snaps into its vain orbit.

The moment I realized it, Garud spoke out to squeeze it out.

"Oh I knew it...... I knew it was too late."

Sarah says nothing and goes out of the sand.

The dewy white cervical bone was intertwined with something like a bundle of shells.

Probably a decorative string that was lowering the Adventurer bill.

At previous dinners, Salarisa had blurred the meaning of adding prominent accessories, but it was originally for these confirmations.

You were finally sure you were my sister, and Sarah stood up leaking a whimper.

And for some reason, pull out a knife in the sulli and hips belt.

Shortly after stopping, the undulating blade was sucked into his brother-in-law's abdomen, which was next door.

Garoud raising his cuckoo voice.

Thor reached out unexpectedly, and Salarisa glanced at him with her reddish eyes and controlled him.

"I thought I told you. Don't interrupt my sister's enemies."

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