From the sun, which was reaching directly above, the strong sun was relentlessly pouring down.

The dry air does not block it either, but rather is conceiving the fever as emphasised.

The sitting child yawned boringly, then lifted the leather bag with a small hand.

When I put my lips on my mouth, I move my throat diligently to try to drink the water inside.

But you don't seem to be able to inhale very well.

The child, with a slightly grumpy face, tinkled his throat and stuck a leather bag out to the man next door.

A man who receives it with a face like, oh man, flips a leather bag upside down.

Then add water to the cup made by the child in both palms to squeeze it out.

The child just leaned her lips against the palm of her hand, which was just full.

Slowly his throat rises and falls, spreading a satisfying look on his young face.

After drinking, the child tried to lift the corner of his mouth wide with it wet to his face as well as to his collar.

The man, feeling the wind containing the grains of sand had subsided only a little, stood up with an empty leather bag on the ground.

Shut up and scratch under your chin, letting the sand rag cloth hang in the universe.

And I called out to my buddy who was still waiting for his chance.


"... oh"

Replying, the man wrapped all over his body in white armor lowers his helmet cheek.

Lifting his long shield as it was, he ran out across the bottom of the clay.

The armored man roars as he runs down the slopes.

The voice contained a variety of strong emotions.

The battle began.

There are three things Moo could have said to Thor.

The first is to make sure that < thunder needles > and < thorns > are as indispensable as possible.

This is as usual.

The second thing is a bit important and never leave Sola or Euril.

When I go somewhere on my own, they say I'm out of lunch.

Well, I'm a child, so it's something I can't help but go somewhere.

The third is to show Garud, who has become a new child, what he is all the time.

Tor told me that I was like a child because I was the father of Rudell, a child, so I had no choice.

Moo stared at the heavenly side of his helmet moving around in the smoke.

I also see Thor sticking behind it, just a little bit.

Euril, standing next to him unexpectedly, lifted his cane and whispered his usual words.

"Bloom with vengeance -"

"All right, all right."

Cheering together only at the end, Moo lets Thor share his sight as well.

Because at this time, we need to show it to Thor too.

Then keep your gaze only for a moment on Euril's stretched fingers as well.

This is the fourth one.

A child with a slight twist on his neck, but kept staring at him as hard as he could to properly protect what was said.

A song of strict glorification of the gods overflows through the throats of Salaritha standing behind the Moos.

The resounding singing reassures the hearts of the listeners and restores lost magic.

This < hymn > is a song (...), therefore it is not acceptable to sing without some singing skills.

Naturally, Salarisa didn't have that qualification.

- Until this morning.

In fact, the branch of singing skills itself existed in the skill tree of Salaritha from the beginning.

For one personal reason, she was brazenly stopping that growth.

But this time he convinced Thor that he needed the song.

Sarah could not forcefully retreat from the words of a man who silently comforted her miserable self, who merely wept.

On the sound of his own clawing harp, the player sounds his beautiful voice in the wilderness.

Staring at the backs of the three audiences, Salaritha lightened her singing just a little by remembering her interaction this morning.

"Now the skill points should be back in the water bottle. And then you can swing it back to the branches of your singing skills."

"Until this happens......, you're a really amazing person, Mr. Thor. Um, it's been a long time since I've been singing, so can I practice a little?

"Oh, that's how Mr. Sarah sounded. Until now, I hadn't noticed."

"You are, are you? Moo, can I come with you?

"That's a really beautiful voice. But Mr. Thor, you've noticed a lot."

"If that's what they say, it is. Because I always whispered...... Hey, Tor, how did you know?

"You care about me, too. I remember that if you don't touch your body, you shouldn't be able to see the details of the skill tree. When did you and Sarah get along like that?

"Toe, what's up? Also, your chin itches? All right, I'll moo you!

The sight of the day comes to the heart of the Ethereal Scale woman in the appearance of the four people who converse with pleasure.

Before the horrible monster, Sara Lisa, with a complete loss of shoulder strength, was beginning to perform at her best.

Garud was in the dust.

Due to the wild sandstorms surrounding me, my ears are covered with the sound of a loud, blazing wind.

All I can tell is that a pebble that flies with tremendous momentum is about the impact of hitting the shield.

From the narrow clearance of the face of the helmet, there is no prospect at all of a sand wall that can stand in.

- It should have been.

Strangely enough, Garud now had a clear view of his hindsight.

The way a man in an armored helmet scratches his feet in the sand is in his sight as he looks down from afar.

It was as if it were one of the pawns, arranged on a plate called a clay.

Garoud was astonished to hear that this strange sight was a characteristic of a purple-eyed child who seemed seemingly useless.

I needed to get used to moving my body just a little bit, but it is much better than not seeing anything.

The conductor murmured in his helmet at the unexpected dust tactics.

"... I see, I can also snort to insist on this."

The present situation is marked by a huge pawn formation in the centre, approaching there by a pawn with a shield and a sword that leans perfectly behind it.

Suddenly his vision moves only slightly and he is informed that his new hand has been pointed from outside the board.

Yuryl set up the Frost Warriors nearby.

Totally stormy sand giants move out in response to a person who has unleashed immense magic.

If it stays like this, the guards on the edge of the clay will definitely be swallowed up by the sandstorm.

It's the shield's job to stop it.


An instantly liberated struggle transforms Garud's body into iron-like hardness to the bone marrow.

Furthermore, the main force of this martial arts was the point of causing a great deal of hostility to be held by monsters.

The sound of the wind soars at once, and the giant stops on the spot.

And lifted the arms of a fiercely swirling wind high.

Garud unleashes the struggle he left behind while checking the motion through Moo's vision.

- < rock pile formation >.

Soil masses summoned from the earth form an uplifting wall.

However, the position we were able to make was behind the Garuds.

In preparation for the impending storm, the shield devoured his teeth hard.

In the arms of the shaken monster, Sola had not blinked.

I see it closer than yesterday. It boasts an unlikely size.

A giant pillar stretching toward heaven.

The gathered air is loose, as if the sky itself is distorted.

In Sola's sight, the lumps of sand and wind deflect greatly.

The next moment, it moved rapidly toward the ground.

Even critical.

Patience to the brink.

The girl, who identifies a limited moment, believes in herself and leaves her magic alone.


The tornado fist suddenly changed direction like a screw bend.

A short distance from the Tors to the ground, the distracted arm is slapped in the zun.

Waiting in the place was an icy trap.

Sounds like earaches echo in the ground.

At the same time, a giant column of ice stands up pushing white smoke.

The monster, whose arms were frozen halfway through by chance, emitted a tall, squeaky sound.

The air of the slope, pushed out without time, turns into a gust wind and runs up the slope.

The dust wall tried relentlessly to swallow the Solas, but suddenly stopped the move on the way.

The girl nodded contentedly at the pitty and < fixed > sand-style appearance.

Then he hurriedly shifts his gaze to the bottom of the ground.

There was the figure of the Tors who deposited their backs on the dirt walls they had built behind them and had successfully weathered the storm.

In front of Ho exhaling Sola, the monster moves out flat.

Without even paying attention to the tip of his frozen arm, the giant stretched out the torso that was round.

Occasionally a new breeze gathers and the right arm regains its original length.

However, the arm was clearly thinner than before.

"When the air cools, the song gets smaller."

Euril's words, which he taught Salari with his usual grin, come to mind in Sola's head.

Believing in the Tor's maneuvers, the girl instilled her natural focus on the opponent in front of her.

Euril exhaled deeply after completing the eighth (...) < Frost Hua Formation >.

Though I was complacent about the amount of magic I had, so far the consecutive chants are harsh.

Had it not been for the restoration of magic, we would have let go of consciousness.

But the achievement was steadily emerging.

Already the giant's back length has shrunk to nearly half its original length.

At the most cost, the area was completely enclosed in cold air.

Thanks to you, Moo and the like can hold onto Yuryl's thighs perfectly.

The eartips of the Grey-eared women danced with pleasure to the nostalgic feel of the frozen air.

The maneuver I thought of along with Tor seems to fit into the diagram I thought was perfect.

Garud spares no effort in using his martial arts to nail the giant to the center of the clay.

The nasty dust that blocks sight is dealt with in Moo's.

The shield will attract the monster, so Euril can relegate his magic moves without hesitation.

Sola holds the arm down and even directs it to the < Frost China Formation >.

And the magic that's going to be depleted in no time is the flow that Sarah will make up for.

To Thor's sense of trying to perfectly draw out and use everyone's abilities, Euril had a long taste of the feeling of her lower stomach getting hot.

The words I spoke with the conductor before the operation suddenly resuscitate to the back of my brain.

"It's a shame, that guy. If you remember the pawnboard, you'll get to the point where it's definitely good."

"Yeah, that's really a waste"

"Why don't you recommend it? It's fun to play with good people."

"Hehe, thanks for the compliment. Right, shall I invite you next time? Would you like to join us, Master Garud? The other day, you seemed a little shattered."

"Oh, that's good. I'd like to point it out again...... No, do I stop making promises? I don't think I can protect you any more."

"Really? I'm so sorry."

To activate the ninth < Frost Hua Formation >, Euril lifted the cleric wand.

The number of times this ice magic move can be used is up to five times an hour.

So why are they chanting more times than that?

When you reveal the seed, it's a simple tease.

The number of times the magic moves can be used counts from the moment the magic moves are first used.

And if the remaining minutes are used up within an hour, it is a mechanism that will be restricted and unavailable.

In other words, an hour after you first use it, the number of times you can use it will be back to normal under any circumstances.

Therefore, I will first use the < Frost Hua Formation > only once in the right place.

All you have to do is sit tight and wait for time to pass.

And when the time limit was only a few, so we started the fight.

That way, even if you use the remaining four times, the restrictions will soon be lifted and you will be able to use them continuously.

This was a labyrinth main battle in a dungeon with no time limits, and it was also a commonly used means.

Victory conscious Euril, but its eartips tremble loudly.

It was because I felt the tremor of the atmosphere echoing from overhead.

Garud avoided the evening and carried the battle over to the next day for a reason.

For in that time the wind is very rough.

Especially in this place, we needed to be vigilant.

But no matter how dangerous the time is avoided, the chances of it occurring are not zero.

The sky is heavily distorted and the wind, which has gained weight, is rapidly gathering.

And where it reaches its limit, it breaks heaven and falls to earth.

At the present time of Euril, who opens his eyes, the sudden torn wind struck the weak giant's body directly.

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