The next evening back from the wilderness, Thor stretched out his legs to the temple of exploration.

Because Audrey contacted me when the drug I was asking for was ready.

It was also accompanied by errands to pick up Moo.

Yuryl escorted me in the morning, but he said that it was like a hands-on dish for dinner today and that Sola and I couldn't get our hands off each other.

A gentle knock on the door of the pharmacy will give you a reply asking you to go ahead.

Upon welcoming Tor, who peered inside, were two Oodle and Moo facing each other at the table.

"Oh, it's To!

"There you are. Would you like some tea? I just brewed it."

"Thank you. Yeah, what's up, that?

The forehead of the child, who turned around holding a cup of hot air, was heavily butt-stamped.

It looks like it was written in ink and stands out in black.

"Is this it? Um, Moo is now, what the..."


"Yeah, yeah, fukka-hansel"

"What are you messing with..."

In the middle of an inquiry, Tor notices an object placed on the table.

White skull couched only in the mouth.

It's the head of a black skeleton eagle, a twin wilderness souvenir.

"Did you bring it? That's disgusting."

"Oh, the kindergarten classroom made a fuss. I'm gonna scream, I'm gonna faint. That was a lot."

"Sorry for the inconvenience"

Sitting beside Moo, Thor gently stroked the child's head.

If you did it deliberately to intimidate me, you should scold me, but you probably simply want to show it to your classmates but act for it.

When I saw the skeleton this morning, Thor exhaled small in retrospect of Moo, who, like Sola, was overjoyed.

You can meet as many monsters as you want, but if you live a normal life, you will not encounter them first.

At best, when traveling down the street, a few strays attacked me.

Moo, who is walking as an adventurer, would be a little too young to understand the differences around him.

However, the problems caused by these divergences are likely to arise in the future.

"Hey, Moo."

"What? Toe."

The child, who was rinsing his hot tea, twitches his purple eyes and looks up at Tor.

Again, the person doesn't seem to know exactly what went wrong, even when they say reflection.

"From now on, when you bring something here, ask To-chan or Yuryl if it's good."

"Where's Sola?

"Hmm, because Sora accidentally happens sometimes."

"Okay! You're To and Grandma Yu."

Tor nodded at the child, who answers in a good mood, asks about the revelations of the incident as he receives a cup of vanilla tea from Oodle.

"So what about the injured?

"No, guys, it was just a surprise, it wasn't a big deal."

"What about the kid who passed out?

"Oh, he's a weak kid from the beginning. I had a fever, so I just took care of it and let it rest."

Only a little relief came to his face, the lord of the pharmacy laughed small and continued his words.

"It's okay, they didn't even hate me. She's popular."


"For kids on this side, adventurers are admirers. As long as you have that neck tag, people won't leave. Besides."

The grey-eared woman with a breath touches Moo's hair just like Tor with her arms extended.

"After being so adorable, he's an honest and good kid. I can't help but think people like me."

"Moo is a hottie, so no. Do you like Moo, too, To?

"Look, I'm in good shape. You're reflecting."

"Oh, I was. Fukaku, solder!

I know he's going to be magical, but he does look adorable with his eyes closed and his cheeks gently fluttered.

Thor accidentally fingered and followed the swell.

Every once in a while, the child blows air and laughs out.

"No more, then!

"Ha, sorry"

"Oh, that's so exciting."

It was Tor's familiar and unexpected face who had let his voice interrupt him in the middle of a lively conversation.

Garoud, a wilderness guide, calls Audrey with his face out of the back submersible.

"Doctor, I think I'm awake. Will you look at it?"

"Oh, okay. I'll take care of it later."

Standing up Audrey heads to the back room with the sleaze.

Garoud, who came to the table to be replaced, dropped his hips on the chair across the street.

And slightly narrow your eyes, and gaze quietly at the Tors.

With that gaze, Thor stumbles upon the reason why his fellow adventurers are in an out of place pharmacy.

"Maybe the kid resting in the back..."

"Oh, she's my daughter."

"I'm sorry about that"

"No, it's common to fall. Whatever triggered it, it doesn't change."

"Right. Don't you have to follow me?

"... I haven't seen much of you these days. I don't know what to tell you. It's perfect."

Gauld, who glanced over to Moo during a chillary and reflection, faintly distorts his lips enviably.

Then you noticed the suspicion in Thor's eyes, making him shrug his shoulders exaggerated.

"You heard me."

"Oh, there seems to be some bad rumors."

"Mostly it's true. Celse went missing and a lot of money rolled in, and we broke up the party to find him."

The middle-aged adventurer overlaps words, blocking the questionable toll.

"You want to move on, but you can't tell me to stay in the wilderness at my convenience. I bought a carriage for insurance."

"Did you get that far?"

"Oh,... that kid really needs a mother"

The news was interrupted three years ago. He won't be alive for sure.

But in the eyes of Garud, who had spoken out, there lived no madness.

In his determination to dwell in the Word, Thor remembered what he once was.

to a skill that was called useless, a day that just poured everything into it.

Thor shook his head silently and vertically at the figure of his father, who had not yet given up.

What a man decides to do once is not even an easy stop when someone tells him to.

"Well, haven't you been forced?

"I'm looking for the guys with arms to find Cersei, but you cautioned me a few times from the station because I overdid it a little bit. It's not about caring."

"You're not going to make a request?

"I don't have any money, and they're tough on me."


"It's all right, Thor. The day you first showed me, you taught me to find the adventurer's mind early."

"Oh, I thought you said that."

"I understand I'm ready for that. I'm ready to risk my life. So..."

"Pfft. Ugh. No more -"

Moo suddenly breathes heavily as Thor tries to ask what that means.

Suddenly two gazes gathered on a child who made a loud noise.

"Ugh, it's a lot of trouble."

"No, holding your breath isn't a reflection."

"Nah, old man, it's because of Lou. Whoa?

Listen carefully to Thor's correction, Moo asks innocently.

Garoud, surprised to the face, answered as he lifted the edge of his lips.

"No, not yet. Well, a little more patience."

"Oh well. Couldn't you have seen this?"

"Maybe that's why you brought it, its skeleton"

"Yeah, Lou wants to see it. Because he's the one where my grandmother is. He said you should hang out with your grandma."

To that one word Garoud opened his eyes and then silently ate his teeth hard.

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