
Moo, who uttered his usual hanging voice, brought the familiar blue thunder needle to life all over his body.

Keep it up. Kick the ground well and run out.

A child who took a few steps to bounce, but for some reason suddenly stopped the whole body pitched.

A very strange phenomenon occurs.

With his arms extended and his feet on the ground, Moo moves forward as he slips.

With the posture still, the child travels sultry for more than ten steps.

And clinging to Thor's waist, the destination, he had a full grin.

"Toe, I'm home!

"Welcome back"

Were you happy with that light answer, Moo grabbed the waistband in front of him and raised his voice.

"To, snap it!

"Oh, that's good."

When Tor walks out lightly, Moo, with his perfect foot on the ground, also sticks and moves out.

The child, turning around with a couscous and a laugh, raised one hand to the Solas watching and said goodbye toe plaques.

"See you soon."

"Uh, wait, Tor. Mr. Euril, you can keep it."

"Yes, shall we go too? Hehe, Mm, that's a big shag."

"That's good, isn't it? I wish I could."

So blurry, Sola and the others took the desolate land step by step.

The day after Bettina and the others were back, in that empty carriage, the Tors were once again coming to the torn wind wilderness.

The main purpose of this time is not to explore the depths, but to hunt and collect.

That's why the conductor turned it down, and only four of us did it.

And earlier, one of the purposes was to confirm the performance of the new equipment.

Though these are the leather shoes of the thunderbeast that Moo worshipped at the Temple of Court, this had quite a fun-looking function.

When a person wearing something wears lightning, the shoe itself seems to be a mechanism that brings electricity.

Thanks to that little thunder, you think you can float just a little off the ground?

Originally, I was told that the shoe was geared to allow high-speed travel in the midbranch skills of thunderbolt trees.

However, if the weight is too light, it can also be used with power of about < lightning needle > and < electrospine > lower branch skills.

For once, the weight loss effect is lost when the reinforcement magic moves expire, but it is sufficient to keep for at least five minutes.

And most thankfully, unlike hauling soli, I didn't need a demon stone.

"How about the crown?

"Yeah, Paris, you'll see, To"

Another sacrifice, a small crown of lightning, was specially designed for < electric detectors >.

I don't know the specific numerical changes, but the range and duration seem to be quite extended.

Thanks to this, it seems to save time on usage and considerably reduce Moo's burden.

It was the mouthpiece of the insignificant temple chief Zazam, but the two offerings are likely to be a great help to the adventure.

The child, wearing purple striped shoes and a small crown on his head, happily pointed forward.

"Oh, there's one over there."

"Well, then it's Toe's turn next."

Thor's new equipment was a sword he had just been able to do.

When slurried out, the white blade bounces off the blinking light.

The blade gold sword body is quite skinny, unlike the cast iron sword I have used so far.

Cast iron also increases the strength of the surface by sintering, but it is not possible to work hard into the blade.

For this reason, the sword body is made to be thick in advance and reinforced to make it difficult to break.

However, the technique of knocking with an iron hammer and removing impurities does not require such finishing.

Skinny enough strength and sharpness can coexist.

The new work at the Trook Weapons Workshop had a sword body stretched by about one grip to fit Tor's height.

Even though the blade thinned because of it, there is no extreme change in weight.

The pattern is also slightly stretched and easy to grip with both hands, and the balance is perfect.

The single-edged sword body was slightly arced and designed to fully exert the power of swinging it down.

However, both blades are sharpened at the cutting edge, and ideas can be found to accommodate the spike as well.

Thirty percent of the tips were double-edged and the rest single-edged, with a slightly unusual finish.

Thor nodded quietly at what had been ordered.

Then proceed to the monster mimicking the rock in front of you and walk with Stasta.

The moment I stepped in time, two black shadows popped up as snakes.

Hard noises overlap the sound of cutting through the air.

Placing a clap, it was the tentacles of a rock beetle cut off in the middle that fell pottery on the ground.

Tor, who lifted the edge of his mouth satisfactorily, moves his body backwards without sound.

Yuryl's magic trick sent cold air there relentlessly.

"Yeah, this is good..."

With rare, feverish eyes, Thor looked at the white sword body.

Apparently, nearly forty years later, he awoke to the joy of a new collection.

After that, while trying out the crisp, a row reaches the safe zone in the center of Thousand Blades Gahara.

The time is still in the morning because of the easier movement of Moo.

Tented where Thousand Thornflowers can often be seen, finishing lunch and continuing to hunt even rock beetles.

The second and third days are exactly the same, and we go home after noon on the fourth day.

One hundred and eighty rock beetles have been hunted in the last four days.

A significant increase can be attributed to Moo's increased effectiveness.

There are forty hard white stones brought back, and the Shizuku of Thousand Thornflowers is for twenty-four fine rolled shells.

This time it was a good enough achievement.

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