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Chapter 681 - The Grove

The board of directors ended, and some rumors of the meeting spread.

Of course, this is not unrelated to Wu Liang's connivance.

Today's temporary board of directors is the most emotional one since the Delong system withdrew from Shaanxi Heavy Bacchus.

There were many people inquiring from all sides, including Wu Shengke's family.

After the meeting, when Wu Liang returned home, he saw Zhang Desheng spending time in Wu's house again, swallowing clouds and fog, but Wu Shengke's face was not particularly good.

Wu Liang cast a glance at Zhang Desheng, he smiled, and came to say, "It's just that I'm thinking that the wages of the technicians in the factory are too low, and I'm thinking of giving everyone a higher tone."

Wu Shengke puffed out his hands and said at Zhang Desheng, "See, I told you, senior workers have no chance."

Zhang Desheng face black, his family's boy is considered to top his class to work in the factory, so many years in the past, or a senior worker, belonging to the kind of factory second generation, a little bit of personal connections Naiyi own bottom board can not see the ceiling of the kind.

The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

It's just that, but listened to Wu Liang said such a news, when the face black to black, silence again and again or a long sigh of relief.

Wu Liang saw that the news seemed to spread a bit crooked, hehe a happy, "in general, it is the technical staff, including technicians take the multi-channel route, enjoy the middle treatment."

Wu Shengke thought for a long time and didn't understand what this multi-channel is, and asked a probing question, "Xiaoliang, just tell me how much I can get in a month if I go back to my unit?"

Wu Liang shook his head, "Dad, you don't understand correctly, not all senior technicians can enjoy the middle level treatment, it is an appointment system, if you hire a chief technician, it should not be a big problem to get more than 40,000 to 50,000 a year, however, there must be a project, the project has to be approved and assessed, and if it can't be completed, it won't be able to get much."

Zhang Desheng heard forty-five thousand and sucked in a breath of cold air and asked in surprise, "Xiaoliang, so much strength?"

Wu Liang has calculated that an increase of one hundred chief technicians would be five million, and with the technical staff, it would be just over ten million.

This ten million in exchange for the technical staff and the stability of the team of highly skilled personnel, the deal is worth.

But such an effort for the grassroots employees would mean that, after two or three years of struggle, they could buy a house!

The house price here in Guanzhong is just 1,156, and you can earn a house by working hard for a few years, and when you have a house and start a family, it will not be so easy for these people to think about leaving Guanzhong.

In the past few years, the company has been able to offer a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Wu Liang is the one who gave them the "good time".

The word has gone out, Wu Liang had a look at Zhang Desheng and smiled slightly, then a hand extended to return the key to his father.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

Wu Liang spat, "I'll call you when I'm back on the line, bring a key on the body, silly can't tell the difference!"

Wu Shengke made a move to hit, "This child, more and more disobedient!"

The first time I saw it, I was in the middle of the night, and the second time I saw it, I was in the middle of the night.

The company's newest product, the "Titanic", will be the first of its kind in the world.

In short, the salary adjustment on the board of directors is to completely reverse the misinterpreted perception that the company does not pay enough attention to the technical staff, which is undoubtedly a great benefit to the 300 college students who have joined or will join the company.

Wu Liang out of the house, with mixed feelings, 02 to 2007 graduated the group of college students caught up with the good time but also quite bitter beep.

In the era of low house prices, the effort to save a year to ten square feet of house, and then ten years, even if you work hard, a year may not be able to save enough to a square.

As an experienced person, Wu Liang soberly realized that opportunity is opportunity, even if it is not easy to mix in the middle age, holding four or five sets of house, it is also steadily moving into the middle class, food and drink do not worry, the quality of life will not drop much, since live again, can use their own shallow power to help these people a little, with this intention, it is enough.

Liu Nanfeng, who was waiting outside the door, saw Wu Liang sometimes shaking his head and sometimes smiling bitterly, and wondered what he was thinking about.

In the afternoon, the board of directors didn't have many topics to discuss, and the meeting ended after more than an hour, so Wu Liang took this opportunity to go home to return the key, and the official reception banquet of Shaanxi Chong Bik is in the evening.

When Wu Liang had a chance to look at the time, he casually said, "Let's go back to the hotel first. Uh, you guys go back first, I'll come over later!"

Liu Nanfeng nodded his head and left, but saw a dark-skinned, but extremely lean girl standing next to the grass of two buildings in the neighborhood, staring dumbly behind her.

Liu Nanfeng looked back, only then understand why Wu Liang suddenly changed his mind, let her go first, obviously, the two know each other.

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past few years, and the company has been working on the development of the new product for a long time.

The girl was slightly rushed, her hands clasped together, her head slightly lowered, and her body trembling gently at her feet.

Liu Nanfeng smiled, turned around and left, not forgetting to tug Li Bin beside him.

Wu Liang made a waving motion, smilingly walked to the girl's side and asked softly, "Such a coincidence?"

The girl looked up, embarrassed, and answered, "Yes."

Wu Liang smiled again, "Old classmate, how many years has it been since we last met?"

"Ten years?"

A girl who could clearly remember how long it had been since we had met, Wu Liangton swelled a bit, "No, Yuan, thirty years?"

"Thirty years, thanks to you for saying that!" When Yuan heard Wu Liang's strange story, he puffed out his cheeks and after a moment, he exclaimed, "Not bad, but I didn't forget my name!

The girl's surname is Yuan, and her name is Yuan, and she was in the same class as Wu Liang when he was a child.

In fact, Wu Liang was very young when he went to school, so he was afraid of such rumors.

In the past few years, there have been a lot of people who have been in the Internet for a long time, but they have been able to find their way back to the Internet, and they have not been able to find their way back.

However, the second half of the lyrics, which Wu Liang always vaguely skips over, is simply blasphemous, and should instead be, "Let go of that girl, let me come.

It's been almost thirty years since I've seen Wu Liang before he was struck by lightning, and it's not wrong for him to say so.

It's just that the smile of Yuan Yuan touched the softest piece of sweetness in Wu conscience, and he couldn't help but look dumbfounded, staring at Yuan Yuan's face and constantly exclaiming, "It's true that the girl has changed a lot, more and more different from the silly girl I drilled in the woods with back then!

Yuan Yuan didn't think that he could remember something that was so long ago. A sudden wave of unspeakable emotions swept through her brain, and reflexively caused sympathetic nervous excitement and increased secretion of catecholamines such as norepinephrine, which caused her heart to start beating faster and her facial capillaries to start dilating.

With a straight face, she began to rebuke, "What are you talking about? Who's been in the woods with you?"

Wu Liang looked out of the neighborhood and asked, "Huh? Was that grove cut down?"

"It was cut three years ago." Yuan Yuan blurted out, "Uh, you set me up?"

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the game of housekeeping.

The game of playing house, girls seem to like, fifteen years ago, Wu Liang enjoyed a handful of such treatment, lying on the ground like a lord, enjoying the gang of little girls to her hush.

The company's products have been sold in the U.S., Europe, and Japan, and the U.S. and Europe.

But there is always a sense of satisfaction or expansion in the heart, the emperor is just this kind of treatment it!

Wu Liang remembered the old days and had to crack a smile, "I want to go back to the grove again!"

Yuan Yuan was so disgusted that she threw out her mouth, "Is it childish?"

Wu Liang smiled and asked instead of answering, "Why don't you come to a dinner party with me tonight?"

Yuan Yuan shook her head straight, "I won't get involved in your big boss's dinner!"

Wu Liang raised his finger pointed at her, "vulgar, life three iron, together with the same window, what relationship between the two of us is what they can compare it, we talk, ignore them, ang?"

Yuan Yuan thought about it and suggested, "Why don't we get together again after you guys have finished your dinner, our old classmates?"

Wuliang Ton started sucking his teeth, "Who knows how much I'll have to drink tonight, you sit next to me and protect me!"

Yuan Yuan covered her mouth and laughed, "You're out of luck! It's really inappropriate."

Wu Liang pretended to be annoyed, "Okay, I'll give you an address later, I'll see you around."

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