Wu Liang can understand the psychological imbalance.

Give a chestnut.

The chief financial officer of a company has made 30 million yuan this year. He is very upset. Why?

Because when the company earned 20 million last year, he received an annual salary of 150,000; this year, the company earned 30 million, but he still received an annual salary of 150,000. He felt that the dividend was uneven, and he felt that there was a serious psychological imbalance. This is a problem with benefit sharing.

When do employees work hardest?

Only when you feel like making money for yourself.

If he always feels that the money has been earned by the company and he has no benefit at all, he will not work hard.

What's more, is it an executive like Zhang Yupu?

Therefore, especially when designing the compensation of senior executives, it is necessary to consider the design of dividends and even shares in order to combine the medium and long-term interests of the company and employees to form a community of interests.

In the final analysis, this is a problem of unreasonable corporate compensation design.

However, the controlling rights of Shaanxi Zhongruiqi are in Wu Liang's hands. Wu Liang has the final say on the road to listing, and the state-owned assets of Shaanxi Province have the final say. Then, the road to enjoy dividends and share shares is blocked.

So, is there any other way to go?

The answer is yes. Wu Liang saw Zhang Yupu anxiously, waved his hand hurriedly, smiled and comforted him, "If you don’t go public, there are other ways. Your problem is actually a problem with the salary system. In the morning, I said I originally wanted to say that the salary of the senior management came from the salary of the technical staff. As a result, Director Zhou Yumin seemed to have a big opinion on me, and I would forget it for a while!"

Zhang Yupu was taken aback when he heard it, and then he reacted, "Isn’t it normal for both sides to be the masters?"

Wu Liang shook his head, "Yu Pu Dong, it's boring to say that! I also know that Shaanxi Qi wants to get back the controlling stake, and it is very difficult for you to be caught in the middle, but, have you ever thought about it? If the stalemate continues, who will suffer?"

Everyone has thought about this kind of problem, the big one is the question of surname, the small one is the question of personal income.

If Zhang Yupu is a decade younger, according to the existing salary system, he can also say the past. The question is, can he have two talks for a full term after four or three years? What else can he think of without this?

Zhang Yupu didn't plan to go around in circles, and asked straightforwardly, "Wu Dong, tell me, what do you want to do?"

Wu Liang laughed, "Don't say that, it's like an exchange of interests. It's really not a good deal for me to get in for a billion-dollar company! I just want to tell you that I really want to Shaanzhong is doing something practical!"

What I mean by doing something practical is actually trying to control Shaanzhong’s arrogance, not the way it is now. To say a word is to say nothing, a board of directors proposes so many, and whether it can be reached in the end has to be discussed. The chairman is really Aggrieved.

Zhang Yupu asked, "Do something?"

Wu Liang nodded, "Then let me just say it clearly. First, execute the simulated option before the listing of Shaanxi Heavy Industry. The list is up to you, and the equity can be cashed out after the listing; second, your son's Huaod Sales Company Sell ​​it to Li Bin. I will find a thatch agent for your son."

"Wait, you're talking about going public?" Zhang Yupu was stunned and stunned, "What on earth do you want?"

"As I said, I'm only interested in dividends, but if you don't even have a salary system, how can I get dividends with peace of mind? You can't earn a four-ring car for a year, nor can I earn it. A double R, what I want is, you earn a fourth ring, earn me a 737."

The employees in the enterprise are relatively simple, far no better than those who have been in the society for many years. Not to mention that Chen Taizhong's first choice for emotional intelligence is officialdom, followed by shopping malls.

Simple employees are actually quite easy to satisfy, and they have a deeper understanding of big rivers and small rivers. As long as the company's benefits are good, it is better for employees to take hundreds of thousands, for fear that the company's benefits will not be good and the grassroots employees will be affected.

Wu Liang's thoughts are similar.

But on another level, what Wu Liang revealed was that Zhang Yupu took too little.

Leaving aside those gray incomes, the apparent income is only two or three hundred thousand, which is nothing short of a beggar compared to the executives of many domestic listed companies.

Of course, Zhang Yupu can understand that his salary is also related to listed companies. In 2004, state-owned enterprises had not issued a statement similar to the fact that group leaders must not work part-time in listed subsidiaries. The first person in Shaanxi, the salary is still like this, how much should the employees get?

This is the so-called ceiling. The higher his ceiling is, the workers below can see hope.

Zhang Yupu calculated for a moment, then hesitated and laughed bitterly, "Wu Dong, you dare to post, but we dare not take it!"

Wu Liang sneered, "It's simple. Just link your annual salary to your profit. If you complete a profit of 400 million this year, I will send you 500,000."

Zhang Yupu laughed, "Five hundred thousand for a four-ring car should be enough!"

Wu Liang also smiled, "Buying a 737 for four hundred million seems to be choking."

In any case, Wu Liang is Yangmou, and I just want to raise the salary level of Shanzhong Ruqi, I don't believe anyone opposes it.

In fact, the same is true. At the board of directors in the afternoon, Wu Liang threw out a series of ideas for adjusting the compensation system, and Zhou Yumin muttered, "Will Shaanzhong Ruqi lose money?"

Wu Liang stunned and went back, "I, a major shareholder, are not afraid of losses. What are you worried about?"

With Zhang Yupu's approval, this Shaanxi Zhongqi salary adjustment plan is considered passed.

It is roughly divided into several parts. Directors' salary adjustments, Zhang Yupu's salary and profit indicators are linked, and the other vice presidents of Shaanxi Heavy Industry refer to Zhang Yupu's 80% implementation, and the sales system can also be used for reference.

At the same time, the middle-level salary was adjusted, starting at 80,000 according to the department, and the highest in the technical department, reaching 160,000.

In addition, the double promotion route, salary and treatment cf. middle-level execution and so on.

At the meeting, Zhang Yupu did not mention the listing of Shaanxi Zhongruiqi. Wu Liang revealed this idea, which can only show that he intends to promote it, but he is also a bit confused about his true ideas, especially, Wu Liang gave "Even if all obstacles to the listing of Shaanxi Heavy Industry disappear, the time to go public is not 0,506 years, at least three years."

Zhang Yupuquan thinks that this is the pie drawn by Wu Liang. The listing was operated by Zhang Yupu. The profit level of the three years before the listing determines how much money Shaanxi Zhongruiqi can raise from the market. He personally considers it real. Enjoyed the dividend of corporate development.

At this point, Wu Liang's first board of directors after he moved to Xianghuo Giant was held successfully.

Relatively speaking, the gains are even greater. Zhang Yupu is considered to be on Wu Liang’s side. However, his explanation of Zhou Yumin has retained a lot, "As Wu Liang said, he is only interested in dividends. In the course of development, he has the power and obligation to correct deviations."

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