The sound effect of transformation sounds.

The pattern then changes.

At the same time, it is accompanied by a strange chant.

Cobra! RiderSystemRevolutionAreYouReadyBlackHole! BlackHole! BlackHole! Revolution! Fuhhahhahhahha!

This knight’s armor, considered white, was suspended in the cosmic space, and from a distance, it seemed to have an indescribable sense of strange and evil charm.

There is no cape, however, and the lower body has a skirt.

As everyone knows.

In the world of knights, those with skirts and capes have good strength, which is proof of the strong!

A meteorite flies fast.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he was close to his face, but Natsume looked calm and stood majestically in place.

Turn your right fist.

The power of tens of tons, wrapped and condensed on it, the power of light covering the body can also increase it twice.

It is not a must-kill, but under the attack of such a punch, it is actually not much worse than the special move.

The terrifying power contained in these 22 punches instantly penetrated the marble and smashed it in an instant.

The eggs of the alien worms wrapped inside, as well as some sleeping alien insects, were all spread under that power, exploding, destroying, and moving towards their final moment.

Followed by.

There are also meteorites coming one after another.

Natsume was sturdy and did not ink, and directly sent the special skill card into the drive.

【AttackRide! BlackHoleFinish! 】

Then, there was still a faint chanting.


In this space, no one can hear.

I saw Natsume’s right leg charging power, and suddenly kicked forward, and the energy black hole converged there.

And then a gush of brains gushed out.

From a small age, it began to slowly expand.

Directly swallow those meteorites into it.

It was annihilated in an instant.

A huge number of points, get it in an instant!

It was done almost instantaneously.

After doing all this.

Natsume didn’t linger much in this universe either.

Look around.

Discovering that there were indeed no more meteorites carrying alien insects, Natsume returned to the planet.

However, there was no return.

Instead, through the space jump, he returned directly to his home, and after doing this, if he returned to the same place, maybe even the ordinary performance of the ancient well without waves of the heavenly path would be shocked and inexplicable.

Install a wave, it’s still okay.

Natsume wasn’t interested in that, though.

If he had just crossed into the Jia Dou World in the past, he had not yet precipitated, maybe he would really do this.

But now it’s different.

Alien insects are not frequent, they are still in the incubation period, but they are still frequent.


Natsume has always insisted on fighting the alien insects and constantly honing himself.

That’s the day of precipitation.

It was precisely because of that time.

Now Natsume will become different.

Today’s growth is all because of the efforts of the past.

This is not false.

In this world.

In fact, everything can be said to be cause and effect in parallel, and if there is a cause, there will be a result.

The two can be described as truly parallel!

Natsume returns home and tidies up the harvest.

The several meteorites that wandered by… Don’t look at the one that landed at the beginning, the number of bugs carried was very small, but it was just a vanguard of pathfinding, and in a few cases.

The meteorites that Natsume annihilated with black holes in the universe later are the real highlights!

Those points can already be compared to a holster war.

The harvest in this case seems to be tens of thousands! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Just like this time.

The harvest is very rich, Zect and Tiandao, although they also came, but they came this time, basically to beat soy sauce.

Not a single shot.

Acted as a spectator!

And after Natsume left, in that park, Tiandao and the others looked at each other, feeling a little helpless.

After Natsume settled the matter, he just left.

It’s embarrassing for them, right?

Tiandao smiled helplessly.

Also leave quickly.

Kagami leads the team back to Zect’s branch, and he won’t stay at the division’s base forever.

Instead, when there is a task, let people go out, and he goes alone.

Now is a little different from the period when alien insects were frequented.

The alien insects were destroyed, and the surviving Yuan also hoped to develop peacefully, unlike the dark heart of Heli, and some moths were cleaned up.

The world is, by and large, peaceful.

That cut a lot of troops.

Only a few elite squads remained, and this branch brought by Kagami was counted as one, and the original Phantom was also counted as one.

They belong to the precautionary approach.

There may be a worm left behind, a bug discovered by humans, or perhaps a foreign enemy like the Overhaul Card.

The other side.

The project stayed in his room, opened the personal properties panel after a long absence, and viewed the information.

Host: Natsume

Age: 21 years

Physique: 186 (human limit is 10)

Props: Beyond Insect Instrument, Dark Emperor Riding Bazooka, Faiz Pistol, K Touch Screen, Bat Camera, Canned Mechanic Full Set

Special Abilities: Dark Space, Poison Superpower, Flight Superpower, Void Amadam Spirit Stone Characteristics (Remnant), Toughness Skin, Space Energy, Special Point, 550 Steel Skin, Light Power (Mind Power, Perspective, Perception), Kiryu War Rabbit’s Talent

Points: 358,000

The project smashed its mouth.

The harvest of these waves can indeed be described as a lot, the invasion of the overhaul card, the alien worm, the original chong, and the one that struck again this time.

With a succession of experiences.

The project has become stronger!

This is the truth.

Even his physique, with the passage of time, is gradually about to break through the two hundred mark.

The human limit value is a hurdle.

A hundred physiques, another hurdle.


These two hundred physique attributes may become another hurdle again, and for Natsume, there is no growth limit, as long as he can get the rewards related to physique enhancement, he can continue to become stronger.

“In this case, you can start planning your trip with confidence.”

Project whispered to himself.


He still has many fetters in this world, and how and when he should act has to be considered in the long run.

Take a deep breath.

Project came to the living room, found Xiaoye, and discussed about continuing the trip, and he had a general idea in his mind.

That is…

Transform the house into a similar look to a light photo museum, and inject dimensional coins into it as a carrier of time travel!


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