In my head, there are constantly prompts.

These, for Natsume, are one point after another, not much, but now he basically does not use it, if he stores it, there may be a surprise when he looks at it next time.

How come all of a sudden, so much for that?

That’s the surprise.

Always paying attention.

On the contrary, it will make people feel all kinds of discomfort, even when doing things, they are also panicked, their whole person, seems to put all the energy into it, but keep paying attention, the gain is very small.

Of course.

If you don’t care, that’s another story.

All choices depend on themselves.

Natsume lifts his transformation.

Clapped his hands, his heart can be regarded as a reverie, in short, there are some thoughts.

Preparing to leave.

It was at this moment that “three six zero”.

A command vehicle with armored vehicles carrying ant soldiers quickly approached, and Kagami stepped down from the car.

Because of his father, Captain Shuichi Wadasho.

Kagami didn’t really quit Zect, just took a slight break before.



And what happened to her brother, Kagami actually has a different kind of feeling for the Zect organization.

So, he won’t leave.

And he’s a steel bucket!

At this time, Captain Shuichi Tasho has replaced Negishi as the leader of the Protozoa side on the planet, and together with his father Mitsuru Kaga, they are making unremitting efforts for the new future and goals of the human Protozoa.

Kagami, on the other hand, took over the burden of Shuichi Harada.

Led a division squad.

Compared to the Phantom.

This squad is indeed not too elite, but it is indeed extremely not weak.

The reason for choosing this side.

It’s not that they are treated differently, but because Kagami prefers it from the bottom of his heart.

He had actually spent time on the Phantom’s side, but he didn’t like the atmosphere there.

Or is it better this way.

Between people…

There weren’t so many fights, and there weren’t so many moths.

Not only Kagami brought people, but also Heavenly Dao, even if there were no alien insects and protozoa, Heavenly Dao was still working hard, starting with the invasion of the overhaul card and the appearance of knights from other worlds.

Heavenly Dao knows.

The world was not as calm as he had imagined, and it was more cruel than that.

This is inevitable!

Therefore, in order to protect his sister, when the world encounters a crisis, he will use all his strength to save the operation, he is the center of the world, so he must save the world.

In fact.

Although Grandma did say such things, in the heart of Heavenly Dao, there were indeed other factors to measure.

In other words, probably in your own heart, you have a scale to measure everything.

I also have my own opinions on most of these things.

And in the heart of Heavenly Dao.

I am afraid that the importance of my sister is still above the world, and it is precisely because he wants to protect his sister that he will save the world, which is also inevitable.

There is a correlation between the front and back.


The moment she saw Natsume, Kaga couldn’t help but be stunned.

“Ah, you’re here.”

Natsume said with a smile.

These alien insects, the moment they came to this planet, were all killed by him, only on the ground, leaving traces of meteorite falls, and some liquid belonging to the alien insects themselves.

That’s all!

“It always feels like a show.”

Kagami touched her head, a little helpless.


Above the sky, as if something appeared, getting closer and closer to the planet, a member in the ant soldier squad wearing a combat uniform suddenly shouted.

“Captain! Take a look! What is that? ”

He pointed to the sky. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s loud.


It attracted the attention of almost everyone present, including Natsume, and followed his gaze, only to see several larger meteorites, getting closer and closer.

It seems that you may fall to the ground at any moment.

“That was…”

Tiandao’s brows couldn’t help but frown slightly, it was a meteorite! In his mind, he seemed to think of some not very good memories, seven years ago, in Shibuya, they were facing such a scene.

Moreover, those huge meteorites, once they fall, the Shibuya tragedy may reappear again, and this time the fall location is the Tokyo metropolitan area….

More prosperous!

The population is more dense, and it is foreseeable what a terrible disaster it will be at that time.

Kagami is a little big-headed.

Outer space.

How do they get up? The development process of this world of armor fighting is slightly different from the timeline of Godspeed Love, and the battle between alien insects and protozoa has joined humans.

In general, it was a three-way battle between Kamen Rider, Zect, and Xenomorph before!

There is no shortage of water in this world.


The cosmic elevator that vainly tries to lead the water of the moon does not exist.

It’s hard to fly into space.

“I still have to go.”

Natsume said to himself.

Subsequently, the extremely powerful physical force suddenly turned into a substance similar to spiritual power, internal force and other energy, and behind him, condensed wings.

This is…

Fighting gasification wings!

Natsume did not transform, jumped into the sky, and even flew into the universe, if it was an ordinary person, I am afraid that it would not work, but Natsume wrapped the power of light in his whole body.

Easily, this seemingly impossible thing was done.

Bathing in the light.

He was like a god.


Everyone who saw it couldn’t help but be stunned.

The mouth opened into an O-shape.

As if to say: And this operation?

The rest is not said.

Anti 5.4 At this moment, the pressing frame is completely full, and Natsume’s flight speed is not slow, not the kind of slow takeoff, and the speed has even exceeded the speed of sound.

Soon came outer space.

Dotted with stars.

Natsume takes out the Dark Emperor Rider Drive and unfolds his transformation.

【KamenRide! Evo1! 】

【FromRide! BlackHole】

It is not a transformation card of the emperor horse itself.


The villain knight of the Genesis World, the Basilisk.

After the transformation.

The pattern change is performed again.

For: Black Holes!

This card, not long ago, Natsume has already obtained, this time, it is also very reasonable.


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