
It’s normal that Neygishi is prepared for Natsume’s invasion, and although he is a smiling tiger, many times, he is indeed prepared and planned.

Such as the reformed Masato Mishima, which is just one of the means he arranged.

I have to say that Gengan’s preparation is still very sufficient.

After all, he had been preparing for too long in order for this plan to be carried out smoothly today.

There are not many opportunities, so how can he not seize them firmly?

Therefore, it is necessary to do more preparation!

Always be prepared.

Negishi has been on this planet for so long, and he has also learned some of the cultures of this world.

It’s not to say that it’s a live learning and use, but it’s still very easy to use it simply.

It can’t show the power it deserves.

Previously, the final battle with the insect, Zect’s side, was able to achieve the final victory without many casualties because of the opening of this system.

Judging from the previous battles, this is simply precious!

Insect and even Kamen Rider are able to bloom such great power precisely because of the ability called ClockUp.

Ordinary humans will never be able to keep up.

Even if Natsume has a special ability to see scenes in super high speeds, it is difficult to keep up without using some special powers.

This is the truth!

Zect’s ant troop is actually very good, especially an elite squad like Phantom.

Each of them, taken out separately, is at the level of the king of small soldiers.

In terms of strength, there is no need to say so.

Hand-to-hand combat, compared to adult insects, may be somewhat difficult, after all, not everyone is the chief of Tendo.

However, long-range fire coverage has the ability to kill most adult insects.


Before that, why was Zect’s battle with Xenomorph so difficult?

The answer is obvious.

That’s naturally because, after the alien worm molts into an adult, it can be described as a unique ability.

Talent ability: super high speed!

The Kamen Rider system developed by Zect also has this power.

This is not a surprise.

In fact!

The Kamen Rider system was originally developed by the original worm according to the template of the alien worm.

The mask morphology, which targets the larvae.

The knight form, the target is an adult.

As for the transcendent form, it is a detachment in the true sense, much more powerful than the mutants in the alien race.

Here, let’s not mention it for now.

This is the moment.

The human side has three knights, and the protozoan side, under the layout of the root bank, shows considerable combat effectiveness.

Except for the ant soldiers, who occupied a high place and fired from a high position with the saber machine guns equipped by Zect’s subordinate units, the rest of the people, including Negishi and Masato Mishima, were bathed in a strange light, peeling off their human skins and turning into protozoa.

Protozoan larvae generally look similar, like carved out of a mold, only Masato Mishima is different.

He is an adult.

Also artificial.

“Let’s get on!” Kagami shouted again, and then rushed forward first.

Natsume and Tendo shook their heads helplessly.

It’s also a shot.

Tap-da-da… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This instant!

At the heights, ant soldiers with saber machine guns as weapons immediately began shooting.

The sound of firearms swallowing tongues of fire is endless.

They didn’t appear here just to be a decoration, they just opened fire.

Although all of them have been transformed by human beings, in their hearts, the compassion that belongs to human beings has long been completely dissipated.

Obviously, this time, in order to be able to complete certain things more securely, Gengishi’s preparation can be described as perfect!

Even the possibility of whether the people he brought with him would mutiny had already been thought of.

Therefore, what he brought at the beginning was not the doves in the protozoan group, and similarly, the guys who were transformed from humans to protozoa by them with special techniques were also unusual.

They are not forced to become protozoa for some reason.

Quite the opposite of that!

They become protozoa, and that is according to their own heart, because they themselves want to become protozoa….

So much for!

Not passive, but active, which can say something, at least from the outside to the inside, they treat themselves as protozoa.

There are no problems of rationality at some point.


In the face of overwhelming reinforcement bullets, and because of the existence of ClockDown, it is impossible to use super speed to dodge, and with the thinner armor of the knight’s form, it is also a little difficult to deal with these bullets.

So this moment…

Tendo and Kagami’s pace seemed to be unexpectedly in harmony, and they summoned the disarmed armor back again.

The heavy armor covered the body, and the sense of security was involuntarily more.

As for Natsume, he didn’t panic in the slightest.

The Dark Emperor Rider is the primary form of his transformation, and it is also the body, and now he is not a passionate state that can use the power of other knights at will, just an ordinary Black Emperor state.

The Dark Emperor Rider itself has God-given armor, and its defense is unexpectedly strong, and it can also unload huge forces to the earth.

In addition, Natsume’s own strength is also constantly increasing, and with it, the strength after transformation will continue to rise…

When these seemingly strange abilities are integrated into themselves, they will bloom with terrifying power!

The enhanced bullet lands on the armor attached to the whole body, making a clanging sound.

But the three of them are still moving forward. 2.9 doesn’t stand still.

Even the waterfall-like bullets did not leave even a single scratch on their bodies.

It’s that silky and powerful.

Natsume habitually wiped the card-box sword and stepped straight in the direction of Masato Mishima!

The target of the Heavenly Dao is the leader of the protozoa, one by one!

Kagami, on the other hand, is responsible for stopping the insects that surround her.

Clear division of labor!

Natsume swung his sword, the sharp blade, and slashed down with one click, as if the air was neighing at that moment.

Masato Mishima does not retreat or evade.

Face it head-on.

And at this time.

The armor and steel buckets that were fighting on the side changed inexplicably…

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