“So, you’ve arrived?”

Natsume asked casually.

“It’s nature.”

And Heavenly Dao replied so.

The tone is very determined!

Before that, because of the necklace thing, he was misunderstood by many humans.

It is precisely because of this that in the previous period, he even became a wanted criminal among mankind and the common enemy of all mankind!

Of course, even if this kind of thing happens, for Heavenly Dao, it is still a light breeze.

It’s not a big deal.

That’s the sprinkling kind.

“Oh, then I’ll come straight over.” Natsume said with a smile, and then hung up the phone.

He spoke to Xiao Ye, who was busy in the kitchen, and prepared to leave.

“Okay, Brother Natsume, I’ll wait for you to come back for dinner.” Xiao Ye showed a sweet smile, at this moment she looked like a blooming flower, smiling like a flower, probably used at this time.


Answering so, Natsume fixed his mind and pulled it casually.

A dark 213-dimensional space appeared in front of him, which was the power of the dark space he mastered, coming from… Kamen Rider King Sword!

Without thinking, Natsume stepped directly in.

Then again.

In ancient times, Yuwen wine chopped Huaxiong, and now there is him Natsume hot rice chopping the original worm.

Isn’t it beautiful?

I don’t know what the others think, but as far as Natsume himself is concerned, similar to this idea, it is not bad to come in a few strokes once in a while.


On a tall building near Tokyo Tower, the Chief Master of Tendo was standing here, and beside him, a black space suddenly appeared.

Tiandao is very familiar with this.

He had known about the existence of this power since he first came into contact with Natsume.

Is that…

Dark space!

He still remembered that time, Natsume asked him to the dock for a competition, but when he finally left, he ran directly with this spatial transfer ability alone, leaving him alone.

It’s very gan!

And now, for Natsume’s ability to be called a god, Heavenly Dao is basically insulated immunity.

This does not.

Natsume appeared next to him, and he was indifferent, as if he had already discovered it.

“Natsume, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

Tiandao hugged his arms.

He said in a calm tone, since he informed Natsume, he already had a premonition that Natsume would come here so soon.

Since you have been prepared for it, you will naturally not be too surprised.

Hearing this, Natsume shrugged helplessly.

“So, what’s going on down there?”

Natsume asked aloud.

Compared to his first arrival, Tiandao had been in this place for a long time, so in comparison, he definitely knew more about the situation on the scene.

Of course…

Natsume is also a routine question, after all, the plot of this world, although he has changed a lot because of his intervention, but there is no doubt that the general development of the plot has not changed much, it seems that because of the correction power of the world, Masato Mishima still became the protozoa.

On the protozoan side, after the xenozoa was completely destroyed, those radicals were still thinking about doing things.

It seems that such things have been imprinted in their DNA.

In any case, not much will change.

This is also very obvious. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

You don’t see, even if the overhaul card invades with great fanfare, the final result is still that the protozoa wants to take the planet for themselves.

Even if the Kamen Riders have actually shown their (CCBD) strength in the holster wars, they still haven’t been able to make the protozoa change their minds.

That’s it.

There is no point in saying anything more.

“Not great, but… Just now Kaga beautiful image came. “The position where Tiandao is standing, the line of sight is excellent, and the scene below can be seen in full view.

And the location is also hidden in some ways.

He can unscrupulously observe the people below, and for the people below, as long as he does not take the initiative to expose his location information, then it is basically endless.

Even now, no one has found out…

“Kagami? Then let’s go down too.

Natsume said.


At this time, in a building full of experimental equipment under Tokyo Tower, the sound of battle was already heard, and the rumbling sound continued to sound.

It is clear that this is Kagami fighting with the weirdos on the side of the original worm.

Looking at this posture, it doesn’t look like ordinary protozoa.

But… Masato Mishima, known as the strongest protozoa.

It’s not much worse than in memory.

On the protozoan side, in addition to the lower part of the sun, it seems that there is really no normal molting, and in the protozoa group itself, this is still normal, and their molting is very difficult.

Even Genishi, who is the leader of the protozoa, is like this, and the few people who appear are all larvae, and they have never heard of molting recently.

Otherwise, they would have jumped out and blown a big blow.

And in this case, as an artificial protozoan Masato Mishima who specializes in stacking attack and defense power, the strength is considerable, and the God of War Steel Dou is not an opponent.

Kagami soon embarked on a journey of deflatedness.

Because the attack power is too strong.

So much so that Kagami, who plays the God of War as a meat shield, is not very resistant.


Tiandao nodded suddenly, but did not say much.

Look at each other, look at each other and smile.

Then, jump down!

This is a high location.

Once dropped, there is a possibility of being smashed into meat mud, but Tendo and Natsume, almost at the same time, completed their transformation, one holding the armor insect instrument, and the other took out the Dark Emperor Rider Drive and Knight Card.

“Transform!” x2

The movements are smooth and in one go.

In an instant, the transformation was completed.

Along with the beetle transformation, and the sound effect of KamenRideDarkDecade, the sun god armor dou and the dark emperor rider appeared on the spot.

They landed safely and securely.

Looks personable.

Very handsome.

And right at this moment!

An embarrassed figure flew out upside down…

Thank you please call me Jin brother TEL big monthly pass support!.

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