It’s been a long time since the Kamen Rider System first appeared in the battle between Xenomorph and Zect.

If you don’t count the knight system made by Zect, it is obviously much older.

Because, as early as when the meteorite fell, soon after, there was a Kamen Rider who had become an urban legend, active in the bustling city.

And now, even the final battle between the Insect and the Zect is over.

The terrifying insect is all destroyed, and they have won the final victory.

Today is a special day.

Backstage of an interview somewhere, Mitsuru Kaga sorted out her outfit.

Waiting for others to come to him.

What he has to do today is special.

As the director of the Metropolitan Police Department and one of the top executives of Zect, Kaga Milu is preparing to make a major announcement through national television, Internet, and online distribution.

This news has obviously been spread before.

So there are many people who know what’s coming.

In the later stage of the insect infestation, in fact, there are already a large number of people who have already detected the threat caused by alien lifeforms.

Some even noticed it earlier.

They were all experienced at that time, because some of Zect’s messages were blocked, so at the beginning, many people regarded it as a joke, and few people believed it.

In the later stage, it is no secret that the gathering of the great insect is not a secret.

In fact, at that time, even if Zect wanted to block the message again.

It’s almost impossible.

Zect is strong enough to do many things, and they can mobilize a lot of resources in the fight against the xenomorphs.

Zect’s team members, when operating, are also in a very high strategic position, such as the criminal police of those departments of the Metropolitan Police Department, when they are on a mission, they will also put the people of the mysterious organization Zect in a higher place.

The destruction of alien insects is actually a deep secret for most ordinary people.

Zect, for its part, did not immediately announce the news.

After all, there are still some alien insects that have not been cleaned up.

It’s not good to be smacked in the face.

Protozoa, on the other hand, has been waiting for the best time, that is, now, to let Kaga Mitsuku attend this press conference.

After that, their plan can be carried out at full speed.

And Kaga Miriku, knowing the wolf ambition of the protozoa, will definitely not let the human race swell first, he can drag it.

Waiting for the action of the protozoa.

Today, many people are waiting in front of large screens in the city, in front of televisions displayed in electrical stores, as well as in companies, restaurants, and in front of televisions in their homes.

They eagerly awaited the announcement of Metropolitan Police Department Superintendent Mitsuru Kaga.

“Mr. Kagami, you can come’.”

A voice alerted from the door of the lounge.

“Okay, right away.”

Kaga Miriku replied, taking a deep breath, his face still maintaining a normal appearance.

He had to do this.

However, in his heart, there was a layer of haze, and he remembered the conversation between him and Natsume, and the fear of the Dark Emperor Rider, and the terrifying haze that dissipated a little.

But still depressed.

Something uncomfortable!

Kaga Misaki slowly stepped onto the podium equipped with cameras and microphones, and began to explain the mysterious organization Zect, which fought against the xenomorphs, which had never really been made public.

Moreover, at this time, he also disclosed that while being the director of the Metropolitan Police Department, he was also the commander-in-chief of Zect.

He continued to explain one after another. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For ordinary people, this kind of thing is undoubtedly a particularly terrifying impact!

The language is simply organized.

Kaga Mitsuku continued, “Seven years ago, a meteorite fell on Shibuya. This is a well-known event, at that time, meteorites destroyed the city, resulting in a large number of casualties.

It is as if a hole has been opened in our hearts.

However, instead of succumbing to the current predicament, we have become more united.

Everyone held hands and helped each other. So as to overcome the difficulties together and achieve today’s results. ”

Kaga Mitsuru talked.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the director of the Metropolitan Police Department, and he does not have too passionate words, but he can undoubtedly make people empathize.

This ability, if he uses brainwashing, is indeed good, in addition to those who are more rational, there are many people who think that it is better to trust it than to trust it.

Immediately afterwards, Kaga Miru told all the news of the alien worm, as well as the record of the current situation of the alien worm.

Some things that cannot be said in this place, Kaga Mitsuru also said it unscrupulously.

He paused and continued.

Now, after hearing this news, basically all the people who are watching the TV news intently are a little confused.


In this world, such terrifying things have happened.

Although it is all done in secret, they can more or less guess some.

And this time!

From the perspective of other TV viewers, the video is playing, and the video that is playing is a battle between Zect Ant Soldiers and Kamen Riders.

The content of this video is simply majestic and powerful!

Some people are calm because they have experienced it firsthand.

Zect, for the time being, will not use those memory erasers, or they don’t have that kind of device at all.

Others feel red, tired or something, and for them, they don’t exist.

Some people are excited!

After this live broadcast.

The popularity has not decreased much, and most of them are melon-eating people.

The action of the protozoa also began.

They asked those who had already prepared it to take the necklace with the green meteorite fragments out, distribute it for free, and publicize the role of the chain.

The timing is also very good.

Because this time to lead!

Many people just got the news, and before they could react, people were panicked, and suddenly a necklace could know the imitation of the insect… Isn’t it just crazy?


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