Recently, Kaga Miru was very worried, and he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the headquarters headquarters of Zect, watching the scene of the city.

The look was silent.

There seemed to be a knot between his eyebrows that could not be opened, and he was very worried.

The worms are destroyed, and the protozoa is free of the constraints of their old enemy Alien Worms, and their wolf ambitions will be fully exposed.

And now, they have no way back.

Protozoa are powerful, perhaps competing in number, protozoa is far inferior to humans, but it has to be said that the level of science and technology of protozoa is higher than theirs.

The Kamen Rider system, the ClockDown system, and the research and development is halfway, the follow-up progress is worrying, and now the xenomorphs are completely destroyed, and the anti-mimicry bullet that has been stopped has been stopped.

These studies, although human beings are involved.

However, it is the protozoa that really dominates.

If not.

When designing the Kamen Rider system, those insects used as metamorphoses22 will not choose the disabled among humans, but for protozoa, they can be used at will.

If humans designed it, it would be different.

This is not comparable to other worlds, after all, there are many parallel worlds, there are always some talented people, the genius physicist Kiryu War Rabbit.

Those who possess the talents of God… Shrimp dumplings and tanlidou!

If you want to list others, there are many more.

But especially shrimp dumplings, this can be described as a very representative existence.

His talent is not blown.

Even in the later Ninghe era, it was completely unique.

Now, the man whose smile was full of hypocrisy, the leader of the protozoa, Negishi, was planning a series of misdeeds at this time.

He knew, but couldn’t do anything about it.

Himself, there is not much he can do, but he has already laid out before, the Sun God Armor Dou and the God of War Steel Dou, as well as the Dark Emperor Rider.

Let’s hope everything goes smoothly.

If something happens, there is not much way to do it on his side.

Kaga Mitsuru let out a heavy sigh.

Right now…

He was able to do it.

Just wait!

Recently, Kaga Mitsuru also discovered that something was wrong with Masato Mishima, who had always been his assistant.

His brows furrowed.

In my heart, involuntarily, I felt a little more helpless.

Region X

Located in the ruins of Shibuya, it was originally a very important experimental base for Zect, similar to the Kamen Rider system, which was developed here.

In the previous battle with the insect, it occupies a very important significance.

Only later, after the Haidong Great Tree stole the Transcendent Insect Instrument, there was an explosion here, and although it was rebuilt, it was finally abandoned.

This is true for humans.


For protozoa with ulterior motives, this is simply a rare good place.

Negishi had always wanted to find such a place, and before that he could only do it in secret.

But now, he can be on this side with integrity.

In this regard, Negishi said that he was very comfortable.

Over here, few people have always come.

It’s a pity today, it’s different!

A black sedan.

Slowly coming from a distance.

Soon several people got out of the car and walked in front, naturally it was Negishi and Masato Mishima. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Then, there are some ant soldiers equipped with weapons, their bodies are protozoa, it stands to reason that there should be very few alien insects here.

But Negishi is a guy who is afraid of death.

So, being careful, is what he has been doing.

“Mr. Mishima, please come with me, here… You will get everything! ”

Negishi said with a smile.

For Negishi’s words, Masato Mishima just smiled, of course he would not believe all of the words of the protozoa, having been Kaga Miriku’s assistant for so many years, he was no stranger to some things.

Especially the protozoa of wolf ambition!

Even more so.

However, now he still needs the help of protozoa, and after getting the benefits he deserves, who wants this?

Being controlled by others, and controlling others.

Even if Masato Mishima has not had a sense of taste since he was a child, and does not care about most things, even if humanity is destroyed, he is like this.

However, if there is such a multiple-choice question, he will also be firm and choose the latter without hesitation, if he can, who wants to be controlled for no reason?

This is, human nature!

That’s it.

Masato Mishima and Negishi.

Each ghost walked to the base of Area X, and went down, and there was a secret room, which was the experimental area where the original imitation of the Heavenly Dao transformation was performed.

All kinds of equipment, because of the original explosion damaged some, but later when it was rebuilt, Negishi specially replaced it.

There was no other reason that was too special, mainly because, in Negan’s opinion, this was his extremely important base.

Some experiments are needed at any time.

That’s why he went out of his way to do these things, otherwise, he was idle and had nothing to do?

In the Chamber of Secrets.

Masato Mishima’s entire body was stripped naked, and there were some mysterious 900 devices attached to his body.

Negishi stood aside, smiling.

And many experimenters in white coats are busy on Masato Mishima’s body, artificial protozoa… Regarding this, in fact, the radicals on the protozoan side have already come up with a plan.

But this is not the best time to implement.

So put on hold for now.

But the kind of large-scale transformation through the signal generator is just some miscellaneous protozoa.

For the transformation of Masato Mishima, it is still relatively attentive to the shore.

After all, it is a free thug who can do something secretly and then make it.

Of course, how strong how to come.

And Negishi is also very confident in his experiments.

He believes that no matter what, Masato Mishima will never escape his grasp.


Since the beginning of the fight, he has planned to transform Masato Mishima into an adult.

The strength is directly against the leader of the cadre level of the insect.

Then, the information typed out is, of course, the strongest protozoa!

This kind of thing has to be constantly bragged about.

Hit the fame first, otherwise, there will be some bad pools…

Thank you for your support!.

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