The Shindai Sword was alone.

Walking straight down a street, people come and go, traffic is heavy.

He looked silent.


A pair of eyes, looking around indifferently, at this time he is no longer human.

Maintain human form and not be swallowed by the consciousness of alien insects.

This is not a simple matter.


There were some things he had to do.

Even if you sacrifice yourself, you will not hesitate.

“This time, you must…”

He clenched his fists.

Go slowly.

“Xiao Ye, I’m out.” Natsume said to the doorman in the house.

“Okay, Brother Natsume, I’ll wait for you to come back.” Xiao Ye said gently.

Like a good wife and mother.

She will follow Natsume.

Even ahead, it is difficult and dangerous!

She, no turning back!

Natsume nodded.

Get out the door.

Today 21, I don’t know what will be gained, after leaving the overhaul card, the weirdos who appeared in this world are naturally much less in number than before.

Most of the insect are now lurking very obediently under the orders of the leader Nogi Reiji, waiting for the next action.

There were also disobedient before, just like the nest of tide crab mutant insects that Natsume and Tendo encountered before, they jumped very much, but the end that awaited them in the end was death!

Nogi’s side was waiting for the next wave of trouble, and this time, the invasion of the overhaul card had a great impact on them.

There’s no way around it.

Compare that.

Their comprehensive strength is indeed much weaker.

Obviously, even if Natsume is lucky today, the points he finally harvested are obviously not as good as the other day.

No way, the holster war is such a cow.

However, for this, Natsume has also been mentally prepared, and it is impossible to be like this every time.

Get used to it!

The chief of Tendo sent his sister to school today, as always, and when his sister entered Shenghua Middle School, he was going to buy some tofu at Fujiwara Tofu Shop.

Today is the day after that great war.

Inside the city, many places are still being restored.

And today he did not meet such eccentrics as Xenomorphs near the school.

Before, I would complain every time, how could my luck be so good, and I always met here.

But now I suddenly haven’t met, but I still miss it a little.

After the Holster War, Light Photo Museum and Haidong Dashu left this world one after another.

The remnants of the overhaul card also fled, preparing for the next … Revenge!

On the surface, the world seems to have returned to peace.

Everyone has their own things to do.

Returned to his previous life.

Not much has changed because of this.

Natsume and Tendo, their lifestyles are no different from before.

Fujiwara tofu shop.

After buying the tofu, the chief of Tendo left directly, and on the Harajuku side, he saw the location of the Hikari Photo Museum.

At this point, it was empty.

It was as if no building had ever appeared, and the pedestrians passing around did not pay much attention to it at all, as Natsume had guessed before.

Or maybe it is the influence of some mysterious force that makes these ordinary people subconsciously forget.

“Already left?” The Heavenly Dao Master muttered in a low voice.

Shaking his head, he didn’t care.

As long as my sister is okay.

This is the first thing that breaks ground, and everything else can be a little later.

Daisuke Kazama still travels in the city with a small word, and the combination of the two, in the makeup world, also makes waves.

On the Zect side, many ant soldiers under it have resumed their previous work. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When no alien insects appear, they train and patrol.

When the insect appears, it will be dispatched to annihilate it.

Kagami, on the other hand, still fights the Alien as a steel bucket.

The overhaul card didn’t bring too deep memories to the world.

ZECT Headquarters Command Office.

Kaga Miriku’s expression was solemn, and the matter of overhauling the card also gave him some wake-up.

He belongs to the Light Photo Museum and the Emperor Horse, and several knights who have a deep memory of the empty me, and specially went there to check, and the result is obvious, there have long been empty buildings.

In this way, the combat power he expected is much less.

Everything, it’s going to be too late!


On the side of the protozoa, it can be said that it is pressing step by step, secretly encroaching on the world.

He sighed faintly.

Somewhat helpless.

On the Protozo side, like Shuichi Tasho, Kaga Miriku is still very welcome, after all, he really wants to be one with humans.

Live together!

However, the protozoa led by the root shore are different.

They want to take possession of the planet.

But they don’t want alien insects, and they don’t want humans.

Kaga Mitsuku has been fighting them.

Unfortunately, little has been achieved.

As soon as Natsume met a foreign insect in the morning, and before he transformed, he solved it directly with the Faiz pistol, and Natsume shrugged helplessly.

He walked towards the Bistro restaurant.

Ready for lunch before making other plans, the mackerel is flavored and tastes great.

Natsume liked it very much.

After eating.

Natsume left. 767

Hopefully, this afternoon’s luck will be slightly better than in the morning.

At the same time, the leader of the Insect side, Nogi Reiji, was standing by the sea, watching the endless sea with this splash.

Gradually recovered his own essence.

An energy bomb was fired towards the sea.

Boom with a bang.

Nogi was a little irritable, he had been thinking about whether to summon another meteorite, and he still had a summoning signal generator in his hand.

And at this time.

Suddenly, Natsume sensed the movement of the alien worm.

As he walked on the road, his eyes lit up.

A spatial crack was pulled out casually, and from the dark space, towards the destination, rushed towards the destination.

In an instant, he appeared not far behind Nogi Reiji, or the second-form horseshoe crab adult.

Natsume thought it was an alien insect, but when he looked at it, it wasn’t an old friend.

Nowadays, there are not many cadre-level weirdos in this Jia Dou world.

Nogi Reji, who has three forms, is considered one!

“Yo, long time no see.”

Natsume took out the Faiz pistol again and said in a playful tone.

Thank you Zixue Twilight Liuli for your great monthly pass support!.

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