Natsume consciousness is immersed in the system space.

This is a special world independent of the outside world, a kind of spiritual world, which only he can enter.

Once inside, he immediately started the challenge.

Projection extraction!

The screen scrolls.

Immediately afterwards, the results of his extraction appeared in front of him.

This is…

Kamen Rider Beast!

Beast Ride!

Also known as Kamen Rider Magical Girl.

From the world of Fa Ye.

This is a special Kamen Rider whose name comes from the English word beast.

The knight himself, using the Beast Drive transformation, summons the cloak through the ring to transform powers, and survives and fights by devouring magic by the beast inside the belt, the Chimera.

“It’s this knight.”

Natsume muttered in a low voice.

“Six Two Three” beast ride, this knight also has the alias of magical girl, if you can, Natsume uses the female knight’s card to fight, which is a good choice.

But Natsume will definitely not choose this way, in this case, it is no less than women’s clothing!

He said that women’s clothing is impossible, even if he jumps from Tokyo Tower, it is absolutely impossible.

Dad once said, use magic to defeat magic!

Therefore, if you want to defeat the beast, you can only use the knight who is also a beast.

Natsume thought of a card that wasn’t used much.

Enter the special area of challenge.

Everything around them suddenly changed, and each knight projection basically had his own challenge scene.

The beast rider is obviously too.

The project was not surprised, he was used to this kind of thing.

Take out the Dark Emperor Riding Drive.

Put it on the waist, automatically extend a belt back, just at this time, Natsume took out the transformation card, sent it into the drive to read, and immediately transformed.

At this moment, a familiar electric sound sounded.

【KamenRide! DarkDecade! 】

【KamenRide! AmazonAlfa! 】


The transformation sound of the Dark Emperor Rider Drive, and the chant of the transformation into the Amazons.

It sounded almost at the same time.

Natsume’s transformation is naturally a Kamen Rider transformed by the world of rice dumplings, the lonely old man Takayama Hitoshi.

This card, kept in the card box, has also been sleeping for a long time.

After the transformation, they looked at each other.

Then, they rushed towards each other in unison, and their bodies immediately exuded a terrifying aura.


The two fists clashed, making a dull sound.

This is just the initial temptation.

Real battles…

It’s just getting started!

Just in the blink of an eye.

They all waved their fists at each other, either elbows or feet.

The attack was densely packed and very fast, as if it were a storm.

And then they opened the distance.

Proceed to the next round of battle.

After some temptation.

Natsume saw the timing and sent a kill card to his drive class.

【ViolentStrike! 】


Natsume jumped in the air, twisting his feet as he dropped and kicked the enemy in front of him.

This is a must-kill knight kick!

The battle was solved with one blow.

The projection of the beast rider, after withstanding a special move, instantly dissipated, and everything around it returned to the original appearance of the system space, as if it had never appeared.

[Defeat Kamen Rider Beast Rider and reward 1,000 points!] 】

Still a thousand points familiar.

The knight card of the beast rider is also included.

There is no other ability.

Natsume shook his head helplessly, it was always because of his luck.

If you’re lucky, you won’t have to think about it every day. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even if it is only a one percent chance, they can often enter the soul at once, and this kind of person will be called Ouhuang on weekdays.

Natsume, on the other hand, is a non-chief.

In fact, Natsume feels that this thousand points is slightly less…

The more things you get, the more you will change accordingly.

Natsume involuntarily smiled bitterly.

Myself… When exactly did this change?

Now even a thousand points don’t feel much.

At the beginning, when the system had just been restarted and it was urgent to get points, even the ten points for defeating ordinary alien insects every time, the project liked it tightly!

“No, no, it seems that because of the sudden invasion of the overhaul card, I am also a little inflated…”

The tone was a little helpless.

He took a deep breath and took it to heart.

His strength is not bad.

But far from invincible.

So, it’s okay to have confidence in yourself, but don’t swell.

That would push people into the abyss of sin!

After figuring it out, Natsume stopped thinking about it.

Continue with the projection challenge.

It was the early hours of the morning.

But it doesn’t matter, Natsume’s physique has been enhanced to an appalling point at this time.

Staying up late is not a problem!

Repeat the challenge projection.

His harvest was mediocre.

Nothing unexpected is basically just physical enhancement.

Natsume’s current physique is the pyramid, and every increase in physique obtained is just adding bricks to the building of this pyramid.

The next morning, the sky was clear and the breeze was pleasant.

The weather today is very nice.

This modern city is free of yesterday’s gunfire.

People are back to their usual routine, embarking on a journey to work, constantly rushing for life.

The project is in the yard for morning exercises.

Playing boxing techniques that I don’t know what routines are, immersed in practice.

On the Harajuku side, the disappearance of the light photo museum did make waves.

But it was soon drowned in the crowd again.


Same as 1.6.

God’s Generational House.

The Shindai Sword quietly returned home yesterday and put the sword scorpion blade he took away last time back to its original place.

He is a worm after all, he can’t accept this kind of thing, and lives safely at home.

And so it is.

Might as well do what he always wanted to do in his head.

Sword and scorpion blade, not what he should use.

The old man got up early in the morning.

Seeing the sword and scorpion blade placed in a conspicuous place, he knew that the young master had returned yesterday.

The corners of my eyes couldn’t help but fill with tears.

“Young Master…”

He whispered to himself.

His expression became solemn, and he knew that this was the young master’s choice!

He, could not interfere.



Thank you Qin Yu for your great monthly pass support!.

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