This time, Natsume’s challenge, did not do whatever he wanted…

Instead, challenge honestly in order.

Natsume had a special premonition.

Similar to sixth sense prescience.

In this way…

Maybe today he will be able to complete the collection of some powers, and he will also be able to obtain some good objects, thinking like this, Natsume’s mood is getting better and better.

He doesn’t have many Showa Knight cards.

Except for Black as well as Sky Knight.

Just jump right to Heisei.

Of course, there must be a Heisei Kurodo knight in the middle, rice dumplings!

[Defeat Kamen Rider Black Projection, reward none]

[Defeat the Sky Knight Projection, reward physique +1]

[Defeat Kamen Rider and cast “Four Three Zero” shadows and reward Yusuke Five Generations with one of 2,000 skills: embroidery]

[Defeat Kamen Rider Ajito Projection, Reward Light Power Seed x1]

[Defeat Kamen Rider Ekseid Projection, reward none]

[Defeat Kamen Rider Tron Projection, Reward Tron Mobile (Modified) x1]

One after another, the sound of prompts sounded in Natsume’s ears.

Scoring is a simple matter.

Natsume will try to use some of the more special powers, so that he can completely knock him down before he converts to a more powerful form.

As soon as the speed pulls up, it is fast.

Not often.

Natsume has already finished all the challenges, and the rewards obtained have also appeared, and as before, most of the rewards are none, that is, they have not received the rewards.

But he actually received a lot of rewards.

If the rewards every day are similar, it is estimated that Natsume’s strength at this time is no longer the same, and it can only be said that it is visible to the naked eye to become strong.

Unfortunately, the luck in weekdays is really not bad.


Either there is only a personal hostage +1, such a scattered reward, or there is nothing, that is called a miserable and miserable reward, such as the current reward, completely belongs to the groundbreaking level.

Natsume looked at the rewards seriously.

Physique +1…

This is not to mention, for Natsume, it is a cliché problem, since surpassing the limits of human physique, similar to breaking the limiter, Natsume’s physique can be improved without limit.

And by defeating weirdos, or knight projections in system space, Natsume can obtain and slowly accumulate, until now, Natsume’s physique can be said to have grown towards three digits.

I don’t know the upper limit for the time being.

Natsume is interested in the future where he really grows up.

In addition to the physique +1, the next is the reward of the empty me, as the transformation of the overworld encryption security is the empty self, Yusuke Goyo controls extraordinary powers, he is a man with 2000 skills.

Of course, these two thousand kinds, there are indeed boasting and exaggerated elements in it, after all, likes, smiles, abdominal words, etc., are all included in the skills, and transforming into Kamen Rider Empty Me is the two thousand skills obtained by the fifth generation. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And now, the embroidery obtained by Natsume is of course one of them.

However, it is a pity that when Natsume first learned the ability of heavenly reward, he did not miss even skills such as embroidery and knitting sweaters, and after taking some time, he soon rose to the full level.

The level of embroidery of the fifth generation is very good, but if it is compared with Natsume, it is undoubtedly a small witch.

Natsume shook his head secretly.

Tron Mobile (Modified) x1: Kamen Rider Tron World, a Kiryu War Hare smartphone-type variable prop, can also make calls or text messages like the usual smartphones, but can transform into a high-performance motorcycle machine creator by filling a full bottle jar such as a lion full bottle can.

The exterior frame uses high-strength materials with excellent impact resistance, strong resistance to impacts, solar charging, even in another world, you can connect to the Internet, make calls or videos, download materials…

Have to say!

The ability to resist hitting the Chuangqi mobile phone is indeed super powerful, and when the original plot first appeared, it was not shaken when it fell from the sky wall, which once made Natsume think that this was a super enhanced version of Nokia.

These are the basics of the Tron mobile phone: 0

Filling the jar is the real soul of the mobile phone, but Natsume does not have that kind of props, but the change of the note means that the mobile phone that Natsume obtains will not be as usual.

Solar charging, which means wireless power, networking in another world, dialing the phone, is completely terrifying, unreasonable, and suddenly transferred from science to the level of metaphysics.

Some can’t be understood!

All that can be said is…

The system is a system, there will always be many bugs, so that these seemingly incomprehensible things gradually become reasonable, Natsume was surprised for a moment, and then returned to normal.

After all, in his opinion, through the system, defeating the knight projection has a chance to obtain their own power, combat evolution… This is also an unspeakable horror!

“It’s good to have a net! In this case, watching TV and playing games are all good choices. ”

Natsume muttered to himself.

In fact.

The role of creating a mobile phone for him is simply reflected here, if you want to ride… He can swipe his card himself to summon the black mechanical ten-year locomotive himself, so he doesn’t need to turn his phone into a motorcycle.

Well… Mainly because of the limitations of the times, in this era in which the world of Jia Dou is located, technology is in a period of rapid development, but the entertainment 1.5 way is indeed a little lacking.

During those seven years, Natsume could still rely on the brush skill to have fun and enjoy it, but as time passed, after the skill brush was full, Natsume gradually salted fish.

At last!

Natsume’s gaze fell on the most important reward in his opinion!

Light Force Seed!

This can be seen as the power of the power of light, and ten light force seeds can be fused to become the real power of light!

Just at this time.

The system’s beep suddenly appears!

[Detected that the collection of the Light Power Seed x10 has been completed, and it is automatically converted into the Power of Light, is it fused?] 】

Thanks to April’s whispered great monthly pass support!.

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