After the transformation is lifted.

Menyashi looked at the empty park helplessly and sighed, now it seems that he can only move his position, but Kuriyama Park is very large, alien insects appear, and only this area is affected for the time being.

He could go somewhere else.

For example, next to the tennis court…

Children’s Paradise!

Shi felt that this was a good choice, just do what he said, he was a man of action, not just talking BB, turning around and walking towards that side, fortunately Kuriyama Park was big enough.

If it is some small park, the alien insects appear, and they must all run out!

Shaking his head slightly.

I don’t know if I should be glad or helpless about this~.

On the side of the tennis court, there are no alien insects.

The frequency of alien insects is very high, but in the same place, at the same time node, alien insects do not appear in groups like this, which seems to be somewhat similar to territorial awareness?

Menyaji began today’s shooting journey.

His popularity is not bad.

Standing there, he was not arrogant, many children rushed to take pictures, well… The main thing is that he confiscates the money and shoots for free, so that no matter what the photo looks like, no one else will say anything.

In his own words.

Nor is he like this every day.

Today, just because I happened to encounter a foreign worm, it was unfavorable to go out, plus most of them were children here, so I sent benefits.

The day passed quickly.

Nine o’clock in the evening.

Natsume goes home.

Monya wears an apron, just like a cook, she cooks a meal, she is usually learning cooking with Natsume, if she is talented… To be honest, it’s much better than Lotus Takatori.

She cooks meals that taste good.

Compared with real full-level players such as Natsume and Tendo, there is still a gap, but compared to some so-called chefs in the city, it is actually much better, a hearty meal, Natsume is not afraid of gaining weight, so he eats very happily.

Watching Natsume eat the meal he made, a sweet smile appeared on Monya Koye’s face.

In this way, it is already good!

The heart is warm.

Finish eating.

Simply cleaned up, and then sat on the sofa with Menya Xiaoye, chatting about the interesting things that happened today, Menya Xiaoye and her brother are almost exactly the same, they like to take pictures.

Landscape, people…

However, unlike Wang Xiaoming, Menya Xiaoye’s photography skills are very good, and she herself has not been rejected by the world, so the photos she took are all very normal.

Two siblings.

One is popular and one is not.

It’s just two extremes!

As the sky grew dark, Natsume and Monya returned to their respective bedrooms, Natsume casually cut a crack, entered the dark space, and with a move of his mind, found the coordinates of Yuzuki’s apartment and jumped over.

I have to say that the ability to jump in space is still very convenient, as long as you know the coordinates, as long as you are on the earth, no matter how far away, it is just a blink of an eye, and outer space

Not considered for the time being.

After all, Natsume, although his own strength has surpassed several times the human limit physique, this does not mean that he has become detached and can do whatever he wants.

For now, if you don’t change into some special knight forms, it can be said that it is completely impossible to breathe and fight in the universe.

Natsume never despised himself.

However, he will not overinflate either.

Conceit and arrogance.

In a sense, it’s terrifying, and sometimes, it can bury you into an incredible abyss, and Natsume knows very well how deep the waters of the Kamen Rider Multiverse are.


It is important to maintain the necessary humility.

Natsume observed.

In Yuzuki Misaki’s apartment, it was only herself, and Renka Takatori was not there, and usually the two of them lived in the same apartment as good friends, it seems that it was because of the text message that Natsume sent her when he defeated Nogi Reiji and left. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That’s why she split the high bird lotus.

Natsume came out of the dark space.

Appeared in Yuzuki’s bedroom.

“Natsume, you’re here!”

Yuyue Misaki blushed and said, since she knew about this in the morning, she had been looking forward to it every minute.

Natsume smiled and nodded.

0 ask for flowers

Hug each other.

Step into the bathroom.

It took some time, and after coming out of the shower, Yuzuki Misaki changed the nightdress she was wearing, and she changed her clothes, which was… In addition to this dress, there are many nurse uniforms that she specially bought.

Playing cos, it is indeed a special taste.

The night passed.


It was not yet dawn, Natsume woke up, next to Misaki Yugetsu was still asleep, yesterday night she was tired, as the saying goes, only tired cows, but Natsume’s physique has long been extraordinary.

Natsume didn’t wake her up.

Get up and go to the kitchen to make breakfast and keep warm.

Then he opened up a dark space and returned to his house, and before he got up at night, Natsume made another breakfast by the way, then walked to the courtyard and began his habitual morning exercise.

Practice breathing and breathing.

Practice martial arts.

Continue to polish and refine your fighting skills, even now, Natsume still has no slack, if you want to become stronger, it is also important to have your own efforts!

Eat breakfast.

Natsume was in no hurry to go out, he was a little busy yesterday, so the daily projection has not yet challenged, so he took advantage of the current challenge in the system space.

Unfortunately, today was not a good luck.

What he pumped was still Leo cavalry!

The number of Leo cavalry summoning cards, +1 again, but it is a pity that the number of Leo cavalry increases each time is too small, even if for a year, every day to draw Leo cavalry, it is only more than three hundred.

Compared to what he had in mind, the number of thousands of Leo cavalry troops seemed to be a big gap.

Defeat the Leo cavalry with ease.

It can be said that it does not take much effort at all.

The battle was over in less than a second, and Natsume shrugged his shoulders, sighed a little helplessly, and said to himself, “Forget it, this is just the right time to challenge those projections.” ”

He’s a man of great power.

After making a decision in your heart.

Almost instantly, Natsume started the three-time daily challenge of repetition, and hopefully, I will get some nice rewards today…

Thanks to the Dark Night Snow Rider for your generous monthly pass support! Please order one!.

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