It’s night.

Not far from Shindai’s house, taking advantage of the old man’s cooking time, Shindai Sword took the family heirloom Discali Sword and patrolled near his manor to see if any alien insects appeared.

In this world, all the alien insects will be defeated by him!

He was born aristocratic.

He will protect the common people.

Not far.

Coming to a nearby park, he walked as if he was walking, and suddenly, there was a scream not far away, and Shindai Jian was stunned, and then immediately ran towards the place where the screams were screamed.

Sure enough!

Several alien insects appeared, attacking ordinary people, and passers-by wandering around the park were doing their best to escape at this time, knowing that once they were approached by alien insects, they would only die when they waited.

These monsters will only kill them as food!

The Shindai sword went retrograde. “May Four Seven” heroes, isn’t that exactly what happened?

He roared.

Carrying the Discali sword, he rushed towards the alien insect, but when he learned that the Shendai sword sold the sword scorpion transformer and wanted to use the Discali sword to fight the alien worm, the old man borrowed some money and redeemed this sharp famous sword, otherwise the Shindai sword went up towards the alien insect, and the result was that the hilt alone did not even have a blade.

How embarrassing is that?

Close up to the moment, draw the sword.

Raised his hand and took a sword flower.

Bang twice.

Chopped on a larva, the blade is sharp, the body of the Shendai sword is a foreign insect, the strength is not weak, huge power, from the sword body towards the alien insect, directly burst the alien worm.

Seeing this, the rest of the alien insects couldn’t help but be stunned.

It’s just human…

He, by what?


For the fact that in their eyes, as human beings, the Shendai Sword can easily kill them, they are very angry, and they are flailing their claws and quacking, wanting to kill the Shendai Sword.

However, the imagination is plump and the reality is skinny.

What awaits them is only the end and destruction!

The Shindai sword is like a butterfly through flowers, shuttling through the larval swarm, he is not wearing armor, transforming into the appearance of a Kamen Rider, but his movements are extremely dexterous, and he can always dodge under the attack of alien insects.

He was unharmed, and these alien insects all turned into flying ash.

The Shindai sword was put back into its sheath.

Indescribable ethereal and dashing, but unfortunately because of the appearance of alien insects, the people walking in the park all fled, no one appreciated, but the little young master did not care at all, his strength, is it not inevitable?

He is a god sword! In place of God, the man wielding the sword!

“Ha, the old man should have cooked the meal.”

Stretching, the Shindai Sword prepared to go home.

He also has to stand at the top when it comes home on time for dinner.

Available at this time.

Not far away, a man wearing a black trench coat and exuding an indifferent aura walked towards the Shendai Sword step by step, and he said in an indifferent tone: “Shendai Sword, come and help me.” ”


Shendai Jian pouted, “The path I want to take is up to me, and the people can’t command me.” ”

Known as a commoner, Nogi did not have any fluctuations.

He is the leader of the xenomorphs, not the same as the human set.

In the xenomorph race, strength speaks!

And coincidentally.

His strength is strong.

Because of the ability to stop, no one can stand out, Nogi Reiji is also very confident, the strength of the Shindai sword was praised by Rina Mamiya, but in the eyes of Nogi Reiji, this is not a big deal.

“It seems that Mamiya is right, you really forgot your identity, so let’s say it, I’m a xenomorph, and you… Same too! ”

Nogi waved the crutch in his hand boredly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When the Shendai Sword heard this, his brows furrowed.

He couldn’t take it as if he hadn’t heard it.

“Insect? No way! I’ll kill all the xenomorphs, absolutely! Since you admit that you are a worm, repent of your identity! Shindai Sword said, drawing his sword and slashing at Nogi Reiji.

Nogi was also excited.

He was a reckless man.

The exchange of words is not what he is best at, but as soon as he says the real worm PK, he is not sleepy, the belligerent factor in his body is eager to try, and in an instant, he also rushed towards the Shendai Sword.

One person is armed with a sharp famous sword, and the other is armed with a crutch.

There was a collision in the blink of an eye.

Nogi’s fighting skills are very good, after all, when he first appeared, he once beat the god of war that Zect believes in Kamen Rider Steel Bucket back to human form in a human posture.

The Shindai sword is not weak either.

There are back and forth: 0

And at this moment.

The Shindai sword fiercely increased its strength, and with the sharpness of the Discali sword, it directly split Nogi’s crutch into two, even if it was his most beloved crutch, but it didn’t help.


Cold snorted.


Throwing the remaining half-ampunked crutches out, the unhappy Nogi Rishiji snapped his fingers with his right hand, and at this moment, the time around him was completely stopped, and only he could move.

He walked in front of the Shindai Sword, and on his right fist, purple fluctuations appeared, which was a manifestation of his gathered strength.

A fierce punch bombarded the mouth of the Shindai sword heart.


This moment.

Nogi Reiji lifted the time stop, it seems that he wants to watch a play, and when he encounters such an attack, if he is an ordinary person, he is afraid that he has already pounced on the street and can go to the banquet, but the divine sword whose body is a poisonous scorpion adult is different from the usual!

The Shindai sword was knocked out, it seemed that he activated a certain switch, personality switch, the consciousness of the Shindai sword, returned to the depths of consciousness, and in its place, it was a violent poisonous scorpion adult.


Without saying a word.

Directly launched an attack on Nogi Reiji and returned to the appearance of the alien itself, which is a liberating nature for the adult scorpion, and Nogi Reiji also restored the insect posture.

Adult horseshoe crabs and poisonous scorpion adults, Woody that room, fight together.

Neck and neck?

On the surface, it seems that this 5.3 is good, but the poisonous scorpion adult in the violent state, the power displayed in all aspects, is terrifying, and on this day, Nogi tried the embarrassment of Rina Mamiya at the beginning.

The consciousness of the Shendai Sword is still sleeping, and the violent departure of the poisonous scorpion adult insects is almost instinctive.

“No idea? Then wait for next time…”

Nogi said to himself.

Instantly, it stopped again, a punch full of strength, energy fluctuations entangled, and smashed on the adult body of the poisonous scorpion, and the punch lifted the alien insect transformation.

Then he turned into a human again, turned away.

The strength of the adult scorpion is not bad.

Nogi decided to wait for the insect personality of the Shindai Sword to awaken and come back again.

Now, there is no hurry yet…

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