A few days passed.

The alien insects continue to haunt, the knights of this world, kill the alien insects, and the doormen take pictures outside every day, and the reputation of the light photo gallery is really beaten out.

The number of complaints every day increased greatly, and the old man Eijiro was very busy.

Natsume stands on the ~ roof of a building.

This is the tallest building in all four weeks.

From here, you can see the scenery in the distance.

In recent days.

In the Knight Projection Challenge in System Space, he has collected all the Heisei main horses except for the Time King, in addition to the Leo-Cavalry as a summoning miscellaneous soldier.

“Recently, Heavenly Dao seems to be collecting Zect’s insect instrument, do you know about surpassing the insect instrument?” In his hand, Natsume grabbed the insect instrument entrusted to him by the future Heavenly Dao, and whispered to himself.

The breeze blew and ruffled his clothes.


“The overhaul card has not appeared since the destruction of the vanguard led by the tiger of the battery, is it planning something? Or is Shadow Moon, who controls the overhaul card, a stable? ”

He looked into the distance and couldn’t help but guess in his heart.

Then again.

He was still waiting for the overhaul card to come and send points, just the alien insects could not satisfy Natsume, and now the alien insects did not all gather, so he could only wait for them to appear and kill slowly.

It’s still too slow.

Toot toot…

The phone rang in Natsume’s pocket.

“Yugetsu, what’s wrong?”

The call Natsume received was from Yugetsu Misaki.

“Our side has arrived near the manor of the Shindai family, and the plan to lure the insect will begin immediately, you… When will it come? Yuzuki replied, and then asked.

“Okay, coming soon.”

Natsume nodded and said.

Then he hung up the phone and waved his hand casually, along with the position of his arm, a spatial crack appeared, connecting the outside world with the black space in it, which was the dark space.

After Natsume walked in, the dark space closed, and in his mind, he also located the spatial coordinates of the Shindai family in an instant, and jumped over in the blink of an eye.

Shuichi Tasho sat in the command car.

Kagami, disguised as a shadow thief, took the opportunity to steal the statue of the mother and daughter in the living room, and as soon as she walked outside, Kagami was surrounded by alien insects, and Shuichi Tasho immediately ordered the ant troop to dispatch.

Kagami holds the statue of her mother in both hands.

The face is solemn.

Preparing to transform.


Natsume came from not far away.

“He’s coming!”

Misaki Yugetsu smiled and took out the zect’s assembled pistol to fight.


Gao Bird Lianhua was also surprised, the steel wire she held in her hand flicked, and in an instant a larva was killed, and there was no ash left, but Gao Bird Lianhua was also a little puzzled.

A woman’s natural sixth sense makes Gao Tori Lianhua faintly aware of it.

Master Natsume and Misaki seem to be a little different from before?

Can’t figure it out.

Yuzuki didn’t know what Taka Tori Lianhua was thinking at this time, otherwise, she would probably say, I am your senior wife… One?

“Kagami, leave these alien insects to me, okay?”

Natsume said to Kagami as he walked.

Kagami held the statue of her mother and nodded.

Then he stepped aside.

“Xenomorph… If you play with you, this card is just right. ”

Natsume said, pulling out a card and feeding it into the drive.

Push and close with both hands.



Then, remove the accelerated card.

[AttackRideHeavyAcceleration] (Read the violent novel, go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Mysterious fluctuations spread around.

Everything became chaotic.

Natsume shook his hand.

Pick up the steering wheel sword and quickly kill the unmolted larvae, while the burial worm adult enters a super high speed, forcibly cancels out the effect of heavy acceleration, and kills in the direction of Natsume.

The hook claw on his right wrist glowed with cold, trying to hook Natsume’s body to restrict his movement, so that Natsume would become a turtle in his urn, but how could Natsume be affected by him?

The steering wheel sword is raised just right.

The clanging sound.

Splash sparks.

Then Natsume lifted the sword from the bottom up forcefully, and the buried worm adult flew out, and in the heavily accelerated field, Natsume could move freely, and the adult worm needed to enter a super high speed to be able to do so.

0 ask for flowers

Natsume thought about it and sent a form transformation card into the drive.

【FromRideDrive! Formula】

[Form control! ] Equation】

The red armor changed in an instant, converted to blue, if the ride before the form change was just an ordinary supercar, then the current ride is like a formula car.

This is one of the ultra-enhanced forms of galloping.

The speed is so fast that it can still move freely under superweight acceleration that is stronger than normal heavy acceleration, and at this time, the ultra-high-speed burial worm adult can not catch up with Natsume.

Unless he has the power to transcend, even if it is like Jin Dou, it is only dozens of times faster than super speed, and he cannot travel through time and space.

It’s a pity that as an ordinary adult worm, in addition to having some weird fetishes, it does not have too special abilities, not even cadres, and wants to touch porcelain?

This is not a fuss!

Natsume’s ability to move at super speed through the galloping formula form under heavy acceleration does cause a certain burden on the body, but this is not something difficult for Natsume to accept.

After all, he is not an ordinary human being.

His physique surpasses the limits of the human body several times! Even soon, it will strengthen tenfold, or even more.

The adult buried worms felt the helplessness of the ant soldiers at their super high speed and had no power to fight back.

Natsume jumped in the air.

The powerful blow penetrated into the adult body of the buried worm.

End of heavy acceleration.

The insect explodes and everything ends.

[Defeat the insect and reward 10 points]

[Defeat the insect and reward 10 points, steel skin]

[Defeat the adult alien worm and reward 100 points]

Rewards are accepted in full as usual.

However, Natsume saw an ability called Steelskin, which is a characteristic that a larva is born with, and it is not a mutant, Natsume was a little surprised, but did not care.

Steel Sheet: Increases defense, it is difficult to be scratched by sharp objects.

He also obtained tougher skin before, which is similar to the effect of steel skin!

Thank you for your great monthly pass support and Dreamland, Rainy Nights!.

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