One night without a word.

The next morning.

Natsume got up on time, and when he passed by Menya Koya’s bedroom, the door was half-hidden, and Koya, who was wearing a nightdress, had a quilt between his white legs and a hara at the corner of his lips, as if he was dreaming.

Natsume closed the door lightly.

Went to the kitchen and made breakfast.

Then practice boxing in the yard.

Self-discipline is especially important!

I don’t know what other people think, but Natsume thinks that this is the case, and after more than seven years of persistence, he has developed a habit, and even if he wants to try to change, it is not an easy task.


Sleepy-eyed night walked to the living room.

Natsume had just come in after morning practice.

“Xiao Ye, wake up.”

Natsume said with a smile.

“Brother Natsume…”

Xiao Ye lowered his head a little embarrassed, because he thought that he would go to the amusement park with Natsume’s brother today, Xiao Ye couldn’t sleep happily, and he didn’t go to sleep until after four o’clock in the morning.

She doesn’t have such a strong physique as Natsume, so it’s rare to lie in bed today.

You know, since living in Natsume’s house, Xiaoye usually got up even earlier than Natsume, and sometimes she didn’t want to sleep for a while, but she forcibly unsealed the bed, just to cook for Natsume’s brother.

Do what you can.

She wants to raise herself to be a true good wife and mother.

And then…

Whoa, who

Can’t shiver!

Throw weird thoughts out of your head.

“Come and eat, don’t think so much.”

“Aren’t you going to the amusement park for a while? You want to just go and go. ”

Natsume didn’t have mind reading, but he could see that Xiao Ye was thinking cranky in his heart, touched her head, and said softly.

“Brother Natsume, I know!”

Koyo looked up at Natsume.

Suddenly smiled like a flower.



Natsume went out with Xiaoye, swiped his card, and realized the black mechanical ten-year tool.

Xiao Ye sat in the back, his hands around Natsume’s waist.

The whole person is attached to Natsume’s back.

“Hold tight, ready to go.”

Natsume reminded.


Xiao Ye whispered in response.

Close contact, Natsume’s good smell, made her face red, like a burning cloud covering the sky in the evening glow.

A car, speeding on the road.

Natsume is going to Disneyland in Maihama, Innoha Prefecture.

Because it is a weekend holiday, many people come to play.

Most came with children.

There are also couples who come together.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women is very eye-catching.

Many people’s eyes couldn’t help but fall on their side.

Ko Ye took Natsume’s hand and held it tightly.

Then he walked beside Natsume with his head held high.

It’s like declaring your sovereignty.

Seeing this, Natsume just smiled.

Xiao Ye is also very cute.


In the calm amusement park, a dimensional wall streaked by, flashed away, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the others playing in the amusement park did not seem to notice it.

Both Natsume and Monya Koya saw it.

His expression suddenly became solemn.

At this time.

Menyaji and they have already come to this world with Natsume’s original random dimensional wall, and now the dimensional wall suddenly appears… Nothing is a good thing.

Overhaul card?

Sure enough.

A moment later.

Not far away, there was a cry for help, many people fled in embarrassment, Natsume immediately ran over with Monya Xiaoye, and from the dimensional wall, sure enough, many weirdos walked out.

People are not people, ghosts are not ghosts.

A tiger-like weirdo, carrying two huge cannon barrels on his back, stood up straight with his arms wrapped around him, looking fierce, and beside him, there were a large number of overhaul card combatants.

They are all dressed in black and wearing black masks, and the black clothes are also printed with white patterns, and the whole looks like a walking skeleton.

“It seems to be the world.”

Battery Tiger muttered. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Then leaned over and exposed the barrel behind his back.

“Then, let the world feel the cannon fire first!”

He smiled and said.


The overhaul card combatants made a victorious gesture and shouted with a soul, they were not transformed by humans like those weirdos, but synthesized by cultivating cells.

It has several times the power that exceeds the number of ordinary people.

If necessary, you can also blow yourself up.

It is organized by the card repair series…

Top royal tool man.



The battery tiger fired directly.

Earth-shattering explosions, explosions in amusement parks, and even some facilities were destroyed because of this, and many people fled in panic, unlike the alien insects that imitated people in urban legends.

The single destructive power displayed by the battery tiger is more powerful!

Natsume frowned.

Today I made an appointment to come to the playground with Xiao Ye, but I encountered this?

The person who overhauled the card came to this world by chance.

It happens to be an amusement park again.

They seemed to be just the vanguard, and as soon as they appeared, they were met by Natsume, and the corners of Natsume’s lips twitched slightly, and he didn’t know whether he was lucky or unlucky.

“Brother Natsume, be careful!”

“It’s the weirdo of the overhaul card.”

Monya reminded Xiaoye.

“I know.”

Natsume touched Koya’s hair and stepped forward step by step.

Holding the Dark Emperor Riding Drive in his hand.

The look was displeased.

“You disturbing fellows, enjoy hell.”

Natsume said coldly.

Holding a card in his hand.



The arms are blue (Li Nuo Zhao) flames.

The back is a black cape.

No wind automatic.

The whole person unscrupulously spreads a terrifying aura, which is derived from the power of hell!

Natsume feeds a skill card into the drive.

【Heat! MaximumDrive! 】

Frenzied memory, extreme drive!

Eternity, which can use the power of 26 Gaia memories, can use the corresponding memory abilities at will, and in the process of rushing forward, Eternity is full of flames.

It was as if a knight condensed by flames rushed into the crowd of overhaul monsters.

One punch, one kick!

Every hit.

All contain terrifying power Yang.

Explosions came out one after another.

It was the explosion of the Suka combatants, and the brilliant fireworks bloomed!

PS: Thank you to the Heavenly System Sellers for their great monthly pass support! Seek waves to subscribe automatically.

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