After eating the evening meal, Natsume went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Monya sat barefoot on the sofa.

While fiddling with the old-fashioned camera that Natsume gave her, she secretly looked at Natsume who was busy in the kitchen, she liked the current atmosphere, like a couple who had been married for a long time.

Brother Natsume is so nice.

Xiao Ye thought to himself, very sweet.


If only there weren’t so many girls around Natsume’s brother! And they are all good-looking girls, Yugetsu Misaki and Lotus Takatotori, they have known each other before Xiao Ye.

Although they became best friends, they had a good relationship.

But in the matter of Natsume, Xiao Ye doesn’t want to give up!

She’s super brave!

Natsume washed the dishes, simply cleaned up the kitchen, walked to the living room, looked at the door and said, “Xiaoye, go and rest, tomorrow I have to go to the playground.” ”

This was an appointment made before.


Xiao Ye nodded happily.

“Brother Natsume, the best!”

After that, he jumped upstairs and returned to his bedroom, 20 pairs of amusement park trips, Menya Xiaoye is looking forward to a lot, the important thing is not to go to the amusement park, but to be able to stay with Natsume’s brother.

For Monya Xiaoye’s reaction, Natsume didn’t feel anything wrong, at her age, she shouldn’t be so old, like a real girl, the breath of youth blooming everywhere is the right solution.

Even if Monya Koye would only show such a look in front of Natsume!

After returning to the room at night.

Natsume went to the bathroom to take a bath, and then returned to his den and turned on the system, but Natsume did not enter the system space directly to open the projection challenge as before.

After fully challenging the remaining three opportunities of today’s projection, it will almost be time for the daily projection to refresh, and Natsume will rest after extracting the new projection challenge.

But today is different.

Natsume prepares to defeat the reward of Rina Mamiya and Yuto Maeda first.

When you are at the beach, the system prompts you to merge.

But then, it wasn’t a good time.

[Spatial energy detected, is it fused?] 】

The system’s tone appears again.


And this time, Natsume did not hesitate any longer, almost as soon as the prompt appeared, he had already made a decision, sitting cross-kneeled, five hearts to the sky, and the fusion was in progress, Natsume could clearly sense that there was energy crashing around in his body.

On the surface, however, there is no clue.


On a virtual screen in front of Natsume, the progress of the fusion of spatial energy with itself is recorded.


It’s growing step by step!

About ten minutes later.

The progress bar has reached one hundred percent, which means that the ability called spatial energy has been fully integrated into Natsume’s life at this time, which does not need to be questioned at all.

Natsume wasn’t too surprised.

He had already experienced it when he fused the bloodline of the Divine Generation Sword and Insect before, so why should he be surprised by what he had already experienced?

And also… System production, must be a boutique!

The ability that Natsume acquires, when it fuses with itself, there is basically no big problem, and the pain similar to drilling the heart is not, and under the biu, it is completed.

It’s like the world has been gamified.

Then again.

The Knight Fighting Evolution System, even if it is regarded as a gamified force, seems to be fine, the system is such a bug!

Natsume sat up.

Then, experiments were conducted on new spatial anomalies.

“This is similar to the use of the cockchafer mutant!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Natsume pondered and muttered.

Such space power is indeed good.

Being able to shuttle as far as the eye can see and consume a certain amount of physical strength is already very good, as long as it is well controlled, it is a completely elusive skill when fighting enemies!

Some are similar to Hokage’s Flying Thunder God Technique.

However, Natsume’s spatial energy does not need an imprint for positioning, as long as it is a place that can be seen, it can shuttle through and launch an attack from behind? It doesn’t have to be like that.

Only adult cockchafers who have already gged play like that.

Left, right, front, back, and above…

These can be seen as the direction of Natsume’s attack!

The word weird stands out.


Right at this moment.

Natsume sensed the change in the dark space, which is also the power of the space system, and when the two spatial forces were contained together, it resonated, so that the dark space changed.

Natsume senses the power of the dark space.

Studied it a little.

It soon became clear!

The change in the dark space is that he can completely absorb his own body into the dark space like Shenwei, and then leave it projected outside for others to see.

But once you attack, it will penetrate straight through!

These two abilities seem to be very Hokage?

Natsume raised an eyebrow.

But in any case, the reward obtained is indeed super CE.

Combining and understanding spatial powers, Natsume didn’t have much time, he could continue the projection challenge, this time Natsume was ready to change the way, that is… Defeat the projection with cards of the same knight.

When defeating the final ride.

Natsume harnessed the 067 card of the final ride, but unlike the imaginary form control, the Dark Emperor Ride did not directly become the appearance of the final ride, it was still its own appearance, but…

The dark armor of the Dark Emperor Rider transformed into indigo.

That’s the color of the final ride!

Color control?

The same as the final ride, good at using long-range shooting, can also summon knights to assist in combat, the form has not changed, but the ability has changed, for the emperor horse is so right, but Natsume is a dark emperor horse, itself has that kind of power, so you don’t have to transform.

Look at it this way.

The emperor riding card and the final riding card are both color changes…

Thinking of this, the corners of Natsume’s lips twitched, a little speechless.

Just at this moment!

The prompt sounds.

[Congratulations to the host, and get the Dark Emperor Ride, Emperor Rider and Final Ride cards at the same time, reward: Kamen Rider Creation Card! ] Kamen Rider Black Card! 】

Natsume was stunned, this reward, when he got the emperor riding card, but when he got the final ride, it was not triggered, he thought that there was none, but he didn’t expect that he still needed to trigger the condition?

Use that card, that’s the condition!

It was an accident!

And the rewards are also extremely good in Natsume’s opinion.

Awesome energy bottle guy and Showa hanging wall card, get…

ps: thanks 1kxdw: Great monthly pass support!.

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