Wolf Bloodline

Chapter 88 - Hiroshi vs. Fox Man

Everything went down when the Four-Armed creature attacked the kid. He started running towards him out of nowhere and he did even manage to catch the kid off guard.

I tried to act quickly and tried to prevent the situation from getting worse. So I reached for my gun and aimed at him. But as soon as I did that, something quickly approached me from behind. I knew that I had to do something to protect myself before helping the kid.

So I quickly tried to hit the thing that was approaching me from behind with my elbow. But it held my arm and whispered my ear in a sinister voice tone, 

"Your senses are highly developed, cowboy. But your speed isn't enough."

I replied while looking at its creature like face,

"I don't waste my time catching fleabags. But it's not so difficult to take their lives."

I quickly pointed the gun in my other hand at him and fired. But the damn fox thoroughly grasped the barrel of the weapon and blocked the bullet that came with his palm. And not to my surprise, there weren't any damages to its palm.

"I guess it won't be that easy to peel your skin out of you."

I tried to headbutt his head and tried to get rid of him, but even though his nose was bleeding, he didn't let go of me and counterattacked with his empty hand. And he quickly knocked me down by a blow to my ċhėst.

As an abnormal fox, he was quite agile and fast. Not only was it difficult to keep up with his speed, but my attack also didn't work on him. I had to be extra careful with it. So by firing a few shots, I gained time to get up.

On the other hand, he was either dodging some of the bullets or blocking some of them with his palm. I wasn't able to do any damage, however, I had time to get up and pack up.

He once again tried to approach me with slow steps, but I kept shooting. I knew that was wasting my bullets, so I had to make a close attack too.

I tried to run and land a kick, but before I could catch any of his open spots, he blocked my kick by throwing his arms forward. Then I tried to shoot him in the foot, but this time the bullet failed to reach him in time and he got rid of the bullet by pulling his foot back.

*Are you kidding with me?*

But luckily, at that moment, I saw an open spot and hit him in the stomach with my knee. I then delivered a solid blow to both parts of his head with the body parts of my weapons and stunned him more.

I then used this as an advantage and got back to aim at him again, but he acted faster and tried to land me a blow with his left fist.

It was easy to get away from the blow, but it was a distraction. He quickly jumped into the air and tried to kick my head while spinning around himself.

I blocked his kick with my wrists, but he was pushing me to the ground harder and harder by the second. I aimed at him once again to hit him in the ċhėst. But this time he kicked my hand, made me slide backwards and he landed on the ground doing a somersault.

He then jumped towards me once more and tried to land a kick while he was in the air. But I quickly jumped to my left and got away from the blow. I was also out of bullets and there was smoke coming out of my guns. The attacks I could make were down to a minimum.

Now it was a great time for me to act once more.

As the big fleabag saw me running out of bullets, he started giggling and said loudly,

"Are you out of bullets? Whereas I had just warmed up."

"I don't need bullets like that to take you down."

"That is correct. I think you need more than a bullet. Because of the look on your face, your nervousness, and your fear. I can smell it all. And it's pathetic that you think you can just beat an abnormally sized and powerful fox like me."

He then grinned widely, took his position, got ready to jump towards me, and said with wide-opened eyes,

"Insidiousness is in my blood."

As he jumped towards me, I took out the rifle on my back, that was given to me by the king and fired at him once. It was too obvious that I caught that big creature off guard, because of the shock and the fear in its eyes.

"You talk too much for an Insidious animal."

Throwing his arms in front of him, he wanted to stop the bullet, as he tried every time. But since the rifle bullets were poisonous, his right arm received deep damage. An attack had wounded him at last.

And after he landed once more, he shook his hand said while looking at me with a fading smile,

"So you had a secret attack, huh?"

I slowly gripped my rifle, fixed my hat, and said to him with a serious voice tone,

"You were right, I can't take out a big fox like you. But only with those bullets."

"With this one here, I can take out any fleabag like you."

"Now this is something to be angry about." He said while regaining his grin.

He started to wring his hands and claws started to come out of his nails. He then started running towards me with a slight growl and started attacking once more.

I tried firing another shot with the rifle. But he seemed to have accelerated even faster than before. He was at a speed that I was having trouble seeing.

To my luck, I got rid of the first paw he was going to throw by jumping to the left. And holding the rifle in front of me, I got away from the second blow. I was able to act in time and made him hit the body part of the gun.

Now he was pushing me to the ground with both of his hands on the gun.

He was too aggressive, he kept pushing me. And the worst part was, I was running out of energy. It was becoming harder to hold on.

So I came up with another plan. I remembered something that I bought before and thought I could use them at that moment. 

I quickly pushed him back, and took some little balls out of my pocket, while throwing one of them to the ground. This stunned the fox big time while creating a big smoke and helped me gain time once more.

It was the "Smoke Bombs.". It was something that I bought not a long time ago.

*I'm glad that I bought these back in that Kingdom. I knew these could have helped me sometime or later.*

Gaining my position and energy once more, I was relieved a little bit. But now I had to think of another plan to defeat him. At least until the fog cleared, I had to make a plan.

But before long, the fog had disappeared, and we were facing each other again.

Both of us, with a dėsɨrė to kill in our eyes.....

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