Wolf Bloodline

Chapter 87 - Ryuu Vs Hurk: Part 2

Hiroshi had his hands on the hilts of his gun, then he gave a sharp look at his opponents and said,

"They won't let us get on the ship without a fight. That's why we have to be as fast as possible and help that old man."

On the other hand, Hurk was slowly approaching us by crunching his bones,

"Luck was on your side when we met earlier. But do not think that this time you can escape so easily. All your friends are surrounded, and there's nothing left for you to do."

As he said this, he immediately jumped up and appeared next to me. It was so fast, I wasn't able to even see him coming. He then used all four of his arms and tried to land a blow on my ċhėst.

*He was right. We were able to find a way out earlier. But that didn't mean we couldn't do that again.*

Just in time, I threw my arms in front of me and protected myself. Of course, I survived the blow. But I was thrown backwards. Then I put my feet firmly on the ground and slowed myself down.

But as I was about to counterattack, he started throwing big rocks that were next to him at me.

I tried to run away from the rocks by jumping in the air, but he kept throwing and was aiming at me relentlessly. 

So I stepped on the rocks he had thrown in the air and began to approach him quickly. One by one, I was approaching him. I was going to hit him by approaching enough. However, he noticed my plan and threw two big rocks at me.

At first, I was able to escape from the first rock that came. But the second one was too fast to dodge. So I smashed it with a punch. It had been blown to smithereens.

And of course, this was a move that prevented me from moving again.

Hurk turned this into an advantage and appeared right next to me. While I was still in the air, he grabbed me by the throat and started punching me in the face.

However, he kept hitting me with his lower arms and knocked me down on the ground. 

He then jumped in the air and tried to crush my head by stepping on me while I was on the ground.

I rolled myself to my left side and dodged the incoming blow. But he didn't stop and continued to hit the ground and the point where I was. 

I grabbed his foot and tried to push it but I was having trouble with it. So I kicked his other leg while I was on the ground and made him fall to his knees. Then I punched his other leg and I was back on my feet again.

I ran towards him and tried to kick him. He held my leg with his upper arm, but I pulled him with my leg and hit his face with my other leg's kneecap.

Even though he was stunned by the blow, he still tried to punch me with his other arm.

I blocked the fist with my elbow, and I landed a blow to him in the throat. And when he was out of breath, I started punching him in the stomach.

He then pulled me down with his lower arms and tried to punch me in the ground. But I pulled my legs in and kicked him hard, making him fly back a little. I then stood once more and approached him slowly with my remaining energy.

He was breathing heavily and injured on the ground.

"You don't show any mercy when you fight. I respect that feature of yours. But do you have the same will when you kill someone?"

"If you surrender, you know no one has to die. Everything can end here. We can still save lives."

"Saving people's lives? Do you see yourself as a hero? You human scum."

He then looked me in the eye and said,

"Look around you, everyone's dying."

He was wrong.

"You have taken people's lives without mercy and persecuted them. You have caused all kinds of destruction. If we hadn't tried to stop you, more people would have died than I could have imagined. What is wrong that I am trying to stop it?"

Hurk slowly laughed while breathing heavily and said,

"Hahaha, what we are doing or what our goal is is not to kill some useless human."

"Then what is it?" I said angrily,

"To bring a new order."

He started to explain calmly,

"Human species are living unions that can survive for a long time. But they do not remain the same forever. If we're killing, your people are killing too. If we're stealing, your people are stealing too. If we're destroying it, then you're destroying too. Don't you think there's something fishy about that?"

He then stood up and added with a serious look in his eyes,

"Our goal from the very beginning has been to wipe insects like you off the face of the earth and reverse the damage you have done. Now tell me, am I the real monster?"

I held out my hand replied,

"It doesn't have to be like this."

Hurk giggled a little,

"Seriously, are you all that naive?"

I decamped with heavy breaths through the trees and the dust that had formed. It made me angrier than I should have been. That's why I attacked him back with all my power and speed.

Surprisingly, he was scared, albeit for a short time. I couldn't figure out why, but I still felt like I had to attack. So I kept attacking without stopping.

My fists were getting harder and faster. Hurk, on the other hand, was having trouble stopping the incoming blows. One of my two fists was hitting and he was slowly retreating. There was an incessant fire burning inside me.

It was as if a magical instinct had possessed me and was directing my attacks. I kept punching Hurk in the head and kicking him in the ċhėst.

And after some time, blood was starting to come out of his mouth. I felt like I broke the bones in his ċhėst, but I kept punching him anyway.

And finally, throwing a hard uppercut under his chin, I knocked him down. He was still alive, but he couldn't move. I had taken many damages too. My body felt really heavy and I was moving hardly.

Our fight was over, but the words that he said kept confusing me. What exactly could have been the meaning of what he said?

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