Wolf Bloodline

Chapter 83 - The Approaching Enemies

The General continued to drive his horse-drawn carriage as fast as possible towards the Castle, passing through the shortcuts he knew. The roads we passed were the deepest parts of the forest, and it seemed as if people hadn't used these roads for a long time.

As the General continued to drive, I called out to him from behind,

"Does the king know the secret of the water of immortality that you told me about?"

The General responded clearly,

"Of course, after all, he is a king, and this formula has been maintained by the King's family for generations."

"What about the other epics? If the second epic knows about this, I'm sure the other epics know about it as well."

"I don't think so, Kiddo. Because although the epics work for one particular purpose, they only think about their own interests. They are selfish and merciless when it comes to power."

"Why does she want to take that power for herself? what's she planning?"

"It's definitely something bad. I'm sure the first thing she'll do when she gets it will be to take over the second Kingdom and the sea Kingdom. And then she will probably order all the wild creatures in the sea and she will start great wars. But fortunately, she doesn't know where the water is, which will mix with tears. But it is only for the moment...."

"Well, if we get to that, unfortunately, they have water."

The General looked at me with a scared and nervous expression and said,

"But how? How can they take the water so early and so easily?"

"Unfortunately, we've fallen into some kind of trap. And they took advantage of our situation and took away the water."

"My guardian brothers.... Venon! Yes, him! What about him? What happened to them?"

Hiroshi turned his head slightly to him and said,

Then he added,

"But I don't know who you call Venon. I ȧssume it was your friend?"

"A creature from afar to protect the mountain. I taught the guards how to call out that creature."

"When the creature attacked us, we had to fight back, but don't worry, the creature is still alive."

"If they have taken the water, we must be there as soon as possible. Because the princess has the other material. In fact, she's the material herself."

Thanks to the general's use of shortcuts, we arrived at the castle of the second Kingdom within half an hour.

The castle was quite large and imposing. It was even bigger than the castle of the first Kingdom. Around the castle and the village houses was an enormous forest. It was covering them both at the same time.

But from a distance, it didn't look crowded at all. And even though we approached the kingdom, nothing seemed to change. Although there were many houses, they still seemed to be empty. I looked around and said,

"Strange. where is everybody? What if they have already attacked?"

"There's no damage around, so I don't think they have attacked."

General said,

"It must be because of the wedding, probably everyone is in the palace."

Hiroshi said,

"Yes, and it looks like a very large army is also waiting for us. They'll be heading straight for us when we get in."

The General stopped the carriage by the trees in the forest to avoid being noticed.

Then he looked at us and said,

"The army is not the only problem. You may not have seen it in the first Kingdom, but here, the King has his own special Knights. People in the Knight Bloodline do not look like normal soldiers and they can't be compared either. They are much stronger and they're also quite talented. It is said that there are some knights who have the power same amount as an Epic. So be careful."

I looked at him and said,

Hiroshi lowered his hat towards his eyes and said,

"You are talking about it like it is that easy to do, Kid."

We quickly got off the carriage and made our way to the palace. And when we arrived at the Palace, just as the general said, the front of the palace was crawling with people. It was quite crowded and people were quite happy and excited about the wedding.

The General approached me and said,

"It's going to be very difficult for us to get through in this crowd. And if the Epic comes here, a lot of the people here will die."

Seconds after the General said this, Hiroshi quickly pulled his gun out of his waist and fired into the air. And then all of a sudden, everyone went silent. Everyone was now looking nervously at Hiroshi.

Hiroshi slowly lifted his head and said loudly,

"Elite soldiers and the Epic are approaching here! All of you get out of here and hide!"

Despite Hiroshi's words, people kept looking at him without moving. Hiroshi then pointed the gun at the people in front of him and said,

After Hiroshi said that, people started running around in panic.

I knew Hiroshi wouldn't do anything like that, but playing the villain was pretty impressive and convincing.

The people were moving away from the Palace just as we wanted, but the soldiers were approaching us at the same time. We couldn't get into the palace without a fight, so we were going through people and going towards the soldiers.

And I knew that no matter how long it took, no matter how many enemies came, I had to save Mila.

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