Wolf Bloodline

Chapter 82 - Babu and Lezlie: Distractions

After we got separated from Ryuu and the others, Lezlie and I had to draw attention to ourselves. It was also quite easy to take a quiet road, and the important thing was not to get caught.

When we got to the hallway, I signaled to Lezlie to stop, and I said,

"Okay, now all we have to do is draw attention to ourselves without any problems."

Immediately after that, a soldier suddenly appeared before us,

"The prisoners have escaped. Activate the alarm." He said, and he quickly ran past us.

Since he was very close to us, we had hard times holding our breaths.

I said with a nervous and sarcastic voice tone,

"Well, I think that'll do."

At that moment, there were footsteps from above and below, as if hundreds of people were flocking here. Lezlie turned towards me and whispered very quickly,

"Everybody's coming here! What do we do, Babu-San?"

Suddenly, soldiers appeared in front of and behind the corridor. We turned our backs on each other and tried to figure out what to do. But just as we were about to attack, a large size soldier and covered in iron armor appeared behind the soldiers. Behind us and in front of us were two of those heavy soldiers.

I should have given Lezlie the signal to get out of here, but before I could turn my head, the heavy soldiers hit the ground and smashed the floor where we were. As the entire floor under us fell apart, we fell into the rooms below us.

Before we knew it, we'd already fallen three floors down and fallen to the bottom of the palace. As I tried to get up slowly, I saw the soldiers upstairs coming down quickly.

I quickly grabbed Lezlie by the arm and lifted her up and said in a loud voice,

We started running towards the next door. The soldiers were already coming after us and trying to catch us. And when we got to the door, we opened the door and left the room. And then I turned back to the door and closed it quickly.

I pushed a sculptural-style work located just to the left of the door in front of the door and prevented the soldiers from entering for a while. But the obstacle didn't seem to hold the soldiers long because the door was about to break from the other side. And as soon as we realized that, we kept running.

After we ran, the soldiers broke down the door, and even if I couldn't see them, I could hear the footsteps approaching us. And if we kept running like this, we'd be caught very soon. Because of this, we had to hide, and fortunately, right at that time, an idea came to my mind.

There was a small gap between the walls right next to us. As I stood in front of the void, Lezlie stopped with me and looked at me. She was confused about why I stopped.

She then said in an excited and anxious tone,

"Babu-San, why did you stop? We have to get out of here as soon as possible!"

"Unfortunately, there are very few places where we can escape. So we can't just keep running."

She asked confused,

"Then what do we have to do?"

"Quick! Enter the gap!"

She quickly entered the gap between the walls and waited there. After her, I pulled my stomach in and entered the gap with her.

Seconds after we entered, almost hundreds of soldiers rushed past us to find us. But because they were in such a rush, and where we were hiding, they couldn't see us, but we could easily see them.  It was a huge advantage for us.

All the soldiers were out of sight, and everything seemed calm. Lezlie and I couldn't stay in the narrow space any longer, so we left as soon as the soldiers left. Lezlie started taking deep breaths after we left.

I turned to her and said,

"Are you okay, Lezlie-Chan?"

Lezlie slowly became more relaxed and said,

"I'm better. But we have a big problem."

"It would be absurd to call such a situation "normal" anyways."

I asked confused,

"But what is it then? Are you tired or out of power?"

"No, that's not it. The thing is the armor they use. Because they are beaten with the aim of not having a spell and are extremely hard, they do not receive any damage. It's almost like the armor of invincibility."

"Are you serious?"

"And that's not the only thing, Babu-San. My mother told me that these armors can only be made in the fifth Kingdom. And the fifth Kingdom in general never ever shares an armor with other kingdoms."

Then she looked like she remembered something and said,

"Yes, of course!"

I once again asked confused and nervous,

"What? What happened?"

Just then, through the window in front of me, I saw a horse-drawn carriage on the beach in front of the palace. Hiroshi and the others were on the carriage. They managed to escape successfully. Excitedly, I pointed them at Lezlie with my hand and said,

"Lezlie-Chan! Look! Hiroshi-San and Ryuu-Kun! They managed to escape!"

She smiled and said,

"This is really amazing." 

She then added, with a more serious expression,

"But we'd better run before someone catches us."

And I said with a more serious voice tone,

At this time, the soldiers noticed us and suddenly started running at us. He was covered in regular soldiers on both sides of us. Because I didn't have an idea and we didn't have a place to run, we had to fight.

I turned to Lezlie, and said,

"Unfortunately, our solutions are running out very quickly, Babu-San."

Lezlie started attacking the soldiers behind me, and I started attacking the soldiers behind her. Our field was pretty narrow, so we had to fight hard without opening. that much I hit the soldier approaching me with palm strikes to the ċhėst and pushed him with my elbow towards the soldiers behind him. Then I kicked them to make sure they didn't get up again.

On the other hand, Lezlie used her magic to create a sharp object and quickly launched them towards the soldiers in front of her. Then, using a windy spell, she almost repelled many soldiers in front of her backward.

If we fought like this, we could easily be defeated, but the soldiers kept coming. And when the soldiers, who were large and had armor that did not undergo magic came, we retreated and stopped fighting.

But how much we tried to run away, the soldiers were coming at us in slow steps.

Then Lezlie slowly approached me, and she whispered,

"I just came up with a crazy idea. But it's too dangerous, Babu-San."

"Can your idea get us out of this situation?"

"We can't find out until we try."

She then shouted and said,

"Hey! What is that over there?"

When all of the soldiers got distracted and looked where she pointed, we suddenly started running towards the window. Then I hold the long curtain in my hands and jumped out of the window. Lezlie held me and we swung a little far away holding the curtain.

And just as we were about to crash, we hung in the air thanks to the curtain and survived the crashing on the floor. And because Lezlie was on my back, the curtain didn't look like it was going to carry us anymore.

I started swinging on the curtain, leaning my legs against the wall, and running. And then finally, the curtain was torn apart. But fortunately, because I ran, we were about to fall into the sea, not the ground.

When I fell into the sea and opened my eyes, there was a big, sharp-toothed shark approaching me very quickly.

I couldn't escape this attack since I couldn't move well at sea. But when the shark bit me, Lezlie cast a protection spell and covered me with a balloon-shaped spell. And I got rid of the bite.

This is how we went to the coast.. When we got to the coast, we walked into the forest and made our way to the rendezvous point.

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