When I write a bug it becomes the core gameplay

Chapter 273 The first kill in the entire server!

Of course, not all of these 20 people are members of the main group, because some players in the main group can no longer bear to go to bed, and the rest are filled in from the guild.

Moreover, they have not unlocked all skills and talents, and there are still many gaps.

After all, the unlocking process is very cumbersome. Many times the roll call fails, or the group is wiped out shortly after the roll call, which is quite a waste of time.

But players do not necessarily have to unlock all professions and talents now, because for some professions, it is enough to unlock another specific profession.

For example, priests and paladins, as long as they unlock each other's professions, they can generally maximize the increase in sacred spells.

It cannot be said that it is completely useless for a priest to unlock the warrior profession, but the improvement is indeed minimal. So the priority of this kind of thing can be put later.

Lecturer Ding steeled himself, yawned and said, "Okay, let's do the statistics now!

"For those who have unlocked multiple professions, think that the current skill and talent configuration is relatively reasonable, and are willing to kill Nephalor now to get the first kill, give me a 1 and let me see how many people there are."

Soon, many people in the guild channel called 1.

Professor Ding counted almost 15 people.

After all, they have stayed up all night, and many people can no longer bear to go to bed. There are also some people who don't want to get rid of Nephalor, because once it is eliminated, it means that they can no longer unlock other professions this week and can only wait for the new CD next week.

After all, many mages have not activated all their professions yet. For the sake of the team, they must give priority to unlocking professions for the team's main tank, main healer, and DPS with particularly good skills.

Therefore, there are only 15 players who are willing to kill Nephalor.

Lecturer Ding nodded: "Okay, that's enough. Let's go back to the pot and repair the equipment. Let's strike while the iron is hot. If we want to do it, make a big news and directly get Nephalor's first kill!"

It has been destroyed all night, and most of the people repairing equipment have become paupers.

The equipment worn by these people is full-level equipment, and the price of repairing it is not cheap. After a piece of equipment becomes red, it will cost at least a few gold coins to repair it, and the main tank will even cost more than ten or twenty gold coins.

But it doesn’t work without wearing equipment. In that case, there is no way to advance Nephalor to the third stage.

Everyone spent all the guild funds through repairs. They also spent all their own money, so they could only borrow here and there.

Finally, the equipment was repaired for the last time, and everyone fought back to the lava mountain pass.

This time there are only 15 people in the wasteland development group, but fortunately, all team copies in "Shadow World" are dynamic mechanisms, and the difficulty will change according to the number of people.

Originally, it would be more difficult for 15 people to open up wasteland, because many mechanisms are better when there are more people. But now it is possible for 15 people to open up wasteland. After all, these players have unlocked new professions and received epic level enhancements.

"OK, let's do it!"

Following Instructor Ding's order, various buff effects started shooting.

These players have already conducted scientific research and carefully studied how to gain talents and learn skills to maximize their profits. At the same time, they have also allocated team buffs to ensure that all buffs are fully covered, and there is no need to worry about missing buffs due to the lack of a certain profession.

Of course, the scientific research at this time must still be very superficial, and it is impossible to find the optimal solution so quickly, but in any case, compared with the original fixed professional skills and talents, there must be a huge improvement.

The team's main tank was originally a Paladin, but at this time he directly used the warrior's charge skill to rush forward, and then used anger to release the warrior's sweeping strike and cleave, slashing at a group of mobs in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, he used magic to release the Paladin's "Holy Light Land", igniting blazing sacred fire on the surrounding ground.

The two sets of skills directly increase the hatred of the mobs steadily.

Other DPS professions also showed their special abilities, and the damage was obviously much higher than in the previous land reclamation. Coupled with the reduction in the health of the monsters in the 15-man team, the first two stages were almost in vain and did not cause any pressure at all.

After all, everyone has played these two stages countless times before.

At the third stage, everyone finally felt some pressure, while Professor Ding continued to direct.

"Hurry up and call your name. For the output profession, remember to use the priest's damage skills to trick the boss, and for the healing profession, use the hunter's skills to hit him!"

Since Nephalor determines the profession based on the player's last attack on him, it is simple. You can completely deceive the boss based on the effect after the roll call.

For example, the priest's roll call effect is "Twisted Healing", which turns blood increase into blood deduction. This roll call effect is fatal to priests, but it doesn't matter to other output professions.

So before the roll call, the mage directly uses the priest's output skills to hit the boss, and then stops and waits for the roll call.

For treatment, you need to directly use the skills of other output professions to defeat the boss, and then wait for the call to be called.

After the roll call, everyone can fight as they please, and it will not be affected at all.

Coupled with a sufficient number of damage reduction skills and life-saving skills, as well as many battle resurrections, the difficulty of this boss suddenly becomes normal!

"No!! You humble ants!

"This is impossible, I am the master of this world, I am..."

Along with the boss's roar, the huge flame dragon fell to the ground with a crash. Its body raised up bursts of smoke and dust, and burned fiercely. The fire on the floor burned an unlucky guy with low health to death.

But at the same time, achievements popped up on everyone's screens.

"No. 1 in the whole game!" Nephalor

"Server number one!" Nephalor

"Warrior Bathed in Fire (Normal): Defeat Nephalor in a dynamic multiplayer raid on Normal difficulty"

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but cheer.


"What the hell is this? A mere boss is not worth mentioning!"

"Now it seems that the difficulty of this boss is moderate. It can't be that difficult. We cleared the wasteland and killed it in one night."

"They say this boss is the most difficult boss, so why don't we just push it all the way?"

"Go to sleep, we will go directly to the lava mountain pass tomorrow night!"

Lecturer Ding was also very sleepy at this time, but for everyone, everything was very worthwhile. It’s just the first out-of-print achievement on this server, and it’s a great deal!

When the time comes, post this achievement on the World Channel, who won’t praise it for being awesome?

As a result, before Professor Ding posted it, he saw that the World Channel was already buzzing.

Although it was early in the morning, the time when the entire server had the fewest people, the entire server was notified as soon as Professor Ding and the others killed Nephalor for the first time.

"Nah, this is the first kill? What did I miss?"

"Didn't you say last night that this boss has problems with its numerical value and mechanism and is currently invincible?"

"Xiao Ding is here to do this, isn't he? He stayed up late at night to get the first kill, and even spread false news that this boss is difficult. It's so scheming!"

“I have to mention the hidden mechanism in the game!”

"Hidden mechanism? What hidden mechanism?"

"Hey, keep it a secret. If you want to know, join the brotherhood!"

"I advise you not to get too happy too soon. What a hidden mechanism, it's obviously a serious and vicious bug! Maybe after you sleep, the official has stopped the server, rolled back the game, and fixed it."

"Why do you need to repair it? How fun is this?"

"Why not fix it? This is obviously a bug! And you used the bug to complete the first kill on the server. What do other teams that challenge normally think? It would be nice if you don't ban your accounts."

"Damn it, where did you idiot come from? Your family created the game? Are you saying it's a bug?"

"You said it's not the case?"

"Okay, okay, let's wait and see whether Ni Tiantian will cultivate or not!"

Originally, the World Channel was quite harmonious and everyone was congratulating, but soon there were some harsh sounds. After all, sour grapes is a common psychology shared by many people.

But Professor Ding obviously doesn't care about these things anymore. He just wants to go to sleep immediately.

"Okay brothers, thank you for your company, I'm going to bed!"

After saying that, Professor Ding started broadcasting at the speed of light.

Peace has returned to the continent of Azerlia, but Gu Fan's living room is in a state of chaos.

Earlier, shortly after Professor Ding discovered the bug, Lilith became obviously crazy.

Then, as this bug continued to be discovered, players began to master the skills and talents of other professions, and when they could even give these skills away through the Warlock's "Malicious Gift", Lilith couldn't calm down at all.

"Check! Check it for me immediately! How could such an obvious bug not be detected!

“Both your design team and testing team should take the blame and resign!!”

Lilith was simply furious, because this bug was too outrageous and challenged her intelligence too much, so that the raging anger in her heart could not be suppressed.

She really wanted to see how Gu Fan would take the blame this time!

However, Gu Fan did not panic. He just opened his laptop silently and carefully searched through the source code to find the cause of the bug.

It wasn't until Professor Ding completed his first kill that he said slowly: "Mr. Li, listen to my explanation."

Lilith put her hands on her hips angrily: "Okay, explain! Please explain why a boss's judgment will cause players to unlock other professions at will? Just explain, I'm stupid if you believe me!"

Gu Fan was silent for a moment and said weakly: "To put it simply...this is an issue left over from history. If it is really to blame, it will also be the fault of "Disputes in the Demon World"."

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