When I write a bug it becomes the core gameplay

Chapter 251 You establish a written document!

Lilith was eating potato chips and said seriously: "Gu Fan, please help me analyze this. Which of these three games is better?"

Gu Fan put the document on the coffee table, then lay back on the sofa again and started to calm down: "It's all okay, I think it's all okay, I don't have anything special in mind.

"After all, I am just the person in charge of the physical store now, and games are not my business."

Lilith was a little helpless. Obviously, although Gu Fan's current state of "non-violence and non-cooperation" made her a little unhappy, there was also a good reason for her not to have an attack.

Don't you suspect that I am causing trouble in the game? Then I won’t participate at all!

Originally, Lilith sent Gu Fan to a physical store with the intention of isolating him from the game. However, after isolating him, she discovered that it didn't seem to help at all, and without Gu Fan's advice, she was a little unable to move forward.

But after all, he is a majestic devil from hell, so it is impossible to bow his head and admit his mistake.

Then Lilith's expression became serious: "Gu Fan, as Nitiantian's No. 1 employee, how can you separate your internal and external tasks so clearly when you are working?

"Our company is now in the stage of expanding its territory. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. You have to stand up!"

Gu Fan continued to spread out, indifferent.

Lilith took a few steps in the living room: "Then I'll leave it to you to take over the game! Once the job is done, we will reward you based on your merits!"

Gu Fan still had no reaction.

Lilith was shocked: "Gu Fan! How can you be so arrogant now! Can't even talking about meritorious deeds and rewards motivate you?"

Gu Fan chuckled in his heart, should we reward based on merit? When have you ever really rewarded people based on their merits...

Weren’t the bonuses I received written in the contract from the beginning? I haven't seen you give me any extra money.

What's more, you didn't plan to give me those bonuses in the first place, and you didn't plan to make the game profitable at all. I got it all by relying on game bugs and taking advantage of the tiger's mouth.

Therefore, what Lilith said about "rewards based on merit" has no appeal to Gu Fan at all.

He spread his hands: "Mr. Li, I am very satisfied with the status quo and do not need any more rewards. If you insist on letting me do this, then just one thing: if there is a problem with this game in the future, don't blame me. Just on the head.”

Lilith's expression was a little tangled.

For her, if she could really collect a lot of negative emotions, then it would be okay to give Gu Fan some bonuses depending on her mood.

But... if the game fails again, will she not doubt Gu Fan? That is absolutely impossible.

After all, the devil's character is such that he is naturally suspicious.

But after careful consideration, Lilith felt that agreeing was the better choice.

Because judging from the situation of "Road Rage Simulator", even if Gu Fan does not participate, there is still the possibility of something happening in this game; and his previous transfer of Gu Fan from the game department really made Gu Fan determined. As an excuse for cooperation, if he hadn't given him a clear task, it would have been impossible for Gu Fan to take over.

After thinking about it, Lilith could only nod: "Okay, then I agree. Even if there is a problem with this mmorpg, it has nothing to do with you!"

Gu Fan still didn't move: "You establish a written document!"

Lilith: "...Gu Fan, don't go too far!"

Gu Fan glanced at her and silently slid down, lying even flatter.


Lilith was a little speechless, but finally sighed silently and acquiesced to Gu Fan's request.

Just as she was about to raise her hand to make a devil's contract, she saw Gu Fan suddenly stood up from the sofa, took out a ready-made contract from some pocket on his body, and handed it over.

"Mr. Li, if you have no objection, I hope that the contents of this contract can be used to fulfill it."

Lilith was shocked: "Gu Fan, you are really getting more and more aggressive!

"This is the first time I have encountered a human being who actively approached me to sign a contract!"

Gu Fan coughed twice and said, "Ahem, once it's new, it's familiar again. You see, our contract in the human world is obviously much simpler. You hells should also learn from it and streamline the process. In short, this contract is very useful to you." There is absolutely nothing to lose. As long as I sign it, I will work hard on the next game!”

Lilith reluctantly took the contract and scanned it quickly.

The content of this contract is very simple, nothing more than some exemption clauses.

Gu Fan will be responsible for organizing the development of this mmorpg game, but the contract also stipulates that Gu Fan must strictly follow Lilith's requirements and cannot make his own decisions, otherwise it will be regarded as a breach of contract.

At the same time, if Gu Fan has implemented Lilith's requirements but there is still a problem with the game, then Gu Fan will not bear any responsibility for it.

Not assuming any responsibility means that Lilith cannot fill his shoes in any way, including but not limited to sending him to other areas.

If Lilith still needs Gu Fan to develop games in the future, she must give 100% trust. She cannot assign him halfway through game development, or deliberately exclude Gu Fan from new projects.

In other words, either don't use Gu Fan at all, or trust him unconditionally.

This contract seems quite fair, at least much fairer than the devil's contract.

So Lilith seemed a little surprised. She thought Gu Fan would propose a clause that was particularly unfavorable to her.

For Lilith, this contract also has restrictions on Gu Fan: Gu Fan must develop the game strictly in accordance with her requirements; at the same time, she also retains certain rights of choice, and she can choose not to use Gu Fan at all.

It's just that after you decide to use it, you can't pass the blame.

This condition is acceptable.

After thinking for a moment, Lilith pretended to be generous and said: "Okay, let's follow this contract! You should feel honored. You are the first human being to take the initiative to sign a contract with the devil in hell!

"That is to say, the great Lord Lilith is so magnanimous. Any other demon would have thrown you into a frying pan and fried it into a finger-licking chicken!"

Gu Fan watched Lilith carefully as she signed the contract, and then he clarified a little more: "Okay, now that we have reached a consensus, tell me, Mr. Li, what exactly do you need me to do?"

Lilith felt something was wrong, but after all, business was important, so she didn't think too much and went straight to the topic.

"First of all, help me analyze which of these three games is better!"

Gu Fan picked up the three documents on the table again, briefly browsed them quickly, and looked thoughtful.

As we all know, when a leader asks you to give advice, he does not necessarily really want you to give advice.

To be more clear, the advice the leader asks you to give may not necessarily be your own true advice, but is often the advice that the leader already has a preference for.

If you don't understand this, it is recommended not to join the workplace.

And Lilith, the leader, is even more in line with this.

Gu Fan knew very well that if what he said was not the answer Lilith wanted to hear, then if the game did not collect enough negative emotions, then even with this contract, Lilith would inevitably hold grudges in the future.

Therefore, Gu Fan could not make a decision directly, but had to use rational and emotional analysis to pinch Lilith just right, just in time to hit her preferred game, and let her make her own decision.

Thinking of this, Gu Fan began to analyze.

"First of all, let's make it clear that although Mr. Li is not short of money, you still have to pay attention to cost-effectiveness, right? That is to use as little money as possible to collect as much negative emotions as possible."

Lilith nodded: "That's right!"

Although Lilith is not short of money, her money in the world is of course limited.

She has a bottom line of psychological expectations for the cost of each game, but this bottom line fluctuates greatly.

After all, the money saved can be used to further promote and market the game that collects negative emotions, which can also generate more negative emotions.

Therefore, you still have to consider cost-effectiveness.

Gu Fan continued: "In this case, I think the first game can be ruled out first."

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