Gu Fan paused for a moment and then said: "Our company will continue to develop and expand new business, and I am the best candidate. Mr. Li's arrangement is very reasonable and there is no problem."

After hearing this, everyone fell silent.

They looked at each other and although they couldn't ask directly, they understood each other's thoughts instantly through eye contact.

Does what Mr. Gu said make sense?

Of course there is some truth to this.

Although there is a saying that "keeping a business is more difficult than starting a business", in general, it is more difficult to develop new businesses across fields than to continue successful businesses in the past. After all, the latter can refer to some existing successful experiences, while the former wants to cross the river but can't even touch the ready-made stones.

Besides Mr. Gu, who else can be responsible for the important task of developing new business for Nitiantian Games?

Zhou Yang? Wei Chengjie? Feng Hui? Zhao Haiquan? Or Su Tong or Xiao Mingyu?

Obviously neither works.

At most, they can do well in the business they are responsible for personally. If they really want to coordinate the overall situation and act arbitrarily, Mr. Gu will have to do it himself.

Any other person would have made the work of developing this new business suddenly difficult, and the success rate would have been greatly reduced.


Does this mean that Mr. Li’s arrangement is okay?

Of course not!

Because everyone can clearly feel that there seems to be a hidden reason for Mr. Li's arrangement. It always seems that Mr. Li is suspicious of Mr. Gu, so he is transferred from the core game department of the company. The euphemistic name is "opening up new business", but in fact, it is marginalized!

Therefore, even if this arrangement is reasonable, everyone will never think that this is Mr. Li's wise decision, but will only feel sorry for Mr. Gu for worrying about the game against heaven.

I feel sorry for Mr. Gu!

In short, with Gu Fan's final decision, everyone finally accepted this arrangement.

Zhou Yang asked weakly: "Then... what exactly is our company's new business?"

Lilith looked at Gu Fan: "This is decided by Mr. Gu. There are no restrictions on new business, there is only one thing: it needs to be directly related to our main game business."

Gu Fan nodded: "Okay, Mr. Li, I will seriously consider it."

After successfully achieving her goal, Lilith was very happy and clapped her hands: "Okay! Then this matter is settled, let's call it a night!"

Everyone looked at Gu Fan. After Gu Fan stood up and left, everyone else also stood up.

But then, Lilith said again: "Zhou Yang and Wei Chengjie, you two stay here for a while."

Zhou Yang was stunned for a moment. He glanced at Gu Fan secretly. After getting a look of approval, he sat down again with Wei Chengjie.

Soon, only Lilith, Zhou Yang and Wei Chengjie were left in the conference room.

Lilith coughed lightly: "After Mr. Gu is no longer in charge of the game business, the two of you will be solely responsible for the new project.

“This is the design plan for the new game, and it is also the creative idea left by Mr. Gu.

"You must develop it carefully according to the content of the design plan, and don't let Mr. Gu's hard work go to waste!"

Lilith said, handing the printed designs to the two of them respectively.

"This is not the final draft yet. If you have any comments, you can still raise them. Once the draft is finalized, according to our company's practice, it cannot be changed."

Because it is not the final draft yet, Lilith has only printed two copies for the time being.

Zhou Yang hurriedly reached out and took it, his expression was very respectful, but he was scornful in his heart.

Any comments you can make? Pull me down, no one knows you yet, you have never heard any serious opinions...

However, as well-off professionals, Zhou Yang and Wei Chengjie did not show any dissatisfaction and just read the design plan from beginning to end.

I have to say that the name of this game is a bit surprising.

Road Rage Simulator!

Quite simple and crude.

The game itself is a stand-alone game, but it has online gameplay.

Moreover, the online gameplay this time is different from before, and the requirements for network bandwidth are higher!

In the past, Nitiantian had made some games that required Internet connection, such as "Hell Tracks" and "Fire Thief", but at that time, the problem of Internet connection was relatively easy to solve.

In order to facilitate ordinary independent game producers, the official online server itself. This is one of the functions and services that comes with the official platform. These services are maintained by the official platform's commission on game sales.

Otherwise, it is impossible for those independent games to afford too many server costs.

The official platform has relatively complete regulations on the use of servers. For games that are small in size and have few people online at the same time, you can use the official servers for free.

But if the developer itself is relatively strong, or the number of people online at the same time reaches a certain value, then it will need to pay additional for cloud services.

However, based on comprehensive consideration of various factors such as company size, game sales, number of people online at the same time, and bandwidth required by the game, some small companies can still get high discounts on cloud servers. The price of a small server that supports 20 people can even be as low as 90 bucks/month.

Based on the calculation of 100,000 online games at the same time, after getting the official discount, the server cost is only more than 400,000.

This is great news for independent games. After all, for a game with 100,000 people online at the same time, the monthly income is definitely much higher than the server cost.

There is no need to worry about games like "Fire Thief" because there are many ways to connect in the game. For example, players can directly use their own consoles to connect online, or they can create their own servers to play.

Therefore, the server costs for Nitian’s previous games were not particularly high, and when divided into R\u0026D costs and publicity costs, it was not particularly obvious.

But things are a little different with Road Rage Simulator.

Both "Hell Tracks" and "Fire Thief" have low simultaneous online connections. They are divided into rooms to experience the game.

But "Road Rage Simulator" supports up to 2,000 people playing in the same server!

You know, for some of the current large-scale MMORPG games, the number of players on the same server is basically around 5,000.

The more people on the same server, it means that the amount of data exchanged within the server will increase exponentially, and the server cost will naturally increase accordingly.

What's more, Nitiantian Games is now considered a medium-sized game company and can no longer enjoy various preferential policies for small companies on the official platform.

There is no doubt that server costs this time will not be underestimated.

But this is not a big problem, after all, Ni Tiantian's pockets are now bulging, enough to afford it. The only question is... is it necessary to spend so much extra money to complete this online function?

"Road Rage Simulator" will build a virtual city with an area of ​​approximately 15 square kilometers.

Among open world games that are often dozens or hundreds of square kilometers in size, this map is not particularly large. Its area is slightly larger than Fallout 4 and Spider-Man, and slightly smaller than GTA 4.

But for the games that Nitian has developed, this area is already quite considerable.

Although some open world racing games have reached more than 70 square kilometers, there are a lot of wild scenery and pastoral scenery in those games, while "Road Rage Simulator" is mainly in the city.

The gameplay of the two is also different. Racing games encourage players to race, while "Road Rage Simulator" aims to restore the tight characteristics of urban roads as much as possible and create negative emotions in players, so it is specific to the production of maps. There are also certain differences.

In online mode, up to 2,000 people will be crowded on this 15-square-kilometer map. It's not difficult to move even an inch, but it's definitely not loose either.

Of course, even in online mode, there will be vehicles driven by NPCs around these 2,000 players, keeping the number of vehicles on urban roads at a specific density.

Especially during the morning and evening peaks.

Zhou Yang continued to look down, and soon he discovered a setting that shocked him even more.

The price of the game itself is still ridiculously cheap, priced at 88 yuan. Considering the significantly increased server costs, this pricing is obviously unreasonable.

Fortunately, there are value-added services in the game.

But Zhou Yang took a closer look and found that the value-added service of the game was not the vehicle appearance or skin, but lives!

That's right, it's the life of the player in the game.

When players are injured, disabled or die in the game, they can spend money to buy their lives. You can recharge with game currency or real money.

There are three ways to obtain game currency in the game, corresponding to three professions.

Office workers: You must commute to get off work on time during the morning rush hour every day and receive a fixed salary. If you are late, you will be deducted.

Taxi driver: You can make money by pulling jobs.

Internet celebrity: You can live broadcast in the game and make money based on the number of viewers and popularity data.

In terms of the upper limit, Internet celebrities are definitely the highest. In theory, as long as there are enough people watching, there is no upper limit on income, but the income fluctuates the most; office workers are the most stable. As long as they commute to and from get off work on time, their income is basically guaranteed regardless of drought or flood. ; Taxi drivers are somewhere in between, with the lower limit being higher than Internet celebrities and lower than office workers, and the upper limit being lower than Internet celebrities and higher than office workers.

And what comes next is the focus of this game.

In the game, all players must be careful and obey traffic rules completely. Otherwise you will be fined and deducted points!

However, on this basis, the system will often arrange for some NPC vehicles near the player to perform uncivilized driving behaviors such as repeatedly changing lanes, blocking traffic, etc., to arouse the player's anger as much as possible!

In the event of a car accident, players must also stop and follow the correct steps to rescue.

If the rescue is correct, you can get a small bonus; but if the rescue is incorrect, or you drive away directly, you will also be deducted!

In addition, there are some detailed settings, such as the models that players can drive in the game, specific traffic rules, etc.

Since there are no copyrights owned by various car dealers, most of the vehicles are directly copied from popular vehicle models and logos in reality. The driving experience of the vehicles is certainly not exactly the same as in reality.

However, the game thoughtfully allows players to ride motorcycles, and there are many types of motorcycles, which is a minor highlight.

After all, in other racing games, not many people make motorcycles. Even if it were to be done, it would be motorcycle racing alone and would not be confused with cars.

Obviously, the real purpose of this design is to further intensify the player's road rage through motorcycles, thereby generating more negative emotions!

In addition, there are also electric scooters and bicycles in the game, which also allow players to ride them. They can even ride them to and from get off work or become an Internet celebrity.

However, if the player has a car, not many people will choose to ride this thing.

After reading the design draft of "Road Rage Simulator", Zhou Yang couldn't help but take a breath.

Good guy, how on earth can this game integrate so many street-fighting elements!

He looked at Lilith: "Mr. Li... is this really Mr. Gu's idea? Are all the details designed by Mr. Gu?"

Lilith nodded: "It's absolutely true! I'll go to hell if I lie to you."

Zhou Yang coughed twice: "Mr. Li's words are harsh, but there's no need to..."

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